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Using Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] to manage Web Contents.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] to manage Web Contents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] to manage Web Contents

2 Installing Zotero

3 Zotero's Three Panes Collections pane Collection Items pane Item Details pane

4 What is Zotero ? [zoh-TAIR-oh] Chapter 1 What is Zotero ? [zoh-TAIR-oh] 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 4 27/08/20154

5 What is Zotero ? Zotero is a free software integrated to Mozilla/Firefox 7 (Zotero 3 “Everywhere” is a beta v.) Zotero is a free software extension integrated to Mozilla/Firefox 7 (Zotero 3 “Everywhere” is a beta v.) Zotero Mozilla/Firefox 7 Everywhere Zotero Mozilla/Firefox 7 Everywhere Zotero lives inside the web browser itself Zotero is supported in many languagesmany languages Zotero is Open Source and serves a worldwide user’s communityworldwide user’s community freely available under the Educational Community License Zotero is freely available under the Educational Community LicenseEducational Community LicenseEducational Community License The last Zotero version for Windows/MAC OS/Linux (October 2011) is zotero 2.1 Zotero Standalone Version 3.0b2 is a standalone beta version compatible with Firefox/Chrome/SafariStandalone Version 3.0b2 27/08/20155

6 Collect, Manage, Cite & Share Digital Information With Zotero you capture and store PDFs, images, links, whole web pages, videos, bibliographical citations, etc. You add notes and comments to documents You add tags/keywords You search within your personal library collection You tag PDF documents and search within PDFs when converted to text You capture bibliographical citations using a variety of import/export styles (more than 1.100) You cite-when-you-write within Word and Open Office You work in many languages You integrate Zotero contents in Blogs and Wiki’s You save and annotate multi-media materials You access your Zotero library from any computer 27/08/20156

7 Chapter 2: Capturing the Web (primary and secondary sources) with Zotero 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 7

8 Capturing the web with Zotero The web is instable by definition: zotero captures what you need to come back to. Web sources are to be contextualized: easy with zotero tags, notes, meta-data’s and folders Using the web as primary source obliges to find web sites not anymore available online and old sites versions. Zotero keeps it for you.sites not anymore available online Zotero offers you a correct way to cite and re-use web contents 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 8

9 Managing Zotero 27/08/20159 Video Tutorial: Geting Stuff Into Zotero

10 Capturing e-journals contents 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 10

11 Capturing PDF contents 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 11

12 Elsevier Scirus 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 12

13 Google Scholar 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 13

14 Opening the Zotero Window

15 EBSCO Host: Historical Abstract and International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 15

16 Google Book Search 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 16

17 Capturing Images 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 17

18 27/08/201518 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage web Contents 18 Chapter 3: Bibliographies in Zotero

19 27/08/201519 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 19 Bibliographies and Citations Zotero can generate complete bibliographies in MLA, APA, Chicago styles, (more than 1.100 styles at the moment) Zotero can generate complete bibliographies in MLA, APA, Chicago styles, (more than 1.100 styles at the moment)more than 1.100 styles at the momentmore than 1.100 styles at the moment Zotero allows you to create your own citation style Zotero allows you to create your own citation styleyour own citation styleyour own citation style You are able to insert and generate bibliographies citing when you write with Word or Open Office. You are able to insert and generate bibliographies citing when you write with Word or Open Office.generate bibliographies generate bibliographies You may transfer citations from Zotero to EndNote and from EndNote to Zotero You may transfer citations from Zotero to EndNote and from EndNote to ZoteroEndNote to ZoteroEndNote to Zotero

20 Citing and creating bibliographies: Zotero with Word and Open Office documents you may cite directly into your document Using Rich Text Format (RTF) documents you may cite directly into your document Using Rich Text Format (RTF) You can use Drag & Drop inside open document You can use Drag & Drop inside open document Or you need to install a Zotero- for-Word plug-inZotero- for-Word plug-in The plug-in is also available for Mac and Open Office With a RTF Scan and/or the Plug- in, you’ll be able to insert, modify, complete citations and create bibliographies within word and OO. (See Tutorial)create bibliographies Tutorial) 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 20

21 Importing Citations to Zotero List of compatible sitescompatible sites EUI Library Traditional Opac Google Scholar Google Books OCLC – Worldcat/Firstsearch Historical Abstract 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 21

22 Downloading citations from many resourcesmany resources ABI/INFORM Global ABC/CLIO, Historical Abstract Factiva Google Scholar IEEE Xplore JSTOR ScienceDirect ABC-CLIO ARTFL Encyclopédie BBC News Blackwell Synergy British Library Integrated Catalogue Copac Acad. & National Library Cat. EBSCOhost ERIC: Education. Res. Inf. Center Factiv Google Books Google Scholar HeinOnline History Cooperative JSTOR tested 05 October LexisNexis Nation. Bur. of Economic Res. (WP) New York Review of Books OCLC WorldCat/FirstSearch Ovid Project Muse ProQuest Research Library Scholarly resources with export in RIS format, such as Scirus, ScienceDirect Scitation SpringerLink Système univ. de docum. (SUDOC) The Economist 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 22

23 Chapter 4: Zotero complementary APs 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 23

24 Zotero Syncing Zotero 2.0 and later support online syncing, allowing you to access your Zotero library on any computer with internet access. online syncing Zotero syncing has two parts: data syncing and file syncing. 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 24

25 Zotero File Storage Zotero File Storage is a cloud-based syncing and storage solution for PDFs, images, web snapshots, and any other files attached to your Zotero libraries. Zotero File Storage synchronizes the files in your personal Zotero library to all your computers, allows you to share the files in your group libraries, and makes files available through the Each Zotero user is given 100 MB of free Zotero File Storage, with larger storage plans available for purchase.larger storage plans 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 25

26 Zotero People and Zotero Community Discover researchers working on similar projects. Browse through other researchers’ CVs and shared libraries. Create your own Zotero profile to help other researchers discover you and your work. Sign up now 27/08/2015 S.Noiret: Using ZOTERO to manage Web Contents 26

27 Writing & citing

28 Using the Word Plug-In Download from or_plugin_installation Adds a new toolbar (or Add-In group) to Word

29 Using the Word Plug-In Put your cursor where you want the in-text citation Click the Add a Citation button

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