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MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 1 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries CPLOM Visioning Update.

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1 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 1 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries CPLOM Visioning Update

2 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 2 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries 2 Years of Hard Work…. November 2008 – Board moves to a strategic position focused on visioning, planning and policy improvement. April 2009 – 1 st Board retreat at Camp with focus on team building, mission and vision. November 2009 – 2 nd Board retreat at Camp. Review mission and vision and started to formulate short term and long term goals. Conducted Camp Perkins Survey. April 2010 – 3 rd Board retreat at Camp. Reviewed survey results and past visioning. Conducted SWOT exercise to check alignment. Developed specific goals from this analysis. TODAY – Board to report to Delegates on our vision and goals for camp. Ensure there is alignment and support from the member congregations.

3 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 3 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Start Up – Imagine & Inspire Growth - Found & Frame Maturity – Ground & Grow Produce… Sustain… Decline Death OR… Revive and Renew! The “S” Curve

4 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 4 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries CPLOM Mission Statement The mission of Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries is to support the ministry of its member congregations and to make and nurture disciples for Jesus Christ. The Ministry will provide Christian learning and renewal opportunities, thereby building up the community of believers and reaching out to the world in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

5 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 5 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries CPLOM Mission Statement 2 Goals ‣ Support the ministry of its member congregations ‣ Make and nurture disciples for Jesus Christ 2 Methods ‣ Provide Christian learning and renewal opportunities ‣ Build up the community of believers 1 Purpose ‣ Reach out to the world in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christ centered in all that we do!

6 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 6 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries SWOT Break Out Session Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

7 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 7 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Vision & Mission for CPLOM Yellowstone Magic Valley Utah Treasure Valley Member Congregations CPLOM supports & equips Partnerships within Member Congregations All activities support Member Congregations Community Outreach Day Camp Year round Youth / Family Leadership LIT Equipping Parents Church Retreats Missions Staff Family Ministry Single Parent Camp Parent / Child Camp Marriage Encounter Family Camp Youth Camps

8 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 8 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Survey – November/December 2009

9 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 9 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Survey Results Key Takeaways: Keep Christ at the center of who we are and what we do The location is standout as key to the ministry The Boards work on the vision and strategic plan are aligned with what people are looking for. Though not everyone agrees on the methods and the details, we agree on the principals Keep the rustic/away from the world feel vs. Update Upper Showerhouse, expand lodge & winterize and add bathrooms to some cabins

10 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 10 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries SWOT Results from Board Retreat Strengths – Christ centered / Experienced Staff / Loyalty to those served Weaknesses – Understaffed (full time) / Attracting adult participants / Branded as a youth camp / Check in process Opportunities – Day Camp / Large spiritual void / Young adult ministries / Family ministries Threats – Overscheduled youth / Shrinking summer camp trend nation wide / Been there, done that attitude with kids and parents

11 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 11 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Path Forward 1.Increase LIT training by providing opportunities year round – close partnership with member congregations to utilize these resources 2.Develop a more purposeful intern program that is synergistic with Camp needs and position functions 3.Develop a 5 year plan to support the vision of the future for Day Camp 4.Complete endowment policies and procedures. Implement endowment plan 5.Define and prioritize facility needs and activities. Submit plan to USFS 6.Implement marketing plan with the initial focus on effective communication 7.Define position description for a Maintenance Director. Fill position with a goal for long term employment

12 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 12 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Board Goals / Results Strategic Plan (3 year+) – Mission Statement must be in agreement Legal and ethical integrity - Completed ‣ Camp Insurance / Board Liability Insurance Financial Oversight – In Progress ‣ Financial Review ‣ Endowments / Contributions Executive Director Assessment - Completed ‣ Consistency / Process ‣ Written standards of performance

13 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 13 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Board Goals Policies and Procedures - Completed ‣ Conflict of Interest Policy ‣ Executive Director Performance Management Policy ‣ Whistle Blower Policy ‣ Gifts and Pledges Policy ‣ Investment Policies - In Progress Enhance CPLOM public standing – On Going ‣ Delegates Forums ‣ Marketing Policies ‣ Use our influence to advance CPLOM

14 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 14 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Board Goals Board training and recruitment policies – Never Ending! ‣ Don’t look for saviors ‣ Look for spiritually motivated men and women with a servants heart who are successful in their vocations, professionally connected, and able to make sound decisions

15 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 15 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Delegate Roles & Responsibilities Your Role as a Delegate Exchanging information between Camp Perkins and the member churches Share the Camp ministry with your congregation and share your congregational needs and desires with Camp Your Responsibilities as a Delegate Attend the annual convention at Camp Perkins and meetings such as this one Speak and vote on behalf of your congregation. Keep your congregation informed of activities & opportunities at Camp Perkins (summer camp, retreats, employment, etc.) Contact person for fund raising for Camp Perkins Actively pray for the ministry at Camp

16 MICRON CONFIDENTIAL CPLOM Board of Directors Confidential |. | 16 August 15 Camp Perkins Lutheran Outdoor Ministries We Need You!! As camp grows and expands, it becomes more and more important to have input and support from the member churches, through you the delegates, to help us serve effectively.

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