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Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools Leadership Rapid City-Session 5-Education-10-4-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools Leadership Rapid City-Session 5-Education-10-4-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools Leadership Rapid City-Session 5-Education-10-4-12

2 “The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -George Bernard Shaw

3 What are we doing? Why are we doing it? What’s the plan to win? How are we doing? What is in it for me? How am I doing?

4 What are we doing?

5 Goal #1: RCAS will develop a guaranteed and viable curriculum in all grade levels and in all courses so that all students have access to the same essential learning. Goal #2: RCAS will develop a comprehensive system of assessment that is aligned with content standards, curriculum materials and instructional practices. Goal #3: RCAS will develop diverse opportunities for students to learn and be academically successful.

6 A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is: -An on-going process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve -PLCs operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous, job-embedded learning for educators

7 Why are we doing it?

8 The type of district and schools that I envision as we move forward embraces the current research as to what is the best way for leaders and teachers to act.

9 The Bird Card Unit

10 What’s the plan to win?

11 “Discover a few vital behaviors, change those, and problems – no matter what the size -- topple like a house of cards.” -(Patterson, Grenny, Maxfield, McMillan, and Switzler- Influencer-The Power to Change Anything)

12 The primary goal of any learning community– improving student learning– is limited only by a district’s ability to establish new structures, improve communication, enhance teacher learning and develop collective intelligence.

13 The Heart of the PLC Model: Collaboration -Conversations with each other -Learning from each other -Making decisions based upon collective knowledge

14 Priorities/Non-Negotiables: 1. Build district-wide shared understanding of PLC concepts 2. Develop high-performing collaborative teams focused on high levels of learning for all students 3. Clarify essential learning outcomes/power standards 4. Develop and deploy common formative assessments

15 How are we doing?

16 A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum: What is it? A curriculum is guaranteed when it gives students access to the same essential learning regardless of who is teaching the class. A curriculum is viable if it can be taught in the time allotted.

17 Marzano (2003) found that a guaranteed and viable curriculum is the school-level factor that has the greatest impact on student achievement. If students do not have the opportunity to learn the content we expect of them, there is little chance that they will.

18 A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum: What’s Its Purpose? The fundamental purpose of education is to ensure high levels of learning for all students. It is a matter of equity. No school or district can accomplish that purpose unless it can first answer this question: Exactly what is it each student is expected to learn?

19 What is in it for me?

20 All organizations are capable of instilling a purpose motive by engaging people in frequent discussions and opportunities to share insight, goals, problems, and motivation **A teacher in a PLC school stated-After experiencing the collaborative approach to teaching-I never want to return to the old way of doing things-I am sure I am a better teacher today as a result of the PLC

21 How am I doing?

22 The District PLC Team has developed Indicators of Progress to be monitored on a regular basis for each priority. A process will be utilized to monitor progress and give feedback concerning each of our identified priorities.

23 Conclusion

24 Starbucks

25 It is merely stating the obvious: Teaching is enormously complex and can never be perfect. Because it is never perfect, it can always be improved; it is the professional responsibility of each of us to be on a constant quest for improved methods and approaches. Sometimes this requires digging deeply into the thinking that underlies practice and ensuring that everyone holds the similar conceptual understanding about the big ideas.

26 If it Ain’t Broke Fix It Take fast, and make it faster. Take smart, and make it brilliant. Believe that no matter how well you do something, you can always do it better and chances are you will. Our goal is to create the benchmark – and keep raising it.

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