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Published byLauren Simmons Modified over 9 years ago
C hapter 15 Financing Government: Taxes and Debt
2 Economic Principles Commandeering Resources Is resources managed by the government. Commandeering Money (Taxes) It taxes people pay out of there paycheck. Regressive, Proportional, and Progressive Tax Structures Taxes that help keep America running.
3 Economic Principles Social Security Taxes A tax paid for the senior citizens of America Government Securities and Public Debt Government securities is police and other securities. Public Debt id money owed by the people in America. Internally and Externally Financing the Debt It debt paid by the people in the U.S.A and money paid by private companies
5 Exhibit 1: Production Possibilities Curve What is the opportunity cost of producing the first aircraft in Exhibit 1? The opportunity cost of producing the first aircraft is 500 houses.
6 Commandeering Resources What is the most direct method available for a government to acquire resources? The most direct method is to commandeer resources.
7 Commandeering Resources What is the most direct method available for a government to acquire resources? This is how the pharaohs built the pyramids, and how governments built roads during the Middle Ages.
8 Commandeering Resources What is the most direct method available for a government to acquire resources? The military draft is a modern form of commandeering resources for the military.
9 The Tax System How is the tax system related to commandeering resources? The tax system commandeers money, not resources. Remember that resources are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.
10 Vocabulary Poll tax: A tax of a specific absolute sum levied on every person or every household.
11 Vocabulary Regressive income tax: A tax whose impact varies inversely with the income of the person taxed. Poor people have a higher percentage of their income taxed than do rich people.
12 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 1. What is an example of a regressive income tax? One example is a poll tax.
13 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 1. What is an example of a regressive income tax? Another example is a tax on consumption, such as a sales tax. Since poor people spend all of their income on consumption, while rich people save a portion of their income, a consumption tax is regressive.
14 Vocabulary Proportional income tax: A tax that is a fixed percentage of income, regardless of the level of income.
15 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 2. What is an example of a proportionate income tax? A flat-rate tax on personal income.
16 Vocabulary Progressive income tax: A tax whose rate varies directly with the income of the person being taxed. Rich people pay a higher tax rate—a larger percentage of their income is taxed—than do poor people.
17 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 3. What is an example of a progressive income tax? The current system of federal income taxation is progressive.
18 Vocabulary Corporate income tax: A tax levied on a corporation’s income before dividends are distributed to stockholders.
19 Are We Really Paying High Taxes? True or false: Taxes as a percentage of GDP are higher in the U.S. than in any other rich industrialized country. False.
20 Are We Really Paying High Taxes? True or false: Taxes as a percentage of GDP are higher in the U.S. than in any other rich industrialized country? As of 1994, tax revenues in the U.S. were 27.6 percent of GDP.
21 Are We Really Paying High Taxes? True or false: Taxes as a percentage of GDP are higher in the U.S. than in any other rich industrialized country? In comparison, 1994 tax revenues as a percentage of GDP were 34.1 in the United Kingdom, 36.1 in Canada, 39.3 in Germany, and 44.1 in France.
22 Vocabulary Property tax: A tax levied on the value of physical assets such as land, or financial assets such as stocks and bonds.
23 Vocabulary Unit tax: A fixed tax in the form of cents or dollars per unit, levied on a good or service.
24 Vocabulary Sales tax: A tax levied in the form of a specific percentage of the value of the good or service.
25 Vocabulary Customs duty: A sales tax applied to a foreign good or service.
26 Vocabulary Excise tax: Any tax levied on a good or service, such as a unit tax, a sales tax, or a customs duty.
27 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 4. Complete the following sentence: All excise taxes are ______.
28 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 4. Complete the following sentence: All excise taxes are regressive.
29 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 5. Which of the following is a unit tax? a. A 7% tax on gasoline sales. b. A $10 tax on fishing rods. c. A 20% flat tax on income.
30 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 5. Which of the following is a unit tax? b. A $10 tax on fishing rods.
31 There’s More Than One Way to Levy Taxes 6. True or false: In any given year, Social Security taxes collected by the government equal the Social Security payments that the government makes. False. During the late-1990s the government gathered more Social Security taxes than were paid to beneficiaries.
32 EXHIBIT 22000 TAX RATE SCHEDULE FOR MARRIED PERSONS FILING JOINTLY Source: Internal Revenue Service, Instructions for Form 1040 (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Treasury, 2000), p. 7.
33 Exhibit 2: 2000 Tax Rate Schedule for Married Persons Filing Jointly Suppose that a married couple filing jointly had $100,000 in taxable income. According to Exhibit 2, how much federal income tax must this couple pay? On the first $43,850 they pay 15%, which equals $6,577.50.
34 Exhibit 2: 2000 Tax Rate Schedule for Married Persons Filing Jointly Suppose that a married couple filing jointly had $100,000 in taxable income. According to Exhibit 2, how much federal income tax must this couple pay? On the next $56,150 they pay 28%, which equals $15,722.
35 Exhibit 2: 2000 Tax Rate Schedule for Married Persons Filing Jointly Suppose that a married couple filing jointly had $100,000 in taxable income. According to Exhibit 2, how much federal income tax must this couple pay? Thus the married couple pays a total of $(6,577.50 + 15,722) = $22,299.50.
36 EXHIBIT 3FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES: 2000 ($ BILLIONS) Source: Survey of Current Business (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, December 2000).
37 Exhibit 3: Federal, State, and Local Government Revenues: 2000 ($Billions) Complete the sentence: ______ taxes are the largest single source of combined government tax revenues.
38 Exhibit 3: Federal, State, and Local Government Revenues: 2000 ($Billions) Complete the sentence: Income taxes are the largest single source of combined government tax revenues.
39 EXHIBIT 4THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S SURPLUSES AND DEFICITS: 1970–2000 ($ BILLIONS) Source: Economic Report of the President, 1997 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997), p. 394, and Bureau of Economic Analysis, “Overview of the Economy.” 2000.
40 Exhibit 4: Receipts, Spending, and Surplus/Deficits for Total and Federal Governments: 1970-2000 ($Billions) True or false: The federal government ran a budget surplus during the years between 1970 and 1995. False. The federal government ran a budget deficit during that time period.
41 Vocabulary Public debt: The total value of government securities— Treasury bills, notes, and bonds—held by individuals, businesses, other government agencies, and the Federal Reserve.
42 EXHIBIT 5OWNERSHIP OF THE U.S. PUBLIC DEBT: 2000 (PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL) * Savings and loan associations, nonprofit institutions, credit unions, mutual savings banks, corporate pension trust funds, certain U.S. Treasury deposit accounts, and federally sponsored agencies. Source: Federal Reserve Bulletin (Washington, D.C., January 2001), p. A27.
43 Exhibit 5: Ownership of the U.S. Public Debt: 2000 (Percentage of Total) Which of the following correctly identifies the top two owners of the U.S. public debt: a. The Federal Reserve and insurance companies. b. Federal agencies and trust funds, and foreigners. c. Commercial banks and individual U.S. citizens.
44 Exhibit 5: Ownership of the U.S. Public Debt: 2000 (Percentage of Total) Which of the following correctly identifies the top two owners of the U.S. public debt: b. Federal agencies and trust funds, and foreigners.
45 Financing Government Sending Through Debt Which form of federal government debt is sold in denominations as low as $1000 and carry maturities of 2 to 10 years? U.S. Treasury notes.
46 Tracking Government Debt What caused gross federal debt to more than double between the early 1980s and the early 1990s ? Tax cuts in 1981 and again in 1986. Rising government spending in the 1980s. Recessions in the early 1980s and again in the early 1990s.
47 EXHIBIT 6ATHE FEDERAL DEBT Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2000 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000).
48 EXHIBIT 6BTHE FEDERAL DEBT Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2000 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000).
49 Exhibit 6: The Federal Debt 1. During what time period did the gross federal debt grow most rapidly? During the period between approximately 1980 and 2000.
50 Exhibit 6: The Federal Debt 2. Based on the data in panel b of Exhibit 6, in what year was federal debt as a percentage of GDP the largest? 1945. Spending on the war effort caused federal debt to be 125 percent of GDP.
51 Exhibit 6: The Federal Debt 3. True or false: Gross federal debt as a percentage of GDP has increased sharply during the 1990s. False. Gross federal debt as a percentage of GDP flattened out and then declined in the 1990s.
52 Exhibit 6: The Federal Debt 4. Compare panels a and b in Exhibit 6. What caused debt as a percentage of GDP to flatten out and then decline in the 1990s? Panel a shows that the gross federal debt increased through 1996.
53 Exhibit 6: The Federal Debt 4. Compare panels a and b in Exhibit 6. What caused debt as a percentage of GDP to flatten out and then decline in the 1990s? In order for debt as a percentage of GDP to flatten out when debt is still growing, GDP must grow as fast as debt.
54 Exhibit 6: The Federal Debt 4. Compare panels a and b in Exhibit 6. What caused debt as a percentage of GDP to flatten out and then decline in the 1990s? In the late-1990s gross federal debt actually began to decline.
55 EXHIBIT 7GROSS PUBLIC DEBT AS A PERCENT OF GDP FOR SELECTED ECONOMIES: 1998 Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2000 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000), p. 847.
56 Hatred of Tax Collection is the Way of the World In which of the following countries do tax collectors wear commando uniforms and carry weapons: a. Sweden. b. France. c. Russia.
57 Hatred of Tax Collection is the Way of the World In which of the following countries do tax collectors wear commando uniforms and carry weapons: c. Russia.
58 Does Debt Endanger Future Generations? In one sense the answer is no. While the interest on future government debt must be paid by taxing the future economy, people in the future who own government bonds receive that interest as income.
59 Does Debt Endanger Future Generations? In another sense the answer is yes. For example, if future bondholders are rich, then the rich receive the interest income while the poor only bear the burden of higher taxes.
60 Does Debt Endanger Future Generations? In addition, increased government debt purchased by the Fed will increase the money supply, which can be inflationary.
61 Does Debt Endanger Future Generations? Another problem with increased government debt is that it tends to crowd out private investment, which slows the rate of economic growth.
62 Vocabulary External debt: Public debt held by foreigners.
63 Does Debt Endanger Future Generations? Recall from Exhibit 5 that foreigners are a major owner of U.S. public debt. In this case, future generations of U.S. citizens bear the burden of higher taxes to pay the interest that flows to foreigners.
64 Are Deficits and Debt Inevitable? What was the impact of the Reagan tax agenda in the 1980s on the federal budget deficit? Supply-side advocates convinced Reagan that cutting tax rates would cause GDP to grow so much that tax revenues would actually increase.
65 Are Deficits and Debt Inevitable? What was the impact of the Reagan tax agenda in the 1980s on the federal budget deficit? Supply-side expectations notwithstanding, the tax reforms did not do much to increase tax revenues during the 1980s. At the same time, government spending continued to grow.
66 Are Deficits and Debt Inevitable? What was the impact of the Reagan tax agenda in the 1980s on the federal budget deficit? The combination of tax cuts and government spending growth produced in the 1980s the largest annual budget deficits in the history of the United States.
67 Are Deficits and Debt Inevitable? The combination of the Clinton presidency, the Republican Congress, and sustained economic growth eliminated budget deficits by the late-1990s.
Chapter 15 Questions
69 Chapter Questions 1.If the Government wants to build a highway, why doesn’t it just command the necessary land, labor and capital to build the highway? Answer It would be extremely discriminatory.The performance would be relatively low since those who were commandeered would have little incentive to work carefully.
70 Chapter Questions 2. What is the poll tax? Why would governments sometimes favor such a tax? Does the tax affect rich people and poor people alike? Answer Its a fixed amount of tax that every taxed person pays the government.It an easy tax to order people to pay. No it makes poor pay more on tax than the rich.
71 Chapter Questions 3. What is the fundamental difference between regressive, proportional, and progressive tax structures? Answer The fundamental difference between the three taxes is the tax rate of all three of them.
72 Chapter Questions 4. How does an excise tax differ from an income tax? Answer An excise tax is a per unit tax that is collected on a unit of each good or service sold.An income tax takes a specific percentage of a person’s income.
73 Chapter Questions 5. What is the federal government’s most important source of tax revenue? What are the states and local governments’ most important sources of tax revenue? Answer The federal government’s most important source of tax is personal tax,corporate income tax, and social security contribution. The states and local government’s most important source of tax revenue is sales,excise tax,property tax and income.
74 Chapter Questions 6. What are Treasury Securities? Who owns them? Answer Treasury Securities are IOUs issued by the federal government’s Departments of the Treasury.The federal agencies hold the largest share of securities.Other large holders are states and local government and foreigners. Also commercial banks and individuals hold much smaller shares.
75 Chapter Questions 7. What is the relationship between Treasury securities and the public debt? Answer The public debt is the sum of all the outstanding Treasury securities.
76 Chapter Questions 8. What is the relationship between the public debt and the debt-to-go GDP ratio? How does the U.S. debt ratio compare to the ratios in other democratic market economies? Answer The relationship between public debt and debt-to-go GDP ratio is public debt increases substantially since mid-1970s and debt-to-go GDP ratio has fell until early 1980s. It has increases from less than $1 trillion to more than $5 trillion in 1995, and I other countries it decreases or remains constant.
77 Chapter Questions 9. Explain why some economist believe the burden of a public debt cannot be shifted onto future generations. Answer The reason the public debt cannot be shifted onto future generation is, we will inherit the securities and receive each year the annual interest of our generation. We will also inherit the tax obligation to pay the interest payments. Meaning that the impact on the future generation will be neutral.
78 Chapter Questions 10. Some economist believe that the public debt may be detrimental to the economy’s growth. Explain. Answer Their will be less private investment because the government may force the interest rate up making more private firms to finance their investment project. There is going to be a crowding out of private investment.
79 Chapter Questions 11. How does an externally help public debt differ from an internally help public debt? Answer If the debt publicly funded for future generations will remain neutral, if the debt funded externally there will be more tax on the future generation.
80 Activities 41 42 Unit 4 Multiple Choice Questions, Short Free- Response Questions, Long Free-Response Questions
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