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Published byGiles Rose Modified over 9 years ago
Elementary Teaching & Learning Moving Forward with Literacy
Plymouth Church
Agenda T & L Progress Report Implementing Journeys with Fidelity
Supporting our Students Receiving Special Services District PLC Sessions Removal of Houghton Mifflin Reading (©2008) Materials
OUR COMITTMENT Teaching and Learning believes that only through a common vision and shared responsibility for student achievement can our intended outcomes be achieved.
We are committed to providing you (our customers) with the absolute best instructional materials, training, and support needed to achieve high levels of student learning. Research on Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Teachers matter immensely. School and district leaders have direct impact on student achievement.
If we set clear learning expectations, fully implement instructional practices, and hold each other accountable, we will ensure effective teaching in every classroom. In the classrooms of the most effective teachers, students from disadvantaged backgrounds learn at the same rate as those from advantaged backgrounds. Hamre & Pianta, 2005
Teaching and Learning Progress REport
District Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Journeys
Ensure materials delivery prior to the start of school. Provide internal training opportunities for all staff. Clearly articulate implementation expectations to impact student achievement.
CSF #1: Ensure materials delivery prior to the start of school.
CSF #2: Provide internal training opportunities for all staff.
CSF #3: Clearly articulate implementation expectations to impact student achievement.
Implementing Journeys with Fidelity
What We’ve Learned So Far…
Ensuring the successful implementation of the Journeys materials must be our top priority this fall. Implementing Journeys with fidelity will have a rather significant impact on our Data Team cycle and our creation of CFAs. The Journeys materials provide a significant support structure for our students needing additional support. In order to capitalize on this structure, alignment work is necessary.
What does Implementation of Journeys Look Like in the Classroom?
Classroom “Look Fors” Number off at your table 1-4:
#1: Read Critical Success Factors 1-2 across the chart. #2: Read Critical Success Factors 3-4 across the chart. #3: Read Critical Success Factors 5-6 across the chart. #4: Read Critical Success Factors 7-8 across the chart. Discuss with your Table: What have you already observed in classrooms regarding each “Look For”? What additional support structures can you add to our initial list? What will be your top priority as a building?
Critical Success Factors: Comprehension and Vocabulary
The anthology stories support explicit instruction during whole group and/or small group teaching of the IACC Reading Standards. Explicit comprehension instruction provided in the Whole Group Tab is used for the Main Selection. Students are utilizing the student anthology during this instruction. Instructional Coach provides in-class modeling of explicit comprehension instruction utilizing the Whole Group Tab and Main Selection. The Journeys leveled readers support differentiated instruction based on student need during small group instruction. If students are highly discrepant, additional teacher scaffolding will be needed to support student acquisition of the appropriate leveled reader. Differentiated, scaffolded, explicit instruction is provided utilizing the Small Group Tab: Day 1: Vocabulary Reader Day 2: Leveled Practice (Grab and Go) Day 3: Leveled Reader Day 4: Differentiated Voc. Strategies **Great place for additional instruction with the Journeys Leveled Reader or additional leveled readers. Day 5: Reteaching Instructional Coach provides in-class modeling utilizing the Small Group Tab to building an understanding of effective scaffolding for our struggling students. Support is provided in developing an understanding that small group time is used for a combination of guided reading and skill-focused instruction. Assistance is provided regarding scheduling in an effort to support consistent small group instruction. The Journeys target vocabulary for each lesson utilizes strategies for direct vocabulary instruction (guidance provided in the Word Study Teacher’s Guide). Direct instruction is provided for the Targeted Vocabulary (oral vocabulary). Instructional routine provided the Word Study Teacher’s Guide is utilized to provide direct instruction for Tier 2 words. Vocabulary in Context cards are utilized and posted for student access when appropriate. Professional development is provided regarding direct vocabulary instruction and its role in the classroom. Assistance is provided regarding scheduling in an effort to support how vocabulary instruction can be provided on a consistent basis.
Critical Success Factors: Writing & Language
The curriculum guides indicate a genre focus for each unit indicated by the IACC Writing Standards The Journeys materials provide explicit instruction around this writing genre. Being a Writer may also be used to support the development of the writing community and the craft of each genre. Genre focus provided on the DMPS literacy curriculum guide (pg. 2) is instructed using the Being a Writer materials as the primary resource. The Journeys 5-day instructional sequence for writing may also be used as an additional resource for explicit instruction. Student writing is connected to the genre focus for each unit. Instructional Coach provides guidance during grade level or individual planning time to support the connection of the Being a Writer material to the “I Can Statements” provided on our curriculum guide. The Journeys vocabulary strategies and grammar components are aligned with the IACC Language Standards. Explicit grammar instruction is provided using the Whole group Tab. Authentic opportunities for the application of grammar instruction are provided through the use of the Write Smart technology available on Think Central (Gr. 2-5). Engaging opportunities for the use of grammar skills are supported using the “Grammar Snap” videos available on Think Central (Gr. 1-5). Support is provided regarding the use of Think Central in the classroom in an effort to improve student engagement in the classroom.
Critical Success Factors: Foundational Skills
The curriculum guides indicate a phonics and word study focus for each weekly lesson. The Journeys materials support the explicit teaching of these skills. The Word Study Teacher’s Guide should be used to reinforce daily instruction and provide ample student practice. Explicit phonics instruction is provided daily utilizing the instructional routines provided in the Word Study Teacher’s Guide. Students are engaged in word sorts throughout the week that building their understanding of phonics patterns. The 5-day instructional sequence provided in the Journeys manuals, which includes multiple worksheets, is used sparingly. Words their Way professional development is provided to develop a rationale and purpose for this instructional routine. The curriculum guides indicate a fluency focus for each weekly lesson. The Journeys materials support explicit instruction, however, additional opportunities for re-reading and practice should be provided to students. Teacher model of fluency skill is provided using the Teacher Read Aloud in Journeys (Day 1 in the Whole Group Tab). Additional opportunities to reread are provided using the decodable reader (kdg-2) in conjunction with other authentic rereading opportunities. Assistance is provided regarding scheduling in an effort to support how fluency instruction can be provided on a consistent basis. The 40 high frequency words from Journeys will be assessed in isolation for Kindergarten only. Grades 1 and 2 should have a conversation about which sight words from Journeys will most support student learning. Explicit instruction is provided for Kindergarten students on the 40 high frequency words in Journeys. The Decodable Reader is used for authentic practice with high frequency words. The high frequency words are posted for student use. Explicit instruction is provided for Grades 1-2 students on high frequency words that are agreed upon by the grade level team (using the Journeys words in conjunction with other high frequency lists). Instructional Coach provides in-class support on setting up and utilizing a word wall. Collaboration time is provided to support grade level teams (Gr. 1-2) in developing a common list of sight words and an aligned monitoring system.
Classroom “Look Fors” This document is meant to support leadership in determining initial levels of implementation across your building. We will work from this document on Oct. 31st to develop a common walk-through template for district- wide cause data collection. Between now and Oct. 31st, work as a team to determine what “Look Fors” can be added to this document based on classroom observations.
Impact of the Journeys materials on Data Teams
Balancing our Priorities
Build a deep understanding of the Common Core Standards through the Data Teams process and the creation of Common Formative Assessment. Build a deep understanding of the Journeys instructional materials and their impact on student learning through high levels of implementation.
Assessing the Balance: Stage 1
Starting Implementation of the Journeys Materials Minimal Understanding of the Common Core Standards Action Plan: Focus on the use of Journeys. Implement the Weekly Skill Assessments as progress monitoring and focus on the reteaching lessons after analysis of this data. Planning for instruction includes additional engagement techniques that could be used with the Journeys materials.
Assessing the Balance: Stage 2
Strong Implementation of the Journeys Materials (Look Fors) Progressing Understanding of the Common Core Standards Action Plan: Continued focus on the use of Journeys. Building professional development and PLC time dedicated to: understanding what student proficiency looks like for each CC Standard through the initial creation of CFAs for mastery standards. designing instruction based on student data using the Journeys materials.
Assessing the Balance: Stage 3
Strong Understanding of what Journeys has to Offer & How we Can Improve its Effectiveness Well Developed Understanding of the Common Core Standards (What instruction looks like. What student proficiency looks like.) Action Plan: Continued focus on the use of Journeys in conjunction with additional resources that support student obtainment of the CC Standards. Building professional development and PLC time is dedicated to the creation, revision and analysis of CFAs.
Additional Considerations for Stage 2
Possible Data Team Cycle (Stage 2) Grade 4 – Unit 2
Lesson Standard Expectation Weekly Collaboration Focus 6 Lit 9 Lit 7 - Supporting Building Capacity Design Lit 3 & Lit 1 CFA (** if not done at Bldg PD) Plan for Inform 8 7 Inform 8 Data Team around Lit 3 CFA 8 Lit 3 Mastery Data Team around Lit 1 CFA 9 Lit 1 Review Post Data for Lit 3 & Lit 1 CFA Plan for Inform 1 10 Inform 1 Review (look ahead to next unit)
Possible Model for the Creation of CFAs (Stage 2)
Building Professional Development Time: 30-45 min. of study regarding a Balanced Assessment System and successful creation of Common Formative Assessments. Common Formative Assessment: A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work by Kim Bailey & Chris Jakicic. (2012) Pg and Chapter 5 45-60 min. of collaborative creation of Common Formative Assessments. What can students do to show me that they have mastered the learner objectives? What can this student say, write or create? What has our instruction looked like for these learner objectives? How will we know that students have responded to our instruction? 15 minutes of cross-grade level sharing and collaboration.
Aligning our Work for Students in Need of Additional Support
English Language Learners & Special Education K-5 Service Models
How Journeys Supports this Alignment
Day Whole Group Small Group Intervention Approx. 18 months below ELL Support on-level lang. support 1 Target Vocabulary Build Background Intro. Comprehension Vocab. Reader Preview Main Selection 2 Comprehension Inst. Main Selection Leveled Practice Reteach Comprehension Write in Reader Scaffolded Comp. from Main Selection 3 Deepening Comprehension Leveled Reader 4 Paired Selection Voc. Strategies Scaffolded Comp from Paired Selection 5 Connect & Extend Reteaching Preteach next week’s Comprehension Skill Compare Main/Paired Selections & ELL Reader
Purpose and Rationale The ELL & Special Education Service Models were created to: Move forward with our support services in order to accelerate student learning. Align core curriculum, instruction and assessment with tier II and tier III interventions. Provide clarity regarding the use of Journey’s materials for students who are receiving additional services. Janet Hiatt – K-5 Regional ELL Support Eddie Bakley – Regional ELL Support Michelle Greiner – Special Education Support Teacher Amanda Welch –Special Education Support Teacher Amanda Hintz –Special Education Consultant
Modified K-5 ELL Service Model
Modified ELL Service Model Handouts
3rd-5th Model K-2nd Model Grouping Profile
3rd-5th ELL Service Model: Considerations for Modifications
New literacy curriculum 95% of students participate in Journeys Journeys has a 4 yr. span serving students 2 yrs. above-2 yrs. below New 3rd-5th ELL supplementary materials Continued growth in K-5 ELL population and same number of ELL staff AND…
A need to include more Advanced Intermediate students in ESL instruction
To decrease number of students becoming long-term ELLs in middle and high school. Let’s take a closer look….
3rd-5th Starting and Beginning
3rd-5th Early Intermediate & Intermediate
3rd-5th Advanced Intermediate
3rd-5th Transitional
Grouping How do we follow the ELL Service Model recommendations with:
Frequently Asked Question: How do we follow the ELL Service Model recommendations with: Increasing #s of ELLs Same # of staff Limited time in day
Grouping *** Gradually implement recommendations.
PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS: * * * Group primarily by grade level AND across a couple of levels of service. Exception: Multi-grade grouping appropriate for 3rd-5th Starting and Beginning Increase group size Consider: Kidney table tables for cooperative grouping Keep focus on language development through content area of reading Journeys Tab, Journeys anthology, and supplemental resources can be used with a larger group Include extended learning opportunities *** Gradually implement recommendations.
K-5th Grouping Profile (New!)
Upper Grade Grouping Example Using Previous ELL Service Model
Upper Grade Grouping Example Using Modified 3rd-5th Service Model
K-2 Service Ell Service Model
Modifications made to ELL K-2 Service Model
Kindergarten ELL TAB Lessons Kindergarten curriculum is very language rich, therefore ELL students will be supported “in class” for first trimester. (Outreach worker will support.) Journeys Curriculum includes ELL Tab lessons that teachers use to coincide with theme. Teachers will determine which students still need additional support and create a “pull out” group to serve for next trimester. These lessons will provide the differentiation necessary for more language development and scaffolding for comprehension.
Modifications continued…
Benchmark Education Anchor Comprehension Posters Imagine Learning Software The use of Imagine Learning is recommended 20 minutes daily for kindergarten and minutes daily for 1st-2nd grade ELL students. Increase comprehension Build academic vocabulary Increase oral development Promote fluency Utilizing fiction & nonfiction themes Software will be used by students at levels 1 & 2, and can include level 3 students if possible.
With high levels of implementation, we hope to see consistencies throughout the district with how the service model is supporting our second language learners. Every building has unique needs, therefore variations will also be seen as to how service model is implemented at different schools to help serve ELL students.
What do we need from you to make implementation successful?
*Applying service models to fit your school’s specific needs takes a whole team effort: -Principal -Classroom Teachers -Title Teachers -Special Education Teachers -ELL Teachers -Bilingual Outreach Workers -Associates *Communicating with team members as to the progress of students. *Making necessary adjustments throughout the school year based on students performance/academic success.
Special Education K-5 Service Model
Grades K-5 Des Moines Public Schools Special Education Service Model
What prompted this work… The purchase of Journeys Conversations with teachers, building leaders, and special education teachers Serving a wide range of students within special education
Grade Level Level Student Identification Materials and Resources Time
Recommendation Staff Recommendation Assessment Recommendation ** With IEP Testing Accommodations Grade Level Reading Level: Close to or on grade level according to: SRI Lexile Level Text Level (F &P) BRI/ARI PA Profile Teacher Observations Individualized Education Program: Students do not have a Reading goal. Required Materials: Journeys Core Whole Group & Small Group Instruction ** Core Instruction ** Classroom Teacher ** (Whole Group Tab, Small Group Tab) **Students with behavior only IEPs served in a special education setting could receive core reading instruction from a special education teacher. External Summative: Iowa Assessment (3-5) District Assessments: BRI Writing Assessment SRI Comprehensive Standards Assessment Building Common Formative Assessments
Approaching Grade Level
Student Identification Materials and Resources Time Recommendation Staff Recommendation Assessment Recommendation ** With IEP Testing Accommodations Approaching Grade Level Reading Level: Approximately 6-12 months below grade level according to: SRI Lexile Level Text Level (F &P) BRI/ARI PA Profile Teacher Observations Individualized Education Program: Students have a goal in the area of reading. Students should be monitored closely to determine if discontinuation is appropriate. Required Materials: Journeys Core Whole Group & Small Group Instruction ** Journeys On Level or ELL Reader with Teacher Scaffolding Supplementary Resources: Journeys Below Level Reader Journeys Word Study Teacher’s Guide Additional resources that may vary by building Core Instruction ** plus 30 min (or as dictated by IEP) Classroom Teacher (Whole Group Tab, Small Group Tab) SPED or Title Teacher (Below Level Reader) External Summative: Iowa Assessment (3-5) District Assessments: PA Profile (K-1) BRI (K-2) Writing Assessment (3-5) SRI (3-5) Comprehensive Standards Assessment (K-5) Building Common Formative Assessments IEP Progress Monitoring District Special Education Data Collection
Below Grade Level Level Student Identification Materials and Resources
Time Recommendation Staff Recommendation Assessment Recommendation ** With IEP Testing Accommodations Below Grade Level Reading Level: Approximately 1-2 years below grade level according to: SRI Lexile Level Text Level (F &P) BRI/ARI PA Profile Teacher Observations Individualized Education Program: Students have a goal in the area of reading. Required Materials: Journeys Core Whole Group & Small Group Instruction** Journeys Below Level Reader with Teacher Scaffolding Journeys Intervention Tab Supplementary Resources: Journeys On Level or ELL Reader with Teacher Scaffolding Journeys Word Study Teacher’s Guide Fountas & Pinnell LLI Kit Additional resources that may vary by building Core Instruction ** plus 30 min (or as dictated by IEP) Targeted Skill Group Classroom Teacher (Whole Group Tab, Small Group Tab) SPED or Title Teacher (Intervention Tab) SPED or Title Teacher (Word Study Teacher’s Guide and/or additional resources) External Summative: Iowa Assessment (3-5) District Assessments: PA Profile (K-1) BRI (K-2) Writing Assessment (3-5) SRI (3-5) Comprehensive Standards Assessment (K-5) Building Common Formative Assessments IEP Progress Monitoring District Special Education Data Collection
Significantly Below Grade Level
Student Identification Materials and Resources Time Recommendation Staff Recommendation Assessment Recommendation ** With IEP Testing Accommodations Significantly Below Grade Level Reading Level: More than 2 years below grade level according to: SRI Lexile Level Text Level (F &P) BRI/ARI PA Profile Teacher Observations Individualized Education Program: Students have a goal in the area of reading. ** Modifications may be necessary for students identified for Alternate Assessment, please discuss with your Special Education Support Teacher and building Consultant. Required Materials: Fountas & Pinnell LLI Kit Journeys Core Whole Group Instruction with Teacher Scaffolding Journeys Intervention Tab with Teacher Scaffolding Supplementary Resources: Journeys Literacy Toolkit Journeys Below Level Reader with Teacher Scaffolding Journeys Word Study Teacher’s Guide Additional resources that may vary by building Core Instruction (Whole Group Comprehension) plus 60+ min (or as dictated by IEP) Targeted Skill Group Classroom Teacher or SPED Teacher (Whole Group Tab) SPED or Title Teacher (Below Level Reader, F & P LLI Kit, and/or Intervention Tab) SPED or Title Teacher (Literacy Toolkit and/or Word Study Teacher’s Guide) External Summative: Iowa Assessment (3-5) District Assessments: ** PA Profile (K-1) Writing Assessment (3-5) SRI (3-5) IEP Progress Monitoring District Special Education Data Collection **A score of zero must be entered for all district assessments not administered. Approval from Zone Special Education Support Teacher and Building Consultant must be required.
Next Steps We will continue to revise this document through out the school year based on observations, feedback and reflections from all stakeholders. We recognize that professional development will be a critical factor for success of this model. The Special Education department will work in conjunction with Teaching and Learning to provide this support to building leaders and teachers.
Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of our K-5 Service Models
Core instruction provided using the whole group and small group tab. A master schedule that allows for the time recommendations provided on these service models ( ). Professional development regarding effective instruction for struggling students.
Elementary District PLCs
October 3rd, 2012
What We Need From Building Leaders:
Provide guidance in registering for a PLC session via Infinite Campus. (handout) Communication of locations and time. Ensure 100% attendance.
Houghton Mifflin 2008 Materials
Procedures & Timeline Step 1: Identify all materials that will STAY in your building using the created checklists and locate a storage space for these materials. Step 2: Place DISCONTINUED labels on student anthologies. Step 3: Send student anthologies home during conference. Step 4: Send a completed transfer form to Josh Khan for approval of all materials NOT staying in your building.
Survey Monkey
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