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Moving Research into Practice.  Implementation is the routine use of a SHRP 2 product by users in their regular way of doing business.  Users can include.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Research into Practice.  Implementation is the routine use of a SHRP 2 product by users in their regular way of doing business.  Users can include."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Research into Practice

2  Implementation is the routine use of a SHRP 2 product by users in their regular way of doing business.  Users can include state DOTs, MPOs, resource agencies, and other highway stakeholders.  There are a number of strategies and tactics that can be used by FHWA, AASHTO and NHTSA to help agencies implement SHRP 2 products.

3 Research & Report of Findings Pilots & Products Deployment & Tech Transfer Activities Mainstream Practice National GoalsState NeedsLeadership Input

4 ResearchDevelopmentDeployment Study, experimentation, testing to develop new knowledge, tools, methods Additional lab and field testing, improvements to increase usability (reliability, cost, complementary products, training, etc.) Routine use by ordinary users Innovators …………. Early Adopters ….…Early/Late Majority... Delivery

5  Development involves taking research results and converting them into usable products  Examples: development of a web tool, a software application, a guidebook or handbook, a specification, or a training module from research results; pilot tests of a new process and modifications based on what is learned from the pilot test  TRB is in the lead for most of these activities.

6  Acceptance of products that are tested and ready to be used by implementing agencies  May involve demonstration projects, adoption of standards or specifications, use of IT products that have been through a beta test, changes in business practices by implementing agencies  Although additional refinements may occur as a result of experience in using the products, they are in mainstream use and not expected to have major changes

7  Guides, Syntheses, Handbooks  Models and Methodology  Databases and Datasets  Web tools  Software Application  Model Specifications, Technical Guidance & Strategic Plans  Technical Training Materials  Videos

8  Bridges  Nondestructive Testing Techniques  Pavements  Project Delivery  Utilities and Railroads

9  Collaborative Decision Making  Economic Impact Analysis  Dynamic Integrated Models & Networks  Integrating Conservation, Highway Planning & Environmental Review  Planning for Freight Demand

10  Data & Analysis for Travel Time Reliability Performance  Reliability in Planning, Programming & Geometric Design  Organizing Transportation Agencies to Improve Reliability  Preparing for the Future  Reliability IDEA Program

11  Data to Improve Highway Safety  Tools for Data Analysis  Advancing the State of the Art

12  A concentrated effort to assist a limited number of volunteer states or agencies to adopt and use the highest priority SHRP 2 products  Early implementers will serve as “role models” who will demonstrate and promote use of the products to their peers.  This approach is based on SHRP 1 experience and research from the field of technology deployment and marketing

13 Multiple tactics will be used to encourage implementing agencies to adopt priority SHRP 2 products:  Demonstration projects  Evaluations  Training/technical assistance  Showcases  Seminars  Workshops  Webinars  Marketing and communication

14  Funding will depend on decisions that Congress will make regarding reauthorization; the amount of funding is highly uncertain.  $70 million is currently available to FHWA.  A continuation at current funding levels through FFY 2015 would provide $170 million.  The highest potential level is $250 million.  If all products were to be implemented, the estimated cost is $400+ million.  Therefore there is a need to prioritize which products would be implemented.

15  Seven products that were completed early and identified as priorities by AASHTO and FHWA were selected to demonstrate how implementation would occur and to show the value of SHRP 2 products.  The implementation process is just getting under way on these products.  Five are from Renewal and two are from Reliability

16  Due to limited and uncertain funding, FHWA and AASHTO are undertaking prioritization processes all anticipated products.  The FHWA process is evaluating relevance, readiness, risks, resources and roles and rank orders products in each focus area.  An AASHTO SHRP 2 Implementation Task Force will identify highest priority products on March 22-23.

17  The need is being addressed by the product  Resource requirements for implementation  Difficulties expected in implementation  Benefits relative to resource requirements  How much of an improvement will result in practice  Priority and interest expressed by states & AASHTO committees  Likelihood that state DOTs will implement the product

18  Establish costs and schedules for implementation of priority products  Reach consensus between FHWA and AASHTO on priorities and responsibilities for implementation  Develop strategic implementation plan  Develop implementation plans for individual products  Marketing and communication plan  IT Plan

19  Successful implementation of SHRP 2 products will require a partnership among FHWA, AASHTO and other implementing agencies  The ultimate test of the program will be the degree to which users of the highway system experience improvements  SCOR members represent “innovators” within state DOTs, and I hope that you volunteer to be among the early implementers of SHRP 2 products.

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