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Welcome to HR Presents April 22, 2015 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Milton Hall | Room 185.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to HR Presents April 22, 2015 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Milton Hall | Room 185."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to HR Presents April 22, 2015 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Milton Hall | Room 185


3 ONLINE COMPLIANCE: LONG TERM OVERVIEW Presented by: Dr. Andrew M. Peña Asst. VP for HR Service

4 ONLINE COMPLIANCE Presented by: Adam Cavotta Sr. Training Specialist, CLPD

5 Compliance Basics Complete 6 modules by October 1 st 2015 –All staff are required to complete the training. –Reminders will be sent 2 months, 1 month, and 2 weeks before the due date to all that have not completed the training. –Open labs available for people that are having technical issues or don’t have access to a computer. – ONLINE COMPLIANCE

6 FAQs Are reports available? –Use the Team Dashboard to check on employee training –We are currently working on Cognos reports and hope to have them available by June. Do I really need to take this training? –Yes, this applies to student employees, graduate/teaching assistants, temp. employees (including faculty). –For Sabbatical or other leave: complete when you return ONLINE COMPLIANCE

7 University-wide Effort Technical problems with browser: ICT Helpdesk –575-646-1840 – Questions or concerns about the content: Contact the content contributor –Contact details for all of the modules are included within the module. ONLINE COMPLIANCE

8 Special Thanks Audit Services Benefits Services Center for Learning & Professional Development Employee and Labor Relations Environmental Health & Safety ONLINE COMPLIANCE HR Service Center ICT Helpdesk ICT Systems ICT IT Compliance Office Office of Institutional Equity Office of the General Counsel

9 Thanks to our leadership Garrey Carruthers, President Dan Howard, Executive VP and Provost Greg Fant, Associate VP & Deputy Provost ONLINE COMPLIANCE Andrew Peña, Assistant VP for HRS Administrative Council Employee Council Faculty Senate AFSCME Local 2393

10 SUMMER HIRE GUIDELINES Presented by: Kathy Agnew, Director Employment and Compensation Services

11 Summer Hire Guidelines Visit the Temp Faculty Toolkit for information about summer hire: Summer Hire Guidelines Policy - 5.25.40 Compensation-Summer Session Dates EPAF Processing Reference Sheet Salary Information Factors for Calculating Summer Pay Payroll Schedules and Processing Deadlines Position Number Selection

12 TEMP FACULTY/GRAD ASST PAY SCHEDULE Presented by: Kathy Agnew, Director Employment and Compensation Services

13 Temp Faculty/Grad Asst Pay Schedule EPAFs processed with Job Change Reasons for HSP, HFA, SUM, SUM1, HSUM2, HSUM3, HACD, & HPART have a set number of equal pays Example: Mini-Session 1 Personnel Dates 5/27/15 – 7/1/15 Effective Pay Dates 5/16/15 – 6/30/15 3 Equal Pays

14 Temp Faculty/Grad Asst Pay Schedule Employees will receive full pay period amount regardless of termination date within pay period. Example: John Smith hired for Spring semester and is terminating May 2. John will receive the entire pay period from 5/1 - 5/15.

15 POSITION MANAGEMENT CYCLE FY16 Presented by: Kathy Agnew, Director Employment and Compensation Services

16 Position Management Cycle FY16 Changes in positions budgeted by permanent unrestricted funds (I&G and non- I&G) are reviewed annually in conjunction with the university budget cycle process. A memo will be sent to Deans, Vice Presidents, Community College Presidents, Business Managers and HR Liaisons regarding detailed information and deadlines.

17 DATE EXTENSIONS Presented by: Kathy Agnew, Director Employment and Compensation Services

18 Date Extensions All employment date extensions for temporary employment must be submitted using the EPAF system. These extensions are a change to the employment agreement and considered a re-hire into the existing job with new employment dates.

19 RECRUITMENT “NUTS AND BOLTS” Presented by: Kathy Agnew, Director Employment and Compensation Services

20 Agenda Posting and Advertising Screening Conducting Reference Checks Conducting Interviews Deselection of Applicants Records Retention Onboarding

21 Posting and Advertising Posting Announcement The minimum posting requirement is 14 days (underutilized positions must be posted for a minimum of 28 days). HR recommends 30 day posting period. Policy 4.30 Posting announcement should be customized –Job Duties and Responsibilities –The classification summary should not be repeated, listing duties specific to the department.

22 Posting and Advertising Example - Fiscal Asst, Inter

23 Posting and Advertising Advertising the Position Advertising beyond the NMSU job posting site should target audiences with a goal of obtaining a diverse qualified applicant pool. There is no specific advertising requirement; however, your goal should be to make a good faith effort in obtaining a qualified applicant pool by placing advertisements in media sources that target applicants with the functional-specific areas for your position. All advertising must include: NMSU/College Name, department name, position title, requisition number, and link to full posting. –Sample Ads and Recruitment Publication Resources available on toolkit

24 Screening Selection Committee –Entry Level Positions (Pay Grade Levels 1 – 6) –Selection Committee size: No more than two (2) employees involved in selection –Selection Committee members: Immediate Supervisor (IS) and if needed, Next Level Supervisor (NLS) approval –Mid Level Positions (Pay Grade 7 – 15) –Selection Committee size: two to five (2-5) members –Selection Committee members: Selection Committee (SC) may include immediate supervisor, departmental colleague(s), or other campus employees who have expertise in the related field or work directly with selected candidate.

25 Screening Reviewing Applications Non-Exempt Positions - central HRS will screen the applicants and release qualified applicants to the department for review. Exempt Positions - Departments will directly receive all applications for exempt positions. –Contacting and de-selecting candidates should not begin until after the deadline date –Applicant Qualification Calculator –Manager’s Guide to Applicant Qualifications

26 Screening Criteria Assessment The purpose of candidate assessments is to assist in making an objective and informed decision about which applicant will best provide the knowledge skills and abilities to be successful on the job. A selection criterial matrix listing all criteria for successful performance in the position such as experience, education, key skills, knowledge, and abilities can be utilized. –Criteria must be established based on position announcement Recommend 5-8 criteria points Must be job-related –Selection Criteria Spreadsheet (excel sheet available in toolkit)

27 Conducting Reference Checks As a standard practice, central HRS recommends conducting the reference checks on your finalist prior to interviewing. The online application has the candidate release form built in and applicants are required to agree in order apply for the position. References should not be contacted until after the posting has closed.

28 Conducting Reference Checks Prior to conducting reference checks, departments should notify the applicants on the next step in selection process. Reference information provided by the applicant is an essential step in cross-referencing information received. Recommended to conduct reference check in pairs – one asks questions – the other takes notes. A standard, prepared list of reference questions should be used that focuses on job related performance –Suggested Referencing Questions available on toolkit

29 Conducting Interviews The minimum interview requirements are: Non-Exempt – Interview one for every three applicants referred or at least four if twelve or more applicants are referred. Exempt – Interview a minimum of two qualified applicants. Hiring departments may conduct interviews after the deadline date of the position. Telephone interviews and/or face-to-face interviews provide viable information about the applicant’s knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the essential functions of the job. As a standard practice, it is recommended that interviews be conducted in the same manner for each finalist (telephone, in- person, skype, etc).

30 Conducting Interviews Utilize a standard set of interview questions for all candidates –Candidate specific questions are allowed Only information that is necessary to assess an applicant’s competence or qualification for a job should be considered –Look at posting announcement for creation of interview questions –Questions must be job related Permissible Subjective Qualities: Motivation, Ambition, Willingness to accept direction, Attitude toward related job, Ability to communicate Avoid Inappropriate/Illegal Questions –Sample questions & listing of illegal questions available on toolkit

31 Conducting Interviews Interview Process Allow sufficient time and never appear hurried or anticipate the candidate’s responses or their own next question. Ask open-ended questions –Do not ask questions which can be satisfied with a yes or no answer. Open-ended questions begin with who, what, why, when, tell me, and how. Allow the candidate time (between 10 and 15 minutes) to ask questions before the interview ends.

32 Conducting Interviews Interview Structure Invite the candidate to enter and make appropriate introductions The interview: –Opening remarks. –Tell them about how many questions and how much time is allotted Interview questions Candidate questions Thank the candidate and inform them how/when they will be notified of next steps in the process.

33 Deselection of Applicants Deselection Options –Finalist Under Review by Department/Committee –Not Interviewed, Not Selected (send email) –Send Reference Checks –Finalist for Interview –Reference Checks Complete –Recommend for Hire –Interviewed, Not Selected (send email)

34 Records Retention Recruitment Record Retention All documents relating to the application process (i.e., interview notes, candidate assessments, reference checks of finalists and online disposition of each candidate) must be maintained by the department for three (3) years. When the files have met their 3 year retention requirement, follow the RMR Disposition and Destruction Process; complete the Request for Disposition form using Record Series, Rejected Applications.Disposition and Destruction Process Request for Disposition form

35 Onboarding What is Onboarding? Onboarding is more than just new employee orientation; it is a process that goes beyond orientation and benefits paperwork to engage an employee over several days, weeks and sometimes months. Successful onboarding can be obtained in part by arranging tasks and activities to acclimate new and internal hires into their position and/or with NMSU. Which group(s) will utilize the Onboarding System? Faculty and Staff hired into regular or term appointments

36 On-Boarding Website - Departments are not required to login to PA to complete tasks HRS is primary processor HRS will work with the department to ensure employee tasks are completed timely Compliance Based

37 Onboarding Faculty and Staff hired into regular or term appointment will use the PA Onboarding system. Employees with overdue tasks will be contacted via email/phone (call by HR Team Business Partner). Automated email reminders are also sent from the system letting employees know their tasks are overdue.

38 Onboarding Onboarding Event – A collection of Onboarding Tasks to be processed in order to Onboard an employee. NMSU has established three events: External Internal Senior Administrator

39 Onboarding External Hire Tasks (20 possible)Task Location Task Available / Email Sent (Ideal dates displayed below. HRS and dept. may adjust according to hiring time frame) Task to be completed: Responsible Party/Email Recipient Hiring Completion TasksPA (Form) several days prior to start dateprior to employee start dateHR Services Department Welcome StepsEmail5 days prior to start dateprior to employee start dateHiring Department NMSU Welcome LetterEmail5 days prior to start dateon or prior to start dateEmployee MyNMSU Account VerificationPA (Simple) 3 days post start date HR Services Establish PA Employee Security RoleEmail3 days post start date ICT Security New Employee Introductory EventsEmailstart dateduring 1st week on the jobHiring Department Job Onboarding User GuideEmailstart dateon start dateEmployee Update Phonebook PreferencesPA (Simple) start datewithin 5 days of start dateEmployee Register for New Employee OrientationPA (Simple) start datewithin 5 days of start dateEmployee Verify Receipt of New Hire FormsPA (Form) 5 days post start datewithin 5 days of start dateHR Services Conflict of Interest CompletedPA (Simple) start datewithin 5 days of start dateEmployee Direct DepositPA (Simple) start datewithin 5 days of start dateEmployee Faculty Deferred Pay Option (if applicable)PA (Simple) start datewithin 5 days of start dateEmployee Emergency NotificationsPA (Simple) start datewithin 5 days of start dateEmployee HIPAA Notice for NMSU PlansEmail10 days post start datewithin 10 days of start dateEmployee COBRA NoticePA (File Dist.) start datewithin 10 days of start dateEmployee Policy AcknowledgementPA (Simple) start datewithin 30 days of start dateEmployee Compliance Training- RequiredPA (Simple) start datewithin 60 days of start dateEmployee Compliance Training- Job SpecificEmailstart date in accordance with dept. requirementHiring Department End of Probation Reminder- Nonexempt Status (if applicable)Email5 months post start date6 months post start dateHiring Department

40 Resources Human Resource Services has provided toolkits for hiring. All toolkits can be found at These toolkits have the most up-to-date forms and information.


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