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June 8th, 2006 Jörn Hope Regional Manager Sweden/Iceland/Lithuania/Latvia Lithuanian Research Library Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "June 8th, 2006 Jörn Hope Regional Manager Sweden/Iceland/Lithuania/Latvia Lithuanian Research Library Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 8th, 2006 Jörn Hope Regional Manager Sweden/Iceland/Lithuania/Latvia Lithuanian Research Library Consortium


3 August 27, 2015 3 OVID OVERVIEW: GENERAL  Ovid – A Wolters Kluwer Business  Founded in 1988  Ovid is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer Health  Wolters Kluwer Health is a unit of Wolters Kluwer, with sales of 3,9 billion USD and 20000 employees  Ovids Offices in Europe: London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm  Support Two Platforms currently: Ovid Web Gateway & SilverPlatter  Ovid Web Gateway: Ebooks, Ejournals and Databases  SilverPlatter: Databases  Baltic Region recently placed under our Nordic team:  More time for visits  Geographically more sensible  Synergy  Baltic Region was managed by our team in Berlin in the past

4 August 27, 2015 4 SOME CUSTOMERS IN SWEDEN/ICELAND  MEDICAL MARKET:  EiRA Consortium in Sweden: All 94 public hospitals (Largest customer in Nordics)  Landspitali University Hospital in Iceland  ACADEMIC MARKET:  All major Medical Schools and most Universities and University Colleges:  Karolinska Institute  Uppsala University  Lunds University  Göteborg University  Umeå University  Linköping University  Stockholm Unversity  Luleå Tekniska University  University of Iceland

5 August 27, 2015 5 Content:  Databases: 100+ Databases  Journals: 1100+ Ejournals  Ebooks: 380+ Ebooks Tools:  Ovid Web Gateway  SilverPlatter ERL / WebSPIRS  Ovid LinkSolver (Open URL Link resolver)  Ovid SearchSolver (Federated Search) Services:  Technical Support: Always available upon request  Training: Always available upon request  One Total Information Retrieval Solution OUR SOLUTION: CONTENT + TOOLS + SERVICES

6 August 27, 2015 6 CONTENT: SUBJECT AREAS  BROAD SUBJECT AREAS COVERED:  Behavioral & Social Sciences  Business  Clinical Medicine  Forensic Medicine  Health Professions  Humanities  Life Sciences  Nursing  Patient Education  Pharmacology  Physical Science & Engineering  Reference  Veterenary Science

7 August 27, 2015 7 CONTENT: SUBJECT AREAS  SECONDARY SUBJECT AREAS COVERED:  Advanced Practice  Agronomy  Alternative Medicine  Anatomy (Primal Pictures – New 3D Anatomy Database)  Anthropology  Arts & Literature  Biochemistry & Biophysics  Bioengineering & Biotechnology  Biology  Cardiology  Chemistry  Clinical Psychology  Computer Science & Technology  Critical Care Medicine

8 August 27, 2015 8 CONTENT: SUBJECT AREAS  SECONDARY SUBJECT AREAS COVERED:  Dermatology  Earth and Environmental Sciences  Economic and Political Sciences  Epidemiology & Public Health  Evidence Based Medicine  Food Science & Technology  Fundamentals of Nursing  Health Psychology  Internal Medicine  Management Sciences  Midwifery  Music  Neurology

9 August 27, 2015 9 CONTENT: SUBJECT AREAS  SECONDARY SUBJECT AREAS COVERED:  Nursing  Nutrition/Diet Therapy  Occupational and Environmental Medicine  Oncology  Pediatrics  Pharmacology  Philosophy & Religion  Physics  Psychology  Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine  Social Work

10 August 27, 2015 10 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS JOURNALS@OVID:  Access to 1100+ peer-revied journals in science, medicine, technology, social sciences and humanities  Nearly 70 Publishers  100% Searchable Fulltext  Some Collections:  LWW Total Access Collection  NRC Press Science Collection  Adis International Collection  Various Nursing Collections  Ovid Mental Health Collections  Oxford University Press Collection  Society Published Journals Collection  PsycARTICLES  Blackwell

11 August 27, 2015 11 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - CLINICAL MEDICINE Lippincott Williams and Wilkins:  Owned by Wolters Kluwer Health and sold exclusively through Ovid  Around 250 journals covering area of Clinical Medicine  LWW Collections:  Various Custom Collections (50, 100, 150)  LWW Total Access (All titles at all times)  LWW Nursing Collections  Consortium Pricing Possible  A-La-Carte: Every title also available a-la-carte  LWW Clinical Relevancy: Coming Up

12 August 27, 201512 LWW Journals: Ranked #1 in Total Cites Journal Categories Anesthesiology Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems Clinical Neurology Education, Scientific Disciplines Hematology Orthopedics Otorhinolaryngology Peripheral Vascular Disease Surgery Transplantation (Source: 2004 ISI JCR Science Edition)

13 August 27, 201513 LWW Journals: Ranked #1 in Total Cites Journal Title Anesthesiology Circulation Neurology Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research The Laryngoscope Transplantation (Source: 2004 ISI JCR Science Edition)

14 August 27, 201514 LWW Journals: Peripheral Vascular Disease Top 7 journals by Impact Factor 9 of the top 15 journals in Total Cites, accounting for nearly 70%of the total citations for the category Top 3 in Immediacy Index (Source: 2004 ISI JCR Science Edition)

15 August 27, 201515 LWW Journals: Surgery The #1 journal by Impact Factor — Annals of Surgery The #1 journal in Total Cites — Transplantation 3 of the top 4 journals by Impact Factor (Source: 2004 ISI JCR Science Edition)

16 August 27, 201516 LWW Journals Orthopedics 3 of the top 10 journals by Impact Factor Top 2 journals by Total Cites 42 journals in the category (Source: 2004 ISI JCR Science Edition) Clinical Neurology 3 of the top 7 journals by Impact Factor Top 2 journals by Total Cites 140 journals in the category

17 August 27, 201517 LWW Journals: New Titles for 2006 American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Formerly Italian Heart Journal) Journal of Thoracic Oncology Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare

18 August 27, 2015 18 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS – PHARMACOLOGY Adis International Journal Collection:  Source: Adis (part of Wolters Kluwer Health)  30 journals  Practical, authoritative support for research and practice in pharmacology, therapeutics and disease management  Adis International has a 40-year heritage of offering invaluable information in pharmacology, therapeutics and disease management  Adis titles such as Drugs, Clinical Drug Investigation, and Clinical Pharmacokinetics are among the most cited publications in their respective fields, and provide a unique blend of original articles, authoritative reviews, drug profiles and evaluations

19 August 27, 2015 19 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS – PHARMACOLOGY Adis International Journal Collection TITLES:  American Journal of Cancer  American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs  American Journal of Clinical Dermatology  American Journal of Drug Delivery  Applied Bioinformatics  Applied Health Economics and Health Policy  BioDrugs  Clinical Drug Investigation  Clinical Pharmacokinetics  CNS Drugs  Disease Management & Health Outcomes  Drug Safety  Drugs  Drugs & Aging

20 August 27, 2015 20 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS – PHARMACOLOGY Adis International Journal Collection TITLES(Continued):  Drugs & Therapy Perspectives  Drugs in R & D  Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine  High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention  Inpharma Weekly  International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine  Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy  Pediatric Drugs  Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Innovation  PharmacoEconomics  PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News  Reactions Weekly  Sports Medicine  Toxicological Reviews  Treatments in Endocrinology  Treatments in Respiratory Medicine

21 August 27, 2015 21 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS – MEDICAL AND NURSING BLACKWELL MEDICAL AND NURSING JOURNALS:  More than 270 peer-reviewed medical and nursing journals from Blackwell Publishing available on Ovid  Coverage areas include Nursing, Dentistry, Immunology, Cardiology, Psychiatry and Transplantation  Complete list of journals available upon request  Trials always available

22 August 27, 2015 22 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - SCIENCE The NRC Press Science Collection  Publisher: NRC Press - National Research Council Canada  This collection comprises 15 high impact peer reviewed titles  Broad spectrum of scientific disciplines including Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Genetics, Aquatic Sciences and Genomics  Broad Subjects: Life Sciences, Physical Science & Engineering

23 August 27, 2015 23 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - SCIENCE The NRC Press Science Collection TITLES:  Biochemistry and Cell Biology  Canadian Geotechnical Journal  Canadian Journal of Botany  Canadian Journal of Chemistry  Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  Canadian Journal of Forest Research  Canadian Journal of Microbiology  Canadian Journal of Physics  Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology  Canadian Journal of Zoology  Environmental Reviews  Genome  Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science

24 August 27, 2015 24 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY PsycARTICLES:  Source: American Psychological Association  Database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association  More than 50 peer-reviewed journals  APA's premier psychology resource for clinicians, researchers and students  Recognized worldwide as a leading full text source for academic, research and practice literature in psychology and related disciplines  Featuring a continuously growing number of significant and highly regarded periodicals, PsycARTICLES is an unmatched resource for information in behavioral science.  Direct links to PsycARTICLES from your Ovid platform databases, such as PsycINFO®, CINAHL® and MEDLINE®

25 August 27, 2015 25 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY PsycARTICLES(Titles):  American Psychologist  Behavioral Neuroscience  Developmental Psychology  Emotion  Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology  Health Psychology  Journal of Abnormal Psychology  Journal of Applied Psychology  Journal of Comparative Psychology  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology  Journal of Counseling Psychology  Journal of Educational Psychology  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes

26 August 27, 2015 26 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY PsycARTICLES(Titles):  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition  Journal of Family Psychology  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology  Neuropsychology  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice  Psychological Assessment  Psychological Bulletin  Psychological Methods  Psychological Review  Psychology and Aging  Psychology, Public Policy, and Law

27 August 27, 2015 27 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY PsycARTICLES(Titles):  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry  Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research  Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology  Dreaming  Families, Systems, and Health  Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice  History of Psychology  International Journal of Stress Management  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology  Journal of Psychotherapy Integration  Psychoanalytic Psychology  Psychological Services  Psychology of Addictive Behaviors  Psychology of Men and Masculinity  Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training

28 August 27, 2015 28 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY PsycARTICLES(Titles):  Review of General Psychology  Methodology: European  Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences  Swiss Journal  of Psychology  Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science  Canadian Psychology  Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology  Crisis:The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention  European Journal of Psychological Assessment  European Psychologist  Experimental Psychology  Journal of Psychophysiology  Journal of Individual Differences

29 August 27, 2015 29 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS – PSYCHOLOGY Ovid Mental Health Collection II - Psychology  33 Journals included  Attractively priced  Includes titles on the prestigious Brandon/Hill and Hague lists  Easily accessible through Journals@Ovid, with our advanced searching features  100% searchability, including every word, every graphic and every caption  Thousands of links from PsycINFO, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and EMBASE Psychiatry

30 August 27, 2015 30 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY Ovid Mental Health Collection IV - Psychology TITLES:  Academic Psychiatry  Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment  Alcohol and Alcoholism  American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry  American Journal of Occupational Therapy  Behavioral Medicine  Behaviour  Behavioural Pharmacology  Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention  British Journal of Clinical Psychology  British Journal of Developmental Psychology  British Journal of Educational Psychology  British Journal of Health Psychology  British Journal of Psychology  British Journal of Social Psychology

31 August 27, 2015 31 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS - PSYCHOLOGY Ovid Mental Health Collection IV - Psychology TITLES (Continued):  Contemporary Hypnosis  Criminal Behaviour in Mental Health  Evidence-Based Mental Health  International Clinical Psychopharmacology  International Journal of Psychoanalysis  Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics  Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease  Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & Psychiatry  Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences  Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology  Journal of Pediatric Psychology  Legal and Criminological Psychology  Psychiatric Annals  Psychiatric Services  Psychological Medicine  Psychology & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice  Psychosomatics  Reviews in Clinical Gerontology

32 August 27, 2015 32 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS – ART/MEDIA Intellect Arts and Creative Media Collection:  Publisher: Intellect Ltd  A collection of 20 peer-reviewed journals  Covers creative media, such as: film, television, art, design, education, language, gender study, and international culture  Available exclusively through Ovid on journals@ovid

33 August 27, 2015 33 CONTENT: JOURNAL COLLECTIONS – ART/MEDIA Intellect Arts and Creative Media Collection TITLES:  Art Design and Communication in Higher Education  International Journal of Education Through Art  International Journal of Francophone Studies  International Journal of Iberian Studies  International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics  International Journal of Performance Art and Digital Media  International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development  Journal of Media Practice  Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change  Journal of Visual Arts Practice  LATISS: Learning and Teaching in the Social Sciences  New Cinemas - Journal of Contemporary Film  Portuguese Journal of Social Science  Studies in European Cinema  Studies in French Cinema  Studies in Hispanic Cinema  Studies in Theatre and Performance  Technoetic Arts - A Journal of Speculative Research  The Radio Journal - International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media

34 August 27, 2015 34 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS Books@Ovid:  Fastest growing in Ovid during 2005  380+ Books and growing rapidly(estimated 600 books by end of 2006)  Combines largest collection of ie core clinical texts with industry leading precision search, browse and linking tools  Some collections:  Various Lippincott Willimas & Wilkins Book Collections  LWW/Springhouse Nursing Collection  LWW Complete Book Collection 2006  McGraw-Hill Science and Technology Series  McGraw-Hill Science Series  McGraw-Hill Technology Series  McGraw-Hill Dictionary Series  McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia Series

35 August 27, 2015 35 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – CLINICAL MEDICINE  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 5-Minute Clinical Consult Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Cardiovascular Medicine Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Complete Book Collection 2006  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Emergency Medicine Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Hospital Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Neuropsychiatry Book Collection

36 August 27, 2015 36 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – CLINICAL MEDICINE  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Obstetrics and Gynecology Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Oncology Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Orthopaedics Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pediatric Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Primary Care Book Collection  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Spiral Manual Collection  Lippincott's Clinical Choice  Lippincott/Springhouse Nursing Collection

37 August 27, 2015 37 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – CLINICAL MEDICINE LWW Complete Book Collection 2006:  197 LWW ebooks  Includes top titles such as Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, Cancer Principles and Practice of Oncology, and Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice  The collection provides access to leading references texts and handbooks and will be particularly valued by universities and colleges that require unlimited access to premier titles for their students  Complete list of titles available in handout  Trials & Price quotes available upon request

38 August 27, 2015 38 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – NURSING LWW/Springhouse Nursing Collection:  12 books included  Unmatched resource for a wide range of nursing research needs  Access to practical, day-to-day reference guides such as Nettina: Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice and Carpenito: Nursing Care Plans and Documentation  Fast, intuitive natural language searching - the targeted information you need retrieved precisely and quickly through Books@Ovid  Quick and easy access to updated NANDA diagnoses, nursing interventions and treatments, plus state-of-the-art procedures, techniques and equipment

39 August 27, 2015 39 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – NURSING LWW/Springhouse Nursing Collection (Titles):  Cardiac Nursing  Essentials of Complementary and Alternative Medicine  Fluid and Electrolyte Balance  Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice  Lippincott's Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans  Lippincott's Nursing Drug Guide (2006)  Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests  Nursing Care Plans and Documentation  Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice  Pediatric Care Planning  Plumer's Principles and Practice of Intravenous Therapy  Primary Care

40 August 27, 2015 40 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY McGraw-Hill Collections:  Science and Technology Collection  23 books on Physical Science & Engineering  Science Collection  15 books  Technology Collection  8 books  Dictionary Collection  11 books / dictionaries & word references  Encyclopedia Collection  6 books, Encyclopedias of Engineering, -Chemistry, -Bioscience, -Earth Science, -Environmental Science & -Physics

41 August 27, 2015 41 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY McGraw-Hill Science and Technology Collection TITLES:  Handbook of Chemical Reactor Design, Optimization, And Scaleup  McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Bioscience  McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Chemistry  McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Earth Science  McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Engineering  McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Environmental Science  McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Physics  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Astronomy  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Bioscience

42 August 27, 2015 42 CONTENT: EBOOK COLLECTIONS – SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY McGraw-Hill Science and Technology Collection TITLES(Continued):  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Computing & Communications  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Electrical & Computer Engineering  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Environmental Science  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Geology & Mineralogy  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Materials Science  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Mathematics  McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Physics  McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology  Microfluid Mechanics  Microwave Transmission Networks  Molecular Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena

43 August 27, 2015 43 CONTENT: DATABASES Databases@Ovid:  100+ Databases available  Complete list available in handout  Available on the Ovid and SilverPlatter platforms  Disciplines: Nursing, Pharmacology, Engineering, Psychology, Clinical Medicine, Sports Medicine, Zoology and more

44 August 27, 2015 44 CONTENT: DATABASES – PSYCHOLOGY PsycINFO:  Source: American Psychological Association  Essential psychology discovery tool for researchers, practitioners, and students in numerous disciplines  Comprehensive international bibliographic database of psychology  Contains citations and summaries of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports  Covers field of psychology and the psychological aspects of related disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law  Includes international material selected from more than 1,900 periodicals written in over 35 languages

45 August 27, 2015 45 CONTENT: DATABASES – PSYCHOLOGY PsycINFO:  Over 80,000 records are added annually through weekly updates. Approximately 7.7 million cited references are found in citations to 156,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters.  PsycINFO® database from Ovid offers a unique bonus - FREE full text via our exclusive Database Link Packages  2 million records  1872 to present  Consortium pricing available

46 August 27, 2015 46 CONTENT: DATABASES – ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AMED Allied and Complementary Medicine:  Source: British Library  A unique bibliographic database that covers a selection of journals in complementary ("alternative") medicine, palliative care, and several professions allied to medicine.  Allied and alternative medicine is increasingly accepted worldwide  AMED covers relevant references to articles from around 512 journals, the majority of which are in English  AMED Allied and Complementary Medicine from Ovid offers a unique bonus - FREE full text via our exclusive Database Link Packages  1985 to present  152000 records and 12000 added yearly

47 August 27, 2015 47 CONTENT: DATABASES – NUSRING / MIDWIFERY Midwifery and Infant Care 1971+:  The definitive midwifery and infant care database from MIDIRS (Midwives Information and Resource Service)  Midwifery and Infant Care is an important essential resource for academics and healthcare professionals involved in the care of women and infants  contains over 120,000 references with abstracts to journal articles from over 550 international English language journals, books, and grey literature relating to the midwifery profession  Database coverage is from the mid-1980s and approximately 1000 records are added to the database per month.  Coverage:1973 – Present  Data Type:Bibliographic with Abstracts  Number of Records:120,000+ & 12,000 records added annually

48 August 27, 2015 48 CONTENT: DATABASES – NURSING / MIDWIFERY Midwifery and Infant Care 1971+(Continued):  Key Topics: -Healthcare professionals role -Employment issues -Ethical and professional issues -International midwifery -Sudden infant death and infant mortality -Neonatal care and intensive care -Social and psychological aspects -Antenatal health issues -Screening -HIV -Complementary therapies -Health education -Hospital policies

49 August 27, 2015 49 CONTENT: DATABASES – NURSING/MIDWIFERY British Nursing Index:  Publisher: BNI Publications  The most extensive and up-to-date UK nursing and midwifery index  Includes a new specially designed thesaurus  From the partnership of Bournemouth University, Poole Hospital NHS Trust, Salisbury Hospital NHS Trust and the Royal College of Nursing comes the most extensive and up-to-date UK nursing and midwifery index  Covers all the major British publications and other English language titles with unrivalled currency making it the essential nursing and midwifery database  Provides references to journal articles from all the major British nursing and midwifery titles and other English language titles

50 August 27, 2015 50 CONTENT: DATABASES – NURSING/MIDWIFERY British Nursing Index (Continued):  British Nursing Index from Ovid offers a unique bonus - FREE full text via our exclusive Database Link Packages  Coverage:1993-Present  Data Type: Bibliographic  Number of Records: 75,000+  Records Added Annually: 9,000+  Available on Ovid Web Gateway

51 August 27, 2015 51 CONTENT: DATABASES – TECHNOLOGY / TRANSPORT TRANSPORT:  The single most comprehensive source of international transportation information available today  Consists of two component bibliographic databases produced by the world's leading transportation research organisations: The International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) produced by TRL Limited on behalf of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) based in Paris; and the Transportation Research Information Services database (TRIS) produced by the Transportation Research Board of the United States.  Together, the databases feature published research in transportation systems and their components: highways construction, traffic, transport, road safety, intermodal transport, environmental effects of transport, transport economics, transport policy and social sciences of transportation

52 August 27, 2015 52 CONTENT: DATABASES – TECHNOLOGY / TRANSPORT TRANSPORT(Continued):  References nearly all include abstracts and are predominantly in English  The records are drawn from research reports, books, articles from journals and reviews, theses, standards, specifications, conference proceedings, and summaries of research in progress.  Access to 650,000+ records from 1968 to present, with 12,000+ added annually  Available on Ovid Web Gateway

53 August 27, 2015 53 CONTENT: DATABASES – CONSTRUCTION ICONDA:  Source:Fraunhofer Information Center for Regional Planning and Building Construction (IRB)  ICONDA, the International Construction Database, contains over 400,000 references to all aspects of planning and building from twenty three countries  Essential subjects are: architectural design and planning, construction of industrial, commercial, and residential structures, structural design, material properties and testing, public works and major construction projects, regional and municipal planning, project planning, finance and management, soil mechanics and geotechniques, maintenance, restoration, and conservation techniques, construction equipment and methods, and Computer Aided Design (CAD).  All references are in English, and cover over 400 periodicals. Of those 75 are from the United Kingdom and over 60 are from the US

54 August 27, 2015 54 CONTENT: DATABASES – CONSTRUCTION ICONDA(Continued):  The references include abstracts of international books, research reports, conference proceedings, business reports and non-conventional literature  Coverage:1976-Present  Type: Bibliographic with Abstracts  Number of Records:500,000+  Records Added Annually:27,000+  Available on SilverPlatter

55 August 27, 2015 55 CONTENT: DATABASES - BIOLOGY EMBiology:  Published by Elsevier and available exclusively through Ovid  Comprehensive yet affordable database covering non-clinical bioscience literature from around the world.  Comprehensive bibliographic database offering cover-to-cover coverage of more than 2,800 non-clinical biology journals and trade publications published globally  Many titles indexed are unique to EMBiology including 1,800 not covered in EMBASE  Coverage:1980 - PresentData  Bibliographic with Abstracts  Number of Records: 4,000,000  Records Added Annually: 250,000  Subject Coverage: Biochemistry & Biophysics, General Biology, General, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Veterinary Science and Zoology

56 August 27, 2015 56 CONTENT: DATABASES - REHABILITATION EMBASE: Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine  Contains only information pertinent to the specialty of rehabilitation and physical medicine  Topics include diagnosis, function tests and evaluation, as well as the social, vocational, and educational aspects of rehabilitation  Coverage: Rolling 10 years  Data Type: Bibliographic  Number of Records:135,000+

57 August 27, 2015 57 CONTENT: DATABASES - ENVIRONMENT Environment and Waste Plus:  Source: Sheila Pantry Associates  Unique source for information and legislation on environment, pollution prevention control and waste to assist in meeting ISO 14001 accreditation requirements  Includes contributions from the European Commission, the UK Environment Agency, the UK Department for Environment, and Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).  Number of Records:150,000+ and over 900 full text documents  Available on SilverPlatter only

58 August 27, 2015 58 CONTENT: DATABASES - CHEMISTRY Analytical Abstracts:  Source: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)  Premier specialist database for the analytical scientist  Analytical Abstracts has been expanded for 2004 so that more papers in the growing areas of proteome and genome research are now included  Access to new analytical methods, abstracted from all major analytical journals, at your fingertips  Over 100 international journals, standard methods and application notes are scanned for inclusion in Analytical Abstracts  Coverage:1980-Present  Number of Records:340,000+  Records Added Annually:15,000+  Available on Ovid and SilverPlatter

59 August 27, 2015 59 CONTENT: DATABASES - PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHER’S INDEX:  Source: Philosopher's Information Center  The premier international resource in philosophy  Author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy, published in journals and books since 1940  Records cited journal articles, books, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews  Topics covered include: aesthetics, axiology, philosophy of education, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of history, philosophy of language, logic, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, metaphilosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of science, social philosophy, and the philosophy of religion.  Ovid offers a unique bonus - FREE full text via our exclusive Database Link Packages  Coverage 1940 to present, 269000 records, 14000 added annually  Access available on Ovid Web Gateway and SilverPlatter

60 August 27, 2015 60 CONTENT: DATABASES – SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Policy and Practice:  Source: Centre for Policy on Ageing, Greater London Authority, IDOX and Social Care Institute for Excellence  Leading source of applied social science and evidence-based social policy and practice  Represents an important source for applied social science policy-makers and practitioners working within human resources, public safety, social services, social administration, economic and social development, social work, social work education and care management  Coverage:  Public & social policy  Public health  Social care  Community development  Mental and community health

61 August 27, 2015 61 CONTENT: DATABASES – SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Policy and Practice (Continued):  Homelessness  Housing  Crime  Equalities  Law and order  Children and families  Older People  An Ovid Exclusive database!  Over 200,000 bibliographic records  Approximately 20,000 added per annum  Copies of original document available from British Library  1981 to present  Available on SilverPlatter

62 August 27, 2015 62 CONTENT: DATABASES – SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Work Abstracts Plus:  Source: National Association of Social Workers  Two unique databases in one subscription: Social Work Abstracts and The Register of Clinical Social Workers  Contains information on the fields of social work and human services from 1977 to present  Provides exceptional coverage of more than 450 journals in all areas of the profession, including theory and practice, areas of service, social issues, and social problems  Number of Records:74,000+  Available exclusively on Ovid and SilverPlatter

63 August 27, 2015 63 CONTENT: DATABASES – SOCIAL SCIENCES International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS):  Source: British Library of Political & Economic Science of the London School of Economics & Political Science  Social and behavioral sciences in one database  Indexes the information contained in over 2,600 social sciences journals and 6,000 books each year  Coverage includes both core and specialized material from over 100 countries in more than 90 languages  Approximately 70% of the records are in English, and articles in other languages are displayed with both the original language title as well as with an English translation  Number of Records:2.000,000  Records Added Annually:100,000+  Coverage:1951-Present and available exclusively on SilverPlatter

64 August 27, 2015 64 CONTENT: DATABASES – ANATOMY  PRIMAL PICTURES with Complete Interactive Functional Anatomy:  The world’s first 3D model of human anatomy  Anytime, anywhere access to interactive, multi-media three- dimensional human anatomy modelling  Based on real medical scan and dissection data.  60+ Animations available currently (100+ by 2007)  Ideal for teachers, students, physicians, physicians’ assistants, nurses, allied health professionals, and even researchers, specializing in medicine, physical and occupational therapy, sports medicine, and other specialties  Primal Pictures on Ovid provides a dynamic interactive multi-media overview of human anatomy - from head to toe  White Paper on development of the database is available upon request  Trials available now on Ovid!  QUICK DEMO TO COME

65 August 27, 2015 65 TOOLS: FULL TEXT MANAGEMENT  QUOSA Information Manager:  Query, Organize, Share, Save & Analyze FULL TEXT  Download and retrieve full text articles with just one click  Reduce time spent on organizing and managing the articles and literature you've retrieved — QUOSA Information Manager has proven to reduce up to 70% of time saved on these research tasks  Get automated article indexing to facilitate future retrieval and review  Integrate your content, including full text links, within EndNote® and Reference Manager®

66 August 27, 2015 66 TOOLS: FULL TEXT MANAGEMENT  QUOSA Information Manager(Continued):  Ovid users can use QUOSA Information Manager to quickly and easily search, store, analyze, share, monitor, and organize dozens, hundreds, even thousands of full text documents across multiple formats, including PDF, PowerPoint, MS Word, database citations, web pages, and more.  Further analyze and mine articles on your desktop for specific information and additional insights  FREE TRIALS AVAILABLE

67 August 27, 2015 67 QUOSA Information Manager - Screenshot

68 August 27, 2015 68 TOOLS – LINKING OVID LinkSolver:  Linking from Open URL compliant information sources to Internet resources  Comprehensive resource linking solution, expands the power of linking to a wide variety of Internet resources, while giving you complete administrative flexibility in defining, organizing and displaying links for your end-users  Flexible: define, organize and display links that are relevant to your organization and end-users.  Scalable: you'll have an online service model that grows with your needs.  Priced right: enjoy an extraordinary value for the best linking resources and features available.  Easy to upgrade: your set-up is simple and quick.  Robust: our worldwide data centers optimize user performance and uptime reliability.  Ovid hosted: we host the servers, you save valuable budget dollars on hardware and maintenance costs.  Easy to use & easy to administer: Ovid LinkSolverTM is easy to set up, administer, and use. You define the links based on your library’s resources and your patrons’ workflow

69 August 27, 2015 69 TOOLS – FEDERATED SEARCHING Ovid SearchSolver:  A Federated Search Solution from a Trusted Source.  Exciting front-end resource discovery tool: Users can conduct a single search across a variety of information sources to uncover the full breadth of content resources available at their institution  Search results are displayed in an easy-to-use, uniform format allowing the user to further refine results or expand their discovery  Search an unlimited number of resources simultaneously.  Search across ALL types of sources, including electronic journals, bibliographic databases, Internet portals, and OPACs.  Link out to external sources, using Ovid LinkSolver™ or other OpenURL resolvers  CONSORTIUM PRICING AVAILABLE ON LINKSOLVER & SEARCHSOLVER

70 August 27, 2015 70 SERVICES  SUPPORT available 24/7 to all customers   Toll-free support number coming later in 2006/early 2007  Free TRAINING available to customers upon request  Agreed on a case-by-case basis  Train-the-Trainer model for librarians mostly used  Training for end users can also be done if requested

71 August 27, 2015 71 TOOLS – OVID WEB GATEWAY  Let’s take a quick look at the Ovid Web Gateway interface:   Access to databases, journals and ebooks all on the same platform !!

72 August 27, 2015 72 Q & A Contact:

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