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Innovation Productive use of new knowledge in all sectors of the economy and society We invest in: Discovery Competitive research in science and engineering,

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation Productive use of new knowledge in all sectors of the economy and society We invest in: Discovery Competitive research in science and engineering,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Innovation Productive use of new knowledge in all sectors of the economy and society We invest in: Discovery Competitive research in science and engineering, providing access to new knowledge from around the world People Highly skilled, well educated and capable of lifelong learning USING NEW KNOWLEDGE Partnerships of universities with industry and other sectors for project research WORKING IN ALL AREAS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Scholarships and fellowships for undergraduate students, postgraduate students, postdoctoral fellows and some university faculty EXCELLENCE Our goal is Canadian excellence in: CREATING KNOWLEDGE Discovery Grants for basic research in the universities We do this through peer-reviewed competitions in three programs Prosperity and high quality of life for Canadians vision and mission NSERC also works towards its goals by exerting INFLUENCE beyond our program reach Science and Engineering Research Canada

3 NSERC Information Session Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science July 17, 2005

4 1.New at NSERC - NSERC Update - Program Updates 2. 2005 Competition Results - Discovery Grant - Research Tools and Instruments - Scholarships Agenda

5 NSERC Update President’s term is ending Reallocations Exercise NSERC Regional Offices Electronic submission of applications

6 Program Updates Form 180 – New Deadline: August 1st RTI Changes – Deadline: October 25th 5-year Grants Reporting HQP

7 NSERC Budget 2005-06 (millions of dollars) Total: $850 Total: $863

8 2005 COMPETITION RESULTS Discovery Grants Research Tools and Instruments

9 2005 Discovery Grants Results: All Disciplines Disciplines First Time ApplicantsReturning Applicants No App. Success (%) Avg. Grant ($) No App. Success (%) Avg. Grant ($) Life Sciences29550.827,1026947134,531 Physical Sciences19570.830,87148579.438,023 Math, Stats7785.713,50020385.217,746 Computer Science7279.222,24619788.327,274 Engineering22373.522,58168877.929,019 Subatomic Physics810033,5002487.544.261 Interdisciplinary1361.527,1382785.225,483 Total for all GSCs88366.924,634231877.929,677

10 2005 Discovery Grants Results: Life Sciences Grant Selection Committee (GSC) First Time ApplicantsReturning Applicants No. App. Succes s (%) Avg. Grant ($) No. App. Succes s (%) Avg. Grant ($) (1011) Integrative Animal Biology 8242.629,94115863.938,314 (32) Cell Biology4643.532,10010569.539,997 (33) Molecular & Dev. Genetics3145.234,9798268.340,894 (03) Plant Biology & Food Sci.2657.731,56710975.235,934 (18) Evolution & Ecology6456.322,53113577.028,308 (12) Psychology: Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 4658.718,93210573.326,672 Total for Life Sciences29550.827,10269471.034,531

11 Reallocations Spending 2005 Life Sciences GSCProposal$ Spent 2005 3 #2- New opportunities of knowledge discovery #3- Meeting the growing demand for HQP 166K 90K 12 #2- Imaging & animal care costs #3- Increased costs of training students 115.4K 25K 18 #4- Modern technologies #5- Field research 95K 32/33#2- Number of new applicants219K 1011 #3- Molecular biology #4- Animal care costs #5- Emerging technologies 219.3K

12 2005 Research Tools & Instruments (RTI-1) All RTIRTI for FTAs Disciplines No. App. Success Rate (%) Funding ($) No App. Success Rate (%) Life Sciences44445.58,811,2417343.8 Physical Sciences41040.711,833,9618660.5 Math, Stats1566.7445,27600 Computer Science5750.91,412,111875 Engineering45038.011,871,4145743.9 Interdisciplinary1464.3345,99910 Total for all GSCs139042.334,720,00222551.1

13 2005 RTI-1 Results Life Sciences Grant Selection Committee (GSC) ALL RTIRTI for FTAs No. App. Success Rate (%) Funding ($) No. App. Success Rate (%) (1011) Integrative Animal Biology10142.62,356,5901735.5 (32) Cell Biology7749.61,724,1951145.5 (33) Molecular & Dev. Genetics3644.4807,331450.0 (03) Plant Biology & Food Sci.8741.41,769,324666.7 (18) Evolution & Ecology10145.51,434,7701936.8 (12) Psychology: Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Sci. 4254.8719,0311650.0 Total for Life Sciences44445.58,811,2417343.8

14 Scholarships – Awards in Psychology 2005 Competition Program# of Appl.# of Awards Succ. Rate (%) PGS M1415669.5 (M Awards) CGS M42 PGS D2714283.1 (D2 Awards) CGS D217 PGS D3723763.9 (D3 Awards) CGS D39 PDF521630.8 Total33621965.2

15 Scholarships – Awards in Psychology 2004-2005 Program# of Appl. # of Awards Succ. Rate (%) IPS 111100 IPS 25480 IRF000

16 Research Grants Contacts Your Research Grant Officer (RGO) NSERC Web Discovery 613-995-5829 Use of grant NSERC StaffFirst

17 Thank you very much…… Paule Boulanger Program Officer GSC 12 – Psychology: Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 613-995-1860

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