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Teaching and Learning Grants Workshop Teaching and Learning Enhancement at UQ Professor Deborah Terry 8 February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and Learning Grants Workshop Teaching and Learning Enhancement at UQ Professor Deborah Terry 8 February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and Learning Grants Workshop Teaching and Learning Enhancement at UQ Professor Deborah Terry 8 February 2008

2 Drivers of Change in T&L increased national & global competition  driving efforts to differentiate increased focus on student retention & student engagement national & international focus on QA around teaching increasing emphasis on T&L performance indicators  TQF?

3 Drivers of Change in T&L Learning and Teaching Performance Fund (LTPF) CEQ scales – good teaching, overall satisfaction, generic skills student success - % F/T employment, % F/T P/T study student progression – pass rate, retention Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education a national focus for the enhancement of learning and teaching in Australian higher education providers

4 UQ Teaching and Learning Enhancement Plan 2008-2010 Build an understanding of and commitment to the distinctive features of the UQ student experience, and support initiatives to enrich this experience Enrich all aspects of the teaching and learning environment “Support and reward teaching excellence, and raise the professionalism, visibility, and status of teaching and learning at UQ”

5 UQ Teaching and Learning Enhancement Plan 2008-2010 UQ ADVANTAGE World-class Research Strengths and Facilities High Quality Staff and Students International Linkages and Global Goals Industry and Professional Engagement Underpinned by Professionalism and Excellence in Teaching High Quality Teaching and Learning Environment

6 Carrick Promoting Excellence Initiative funding for institutional strategies to build systems that support staff to engage constructively with Carrick improve the quality of UQ’s teaching grant & fellowship applications improve UQ’s internal systems for the management of Carrick applications, including both evaluation & dissemination build UQ’s capability & capacity in teaching scholarship assisted by UQ’s T&L Grant Scheme evidence that institutional engagement in the SoTL impacts on subsequent student outcomes (Brew & Ginns, 2006)

7 Types of T&L Grants Internal - UQ National - Carrick T&L Strategic Grants Scheme Fellowship Scheme Grants Scheme Small GrantsLarge Grants Senior Fellowship Associate Fellowship Competitive Grants Leadership for Excellence in T&L Priority Projects

8 Scope of Grant Schemes Your project ideas need to match the purpose of the scheme UQ T&L Strategic Grants Focus on UQ strategic priorities; outcomes relating to courses and programs; seeding grants; larger grants with broader application Carrick Institute National and international focus; collaboration between institutions highly valued; focus on long-term change For the Fellowship Scheme, the quality and standing of the applicant (profile, leadership skills etc.) is considered just as important as the quality of the project

9 Program for the Day UQ T&L Grants – Round 2 overview and application tips Morning tea Carrick Grants Scheme Overview Carrick Fellowships Scheme Overview Dissemination and Evaluation Using Technology to Improve T&L Curriculum Development Assessment

10 UQ T&L Strategic Grants Round 2 – March 2008

11 Nature of the Scheme Will fund projects that: promote excellence and innovation in teaching and learning meet key UQ strategic priorities &/or TLEP priorities improve student outcomes student satisfaction student outcomes student success (progression)

12 Funding $2.5 million of monies obtained from the Learning and Teaching Performance Fund Two funding rounds $1.4 million allocated in mid 2007 $1.1 million available from early 2008 75% of the funds will be released when the grant application is approved – the final 25% will be released on completion of an interim project report

13 Small and Large Grants Small Grants maximum of $30,000 projects that will be completed within 12 months Large Grants over $30,000 requiring $ for $ leverage funding from another source for funds over $30,000 (cash contributions, not just in-kind support) projects that will be completed within 2 years

14 Overview Small grants may be used: to carry out stand-alone projects, e.g., curriculum or assessment redesign, e-learning or 1 st -year development as seeding grants to produce pilot evidence for a larger scale project (e.g., Carrick) Large grants should: aim to achieve significant improvements in student satisfaction, student outcomes or student success have cross-disciplinary relevance or impact beyond the organisational unit either within and or outside UQ.

15 Eligibility Project Leaders must be: full-time academic staff at UQ or fractional appointments as long as there is one full-time staff member on the project team must be based within a School, Faculty or Institute Staff from other organisational units can be included in the project team (eg TEDI, the Graduate School, Library, SASD, ITS, IED and ICTE)

16 Selection Criteria 1. Develop an innovative approach to teaching and learning aligned to the University & Faculty T&L priorities and objectives. 2. Demonstrate that the project aims to enhance one or more of the following student experience criteria: improving student satisfaction (CEQ) improving student outcomes (GDS) improving student success

17 Selection Criteria 3.Provide an explanation of how project outcomes will be sustained beyond the life of the project. 4.Provide a strategy for the evaluation of the project with information on outcomes for students & how these will be assessed

18 Selection Criteria 5. Budget include clear, well-justified & itemised budget Large Grants need details on how much additional funding above $30,000 is required and details on the source of the $ for $ leverage funding Small Grants should include details of any funds obtained from another source if applicable.

19 Selection Criteria 6.Provide a strategy on how the outcomes will be disseminated to others within the discipline for Large Grants dissemination must be across disciplines within UQ and nationally/internationally

20 Stage 1: Application and Selection Process Applications submitted to the Chair of Faculty T&L Committee will rank applications (separately for small & large grant applications) will be based on rankings provided by the School Teaching and Learning Committee (if relevant) All applications must be endorsed by the Heads of School(s) and the Executive Dean(s). This endorsement indicates that required internal resources will be available

21 Key Dates for Second Round Applications Applications open Monday, 29 October 2007 School and Faculty Selection and Ranking Dates Variable - Please discuss with your School and Faculty Application closing date – Faculties send ranked applications to Office of the DVC (T&L) Thursday, 20 March 2008 Grants announced April 2008 Selection process Chaired by DVC (T&L)

22 Faculty Submission Dates Arts - Due to the Director of Studies on Monday, 10 March BACS – Contact Director of Studies for details BEL – Contact Director of Studies for details EPSA - Due in the EPSA Faculty Office by Monday March 10th following School rankings Health Sciences - Contact Director of Studies for details NRAVS - Contact Director of Studies for details SBS – Due on Thursday March 13 - due date for the readership scheme March 3

23 Stage 2: Development and Reporting Process Application RoundExpected Completion Date Second round projectsSmall Grants - 30 June 2009 Large Grants - 30 June 2010

24 STAGE 2: Development and Reporting Process Interim report - submitted to Faculty T&L Committee Final evaluation report - University Teaching and Learning Committee Project leaders responsible for the overall progress of the project, including the achievement of project milestones, interim report and final evaluation report.

25 Making a Successful Application Tips and advice on completing the application Professor Fred D’Agostino

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