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Bolt-On Module: Grants Event Log Friday November 11, 2005 USM Regional Oracle/People Soft Conference Towson University.

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Presentation on theme: "Bolt-On Module: Grants Event Log Friday November 11, 2005 USM Regional Oracle/People Soft Conference Towson University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bolt-On Module: Grants Event Log Friday November 11, 2005 USM Regional Oracle/People Soft Conference Towson University

2 Your Presenters Maureen McMahon Director of Sponsored Programs Tony Finneran IT Specialist

3 Overview The Event Log was developed to replace a previous in-house grants application used by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to track and report sponsored funding events from both proposed and awarded grants.

4 Agenda UMBC Grants general information and current PeopleSoft environment Legacy system issues and brief history Issues with delivered PS Grants Administration Module Benefits of Event Log in PeopleSoft Demonstration of Event Log Questions and answers

5 Grants and PeopleSoft Grants Management / Financials go live July 1, 2003 Pre and Post Award modules in use Current versions (Tools 8.45.16 – soon to be 8.46.06, PS 8.4 SP2)

6 UMBC Grants – General Information: Approximately $78 million in external funding for FY 2005 Top Federal Sponsors are NASA, NSF, and NIH Approximately 600 proposals submitted and 500 awards received every year

7 UMBC Grants – General Information (cont.): OSP’s Mission Provide direct assistance to faculty and departments in finding appropriate sources of funding, putting together proposals, and interpreting Sponsor policies, rules and restrictions. Review, process, and sign off on all external grants and contracts in support of research and other scholarly activity at UMBC. Negotiate on behalf of the University with public and private sources of funding and act as liaison with funding agencies during the life of a grant or contract. Grants and contracts administered by Office of Sponsored Programs and Grant Accounting Grant Accounting Provide reliable resources to UMBC recipients of restricted fund and external agencies, including government and private sector, with quality and effective financial accounting, reporting and customer service. Perform all billing, cash management and financial reporting through close out, to funding agencies during the life of a grant or contract. Provide cost accounting and compliance services such as F&A rate negotiation, effort reporting, and establishing and enforcing business processes for campus compliance.

8 Sponsored Programs Office (OSP): Staffing : Director of Sponsored Programs Two Grants Managers Contract and Grant Associate

9 Legacy to PeopleSoft OSP has been entering funding data since 1997 in a stand alone “PowerBuilder” application originally developed by the UMBC Office of Information Technology. Grants Accounting tracked data in separate accounting system before PeopleSoft. PeopleSoft Grants was implemented on July 1st, 2003. Data was only converted into PeopleSoft from Grants Accounting System.

10 Legacy System

11 Legacy System – (Why change/upgrade?) No longer supported by OIT/technology out-dated Redundant data entry Multiple systems for grant reporting OSP funding data disconnected from Grant accounting data Departmental users cannot access quarterly reports from legacy system Campus event notification process is inefficient

12 PeopleSoft - Issues with delivered Grants Module: Limited Proposal/Award search

13 PeopleSoft - Issues with delivered Grants Module: Missing funding data elements currently tracked in Legacy System –Event Date –Event Type (Including change in PI) –Event Start and End Date –Direct and indirect costs –Collaborative departments –Participant Support Costs

14 PeopleSoft - Issues with delivered Grants Module: Information widely disbursed in Grants System

15 Event Log Benefits Event Notification Sheet Award Summary screen Expanded search capabilities Track collaborative departments Track PI changes Capture more grants event detail than PS

16 Event Log Benefits (cont.) Electronic campus event notification process Quarterly Reports can be accessed by departmental users New queries/reports can be designed to tie funding data to grant accounting data (expenditures, budgets, actuals, etc.)

17 Demo of Event Log Expanded Proposal Search

18 Demo of Event Log Expanded Award Search

19 Demo of Event Log Grant Event Log Screen

20 Demo of Event Log Event Log Screen - Continued

21 Demo of Event Log Event Log – Summary Screen

22 Reports – Event Notification Sheet

23 Reports – Future QTY Reports




27 Questions ?

28 Contact Maureen McMahon Director of Sponsored Programs – UMBC (410) 455-3140 Email: Web:

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