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Connecting people who care with causes that matter. Napanee District Community Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting people who care with causes that matter. Napanee District Community Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting people who care with causes that matter. Napanee District Community Foundation

2 t w a h is a community foundation?

3 people connected by geography… and to each other community

4 foundation a platform for growth

5 a platform for building community foundation community

6 Napanee District Community Foundation is a locally-run, independent public foundation created by and for the people of Lennox & Addington County We are dedicated to improving the quality of life in Lennox & Addington County through the creation and management of funds, gifted in perpetuity, and the distribution of their earnings for charitable purposes including social services, arts and culture, health, education, environment, youth and seniors.

7 A community foundation has three special features.

8 o en personalized service

9 Personalized service feature one › Educate people on charitable giving vehicles › Customize giving approaches to match personal interests and tax planning needs › Facilitate complex forms of giving › Share knowledge on community needs › Offer grantmaking expertise and administrative services › Help people create personal legacies via named funds › Offer involvement in recommending uses of a gift › Provide the option to give anonymously Creating solutions that fit every situation

10 t ow local expertise

11 Local expertise feature two Making a difference where it is needed most Arts and culture Education Youth Seniors Health Social Services Environment › Gather information and track local agencies and programs › Direct grants and resources to appropriate areas › Local organization with local staff and board members › Knowledge of community issues, opportunities, and resources › Monitor all community needs…

12 e e t rh community leadership

13 ›Build endowments to ensure grants are always available to support the community ›Support high impact opportunities › Are governed by leaders with strong ties to our community › Re-direct funds as community needs change Community leadership feature three Our business is building community

14 e e t rh t ow o en local expertise personalized service community leadership

15 A bit of background. "Generosity is a principle not an amount." Millie Thornton

16 1914 First U.S. community foundation established in Cleveland, Ohio today Over 146 community foundations in Canada. › Serving citizens across the Canada › More than $2 billion in assets › More than $95 million in local grants each year › And growing! 1987 Napanee & District Community Foundation established by an initial gift of $100,00.00 from the Hogarth Family foundation facts A brief history

17 ›More than 22 funds › Over $2 million invested with the Toronto Community Foundation › More than $300,000 in grants have been awarded over the past 20 years foundation facts Our vital statistics The Napanee & District Community Foundation:

18 foundation facts Involved community leaders Our board of directors President Chris Seeley Past President Colin Campbell Secretary Sandra Hogarth Treasurer Bob Vrooman Financial Administrator Roger Pelletier Director Doug Sexsmith Director John Liggett Director Bruce Cowle Director Michelle Hinton Executive Director David Remington Administrative Assistant Diane Patterson

19 foundation facts › Youth and Teen program Funding Napanee Sea Cadets › Health and Social Services Grants L&A County Hospital Foundation › Arts & Heritage Funding Allan MacPherson House › Education Leone Frances Fund › Social Services Salvation Army Christmas Program › Seniors L&A Seniors Outreach Services Our grant examples

20 Tools for giving.

21 named funds A personal legacy of giving Donors can establish a fund in their name, in a family’s name, or in the name of any person or organization they wish to honor. Grants distributed from a donor’s fund are awarded in the name of their fund. This person or organization will always be remembered and linked to good works in our community.

22 Charitable funds › Community Impact Fund Meeting ever-changing community needs › Field of Interest Fund Addressing needs in an important area of community life: arts, aging, at-risk youth... › Designated Fund Directing gifts to specific agencies or purposes (e.g., scholarship) › Donor Advised Fund Involving donors in the use of their gift › Scholarship Fund Providing educational opportunities for youth and those returning to the education system. for giving tools You can create a named fund in any of these categories.

23 Charitable instruments › Outright Gifts Give cash, stocks, real estate or other assets › Bequests (gifts made by will) Designate a portion of an estate › Charitable Remainder Trust Trust pays beneficiary for life and then assets transfer to community foundation › Life Insurance Donor transfers existing policy to the community foundation or assigns a new policy › Gifts in kind Artwork, private company shares etc. for giving tools We accept a wide variety of assets.

24 People giving back.

25 Hogarth Family Initial Contribution The power of endowment funding

26 giving back people The power of endowment funding › The Hogarth Family have owned a business in Napanee for several decades and have deep roots in the community. › Both Murray and Don Hogarth are successful businessmen who have given generously back to their community. › The Hogarth Family established the fund in 1987 with an initial gift of $100,000.00 Background:

27 Their gift has funded a variety of community projects and initiatives including; giving back people Lennox & Addington County General Hospital Youth Literacy Programs Allan Macpherson House and Park Recreational activities for youth Theatre / Arts Many other community projects The power of endowment funding

28 The advantages of planned giving People giving back

29 › Increase support of community › Assure gift is well managed › Research and distribution of grants meets their criteria Estate planning goals: giving back people The advantages of planned giving

30 Teaching charitable giving

31 › Opportunity to make charitable decisions as a family › Hands-on experience for children — each can express giving preferences › Teach financial and community responsibility › Passing along family “giving values” to next generation Philanthropic goals: giving back people

32 t ne reasons people choose to give through community foundations

33 reasons ten People choose to give through community foundations 1 We are a local organization with deep roots in the community 5 We accept a wide variety of assets, and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving 4 Our Donor Advised Funds help people invest in the causes they care about most 3 We provide highly personalized service tailored to each individual’s charitable and financial interests 2 Our volunteer board has broad expertise regarding community issues and needs

34 reasons ten People choose to give through community foundations 7 We offer maximum tax advantage 10 We are committed to supporting local initiatives that help build a healthy community 9 We build endowment funds that benefit the community forever and help create personal legacies 8 We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants 6 We partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving

35 Two simple thoughts.

36 forms of philanthropy in Canada today. fastest-growing Community foundations are among the

37 under which she will never sit, then you know that civilization has come to that land. Greek philosopher plants a tree When a person

38 Connecting people who care with causes that matter.

39 To learn more about us, call 613-354-7333 email: or visit our web site at: We’re here for good… Forever Napanee District Community Foundation Source: Victoria Foundation Transatlantic Community Foundations Network

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