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SEXUALITY RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL. MOE Sexuality Education in Schools 1. Sexuality Education (SEd) in schools is about enabling students.

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2 MOE Sexuality Education in Schools 1. Sexuality Education (SEd) in schools is about enabling students to understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature, develop healthy and rewarding relationships including those with the opposite sex, and make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. It is premised on the importance of the heterosexual married couple forming a nuclear family as the basic unit of society, and respect or the values and beliefs of the different ethnic and religious communities on sexuality issues. SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL

3 (i) SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 2. The goals of Sexuality Education are: (i)To help students make wise, responsible and informed decisions through the provision of accurate, current and age- appropriate knowledge on human sexuality and the consequences of sexual activity;

4 SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 2. The goals of Sexuality Education are: ii) To help students know themselves and build healthy and rewarding relationships through the acquisition of social and emotional skills of self-awareness, management of their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, development of empathy for others, possession of effective communication, problem-solving and decision making skills; and

5 2. The goals of Sexuality Education are: (iii) To help students develop a moral compass, respect for themselves and for others as sexual beings, premised on the heterosexual married couple forming a nuclear family as the basic unit of society, through the inculcation of positive mainstream values and attitudes about sexuality. SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL

6 SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 3. The key messages of Sexuality Education are: (i) Love and respect yourself as you love and respect others; (ii) Build positive relationships based on love and respect (which are the foundation for strong families); (iii) Make responsible decisions for yourself, your family and society; and (iv) Abstinence before marriage is the best protection against STIs/HIV and unwanted pregnancies. Casual sex can harm and hurt you and your loved ones. You may click here for more information on MOE’s Sexuality here

7 SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL Overview of Rivervale Primary School’s SED Programme for 2012. 4. Sexuality Education is delivered in a holistic manner through the school curriculum. The content for Sexuality Education is grouped into five main themes: Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Sexual Health, Sexual Behaviour, and, Culture, Society and Law.

8 SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 5.The subjects that incorporate topics on sexuality include: Science : sexuality-education/scope/files/science-curriculum.pdf Health Education learning/sexuality-education/scope/files/health curriculum.pdf Civics and Moral Education : learning/sexuality-education/scope/files/cme-curriculum.pdf

9 SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 5. Growing Years (GY) Programme learning/sexuality-education/files/growing-years-2012.pdf : “Curious Minds(2nd Edition)” (Primary 5 & 6) Teaching & Learning resource package learning/sexuality-education/files/growing-years-2012.pdf 6. The upper primary years mark the on set of puberty. With better nutrition and improved health care, children are reaching puberty at a younger age and have to grapple with physical, emotional and psychological changes in themselves. The implication is that our children are becoming biologically ready for sexual activity sooner without necessarily having the corresponding cognitive or emotional maturity to modulate their behaviours. “Curious Minds” is a response to these challenges.

10 7. The refreshed Primary 5 & 6 Growing Years (GY) package, “Curious Minds (2 nd Edition)”, aims to meet the student’s developmental needs, give emphasis to the teaching of skills and values, and focus on helping students navigate changes, build healthy relationships, especially online relationships, and exercise safety. SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL

11 At Rivervale Primary School, the following lessons from the Growing Years Programme will be taught in 2012. Target Levels Topics/ Lessons GY Learning OutcomesTime period Pri 5What is happening to me? -Girls & boys go through physical changes -Type, degree and timing of change may vary individuals Term 2 Why am I stressed? -How to handle changes as they grow up -Importance of talking to parents about stresses -Provide support to friends -Respect differences in individuals Term 2 Why don’t I like myself? -Importance to develop self-confidence & a good self esteem to cope with emotional stresses -No right or wrong emotion but must know how to deal with feelings Term 2

12 Target Levels Topics/ Lessons GY Learning OutcomesTime period Pri 5Who should I be? -Important not to stereotype roles according to gender -To be comfortable with our sexuality & learn how to enhance our settings Term 2 What Is My Role? - Each member of family has certain authority & role - Some members perform certain duties more than others - Gender roles evolve with changes in society, thus we should avoid stereotyping Term 4 Who Can Help Me? - Turn to parents for information & support on sensitive issues - Various sources of help - Ensure help is from reliable sources Term 4

13 Target Levels Topics/ Lessons GY Learning OutcomesTime period Pri 5Who Touched Me? - Important to recognise acceptable & unacceptable ways of touching others - Say “No’ if they feel funny about the touch - Importance of knowing what to do Term 4 Why Are You Showing Me That? - There are different types of exhibitionism and they usually occur at certain places - It can happen to anyone and not the fault of victim - Important to come with strategies to minimise incidents from happening Term 4 Where Do I Go From Here? - Being aware of the different types of sexual abuse - Importance of getting help Term 4

14 Target Levels Topics/ Lessons GY Learning OutcomesTime period Pri 6What Is Love? - Attraction to someone may be intense but temporary - Infatuation is normal as young people explore expectations and values in relationships - Importance of recognising when feelings are unhealthy Term 1 Where do I begin? - Strong friendship promotes personal growth & well- being - Boy – girl relationship does not connote sexual obligation - Healthy relationship requires emotional maturity, effective communication skills, self- control, self awareness and sense of responsibility Term 1 Why do I like you? - Strong friendship with the same opposite sex promotes personal growth and sense of well- being - Idolising is normal and will pass as pupils grow Term 1

15 At Rivervale Primary School, the following lessons from the Growing Years Programme will be taught in 2012/2013: SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL

16 SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS 8. Parents may opt their children out of Growing Years programme, and/or sexuality education programmes by external providers. 9. Parents who wish to opt their children out of the Growing Years Series need to complete an opt-out form. This form will be distributed to parents at the start of the year and is also downloadable from the school’s website: (please see below) A hardcopy of the form, duly completed and signed, is to be submitted to the school office by Monday, 21.5.2012.

17 SEXUALITY EDUCATION IN RIVERVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS 10. Parents may wish to attend the school sexuality education programmes with their children. Parents should contact the school to make the necessary arrangements. 11. Parents can contact the school at or 63887450 for discussion or to seek clarification about the school’s sexuality education programme.

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