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1/17/07 1SCC-SSM Supporting Academic Needs: A Strategic Customer Care Sustainable Support Model Educause Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 2007 Paul Halpine.

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Presentation on theme: "1/17/07 1SCC-SSM Supporting Academic Needs: A Strategic Customer Care Sustainable Support Model Educause Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 2007 Paul Halpine."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/17/07 1SCC-SSM Supporting Academic Needs: A Strategic Customer Care Sustainable Support Model Educause Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 2007 Paul Halpine Montgomery College, MD Copyright Paul Halpine 2007. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. C:\C I T M\Educause\Regional Conference Presentation SCCM\SCCM Presentation Final.ppt

2 1/17/07 2SCC-SSM Agenda Introduction Introduction Challenge Challenge Development Development The Approach The Approach Implementation Implementation Outcomes Outcomes Discussion Discussion

3 1/17/07 3SCC-SSM The Challenge Demand increasing within curricula Demand increasing within curricula Demand spreading across curricula Demand spreading across curricula Increasing demand for general IT support Increasing demand for general IT support Increasing demand for specialized IT support Increasing demand for specialized IT support Limited resources Limited resources Limited specialized knowledge Limited specialized knowledge

4 1/17/07 4SCC-SSM The Challenge Broadening Scope Broadening Scope Broadening Diversity Broadening Diversity Greater Technical Complexity Greater Technical Complexity More Specialized Needs More Specialized Needs More Specialized Operational Issues More Specialized Operational Issues More Specialized Knowledge Required More Specialized Knowledge Required More Specialized Approaches Needed More Specialized Approaches Needed

5 1/17/07 5SCC-SSM Montgomery County, Maryland 55,000 Students / Year 55,000 Students / Year 100 Areas of Study 100 Areas of Study Three Main Campuses Three Main Campuses Workforce Development & Continuing Education Workforce Development & Continuing Education Various Satellite Locations Various Satellite Locations

6 1/17/07 6SCC-SSM Rockville Campus 2/3 of College Credit Enrollment 2/3 of College Credit Enrollment Plus Students from Distance Learning, Workforce Development & Continuing Education and Other Campuses Plus Students from Distance Learning, Workforce Development & Continuing Education and Other Campuses 2,000 Academic Workstations 2,000 Academic Workstations 216 Instructional Tech Sites On & Off Campus 216 Instructional Tech Sites On & Off Campus 110 Multimedia Lecture (standard & specialized) 110 Multimedia Lecture (standard & specialized) 16 General Purpose Computer Labs / Classrooms 16 General Purpose Computer Labs / Classrooms 90 Specialized Digital Labs / Classrooms 90 Specialized Digital Labs / Classrooms

7 1/17/07 7SCC-SSM Prior to 2002 Initially Departmentally Purchased, Operated and Supported Initially Departmentally Purchased, Operated and Supported Few Controls, No Standards, Little Consistency Few Controls, No Standards, Little Consistency Poor Reliability and Quality Poor Reliability and Quality Later Technical Support from the Office of IT for Some Sites Later Technical Support from the Office of IT for Some Sites Projects Group and Work-order Support Projects Group and Work-order Support Improved Control, Standards Rolled Out Improved Control, Standards Rolled Out Explosive Growth in Instructional Technology Explosive Growth in Instructional Technology

8 1/17/07 8SCC-SSM 2002 OIT’s Instructional Technology Unit Formed Technical Support for all Instructional IT and Multimedia Technical Support for all Instructional IT and Multimedia At Rockville: General Purpose Lab/Classroom Tech & Ops Teams combined with Media Resources Team At Rockville: General Purpose Lab/Classroom Tech & Ops Teams combined with Media Resources Team Initial Analysis Surveyed Sites: What was there. Who were the contacts, How was the site used, What issues exited Surveyed Sites: What was there. Who were the contacts, How was the site used, What issues exited Examined Processes, Practices, Procedures and Approaches Examined Processes, Practices, Procedures and Approaches

9 1/17/07 9SCC-SSM Challenges Scope, Complexity & Diversity Scope, Complexity & Diversity On-going Rapid Expansion and Change On-going Rapid Expansion and Change Resources & Required Competencies Resources & Required Competencies Instructional & IT Issues, Roles, Responsibilities & Relations Instructional & IT Issues, Roles, Responsibilities & Relations Standards, Compliance, Quality and Reliability Standards, Compliance, Quality and Reliability

10 1/17/07 10SCC-SSM Challenges Existing Support Model Was Not Meeting The Challenges. Existing Support Model Was Not Meeting The Challenges. A New Model Was Needed. A New Model Was Needed.

11 1/17/07 11SCC-SSM Development: Goals Balance general and specialized support needs Balance general and specialized support needs Match expertise & specialization to requirements Match expertise & specialization to requirements Rapid adaptation to expanding / changing needs Rapid adaptation to expanding / changing needs Improve academic / IT communication, coordination and relations Improve academic / IT communication, coordination and relations Clearly define IT & client roles & responsibilities Clearly define IT & client roles & responsibilities Improve planning, implementation & support Improve planning, implementation & support Improve quality, reliability, & responsiveness Improve quality, reliability, & responsiveness Best use of resources (technological & human) Best use of resources (technological & human) Reduce per unit workload Reduce per unit workload

12 1/17/07 12SCC-SSM Development: Pilot & Rollout Initial Plan Initial Plan Pilot Pilot Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Revised Site Implementation Process Revised Site Implementation Process Campus-wide Rollout Campus-wide Rollout Outcomes Assessment Outcomes Assessment

13 1/17/07 13SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Customer Care Representatives

14 1/17/07 14SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Customer Care Representatives Responsibilities Responsibilities CCRs / Sites Assigments CCRs / Sites Assigments Level of Involvement Level of Involvement Periodic Re-assignment Periodic Re-assignment

15 1/17/07 15SCC-SSM

16 1/17/07 16SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Site Implementation Process Client & site survey Client & site survey Reviews information Reviews information Assigns CCR’s Assigns CCR’s Initial sustainable support proposal Initial sustainable support proposal Introduce clients and CCR’s Introduce clients and CCR’s CCR & client develop final plan CCR & client develop final plan Plan implementation Plan implementation

17 1/17/07 17SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Site Implementation Process Specialized Service Level Agreements Specialized Service Level Agreements Only when necessary Only when necessary Mutually agreed upon by IT and client Mutually agreed upon by IT and client Delineate client vs. IT responsibilities & limitations Delineate client vs. IT responsibilities & limitations Set support standards Set support standards Address special considerations Address special considerations

18 1/17/07 18SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Site Implementation Issues: Maintain current support Maintain current support Related processes Related processes Increased communications Increased communications Increased demands Increased demands Increased software / hardware funds Increased software / hardware funds Large number of projects Large number of projects

19 1/17/07 19SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Issues and Outcomes Scope Increase Number of Workstations FY05: 18% FY06: 24% Total: 46%

20 1/17/07 20SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Issues and Outcomes Complexity / Diversity Increase Number of Sites FY05: 29% FY06: 34% Total: 73%

21 1/17/07 21SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Issues and Outcomes Initial Resistance Initial Resistance Prioritization of Roll-out Prioritization of Roll-out Build Competences Build Competences Build Confidence Build Confidence Counter Resistance Counter Resistance Publicize Successes Publicize Successes Faculty as Promoters Faculty as Promoters

22 1/17/07 22SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Outcomes Improved Academic / IT Improved Academic / IT Relations / Communication Cooperation / Coordination Clear Roles and Responsibilities Clear Roles and Responsibilities Clear Processes Clear Processes Consistent Policies and Procedures Consistent Policies and Procedures Effectively Managed Expectations Effectively Managed Expectations

23 1/17/07 23SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Outcomes Compliance with Standards and Licenses Compliance with Standards and Licenses Improved Academic IT Planning Improved Academic IT Planning Efficiently Handled Queries and Proposals Efficiently Handled Queries and Proposals Faculty and Academic Administration’s Support and Opinions Faculty and Academic Administration’s Support and Opinions

24 1/17/07 24SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Outcomes Improved Depth and Breadth of Knowledge Improved Depth and Breadth of Knowledge Increased Skill Levels Increased Skill Levels Improved Quality, Reliability & Sustainability of Support Improved Quality, Reliability & Sustainability of Support Controllable Failures Dramatically Reduced Controllable Failures Dramatically Reduced

25 1/17/07 25SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Outcomes Reduced Total Work-orders FY05: -40% FY06: -29% Total: -57%

26 1/17/07 26SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Outcomes Reduced Software Work-orders FY05: -74% FY06: -37% Total: -83% FY05: -74% FY06: -37% Total: -83%

27 1/17/07 27SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Outcomes Quick, Permanent Resolutions Quick, Permanent Resolutions Call-backs Near Zero Call-backs Near Zero Problem Prevention vs. Resolution Problem Prevention vs. Resolution Pro-active Planned Work Pro-active Planned Work Rapid Adaptation Rapid Adaptation

28 1/17/07 28SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Outcomes Ownership, Pride, Closeness to the Clients Ownership, Pride, Closeness to the Clients Morale and Performance Morale and Performance Teamwork Teamwork Rollout of New Initiatives Rollout of New Initiatives Mutual Culture of Cooperation & Constant Improvement Mutual Culture of Cooperation & Constant Improvement

29 1/17/07 29SCC-SSM Strategic Customer Care Goals Balance general and specialized support needs Balance general and specialized support needs Match expertise & specialization to requirements Match expertise & specialization to requirements Rapid adaptation to expanding / changing needs Rapid adaptation to expanding / changing needs Improve academic / IT communication, coordination and relations Improve academic / IT communication, coordination and relations Clearly define IT & client roles & responsibilities Clearly define IT & client roles & responsibilities Improve planning, implementation & support Improve planning, implementation & support Improve quality, reliability, & responsiveness Improve quality, reliability, & responsiveness Best use of resources (technological & human) Best use of resources (technological & human) Reduce per unit workload Reduce per unit workload

30 1/17/07 30SCC-SSM Supporting Academic Needs: A Strategic Customer Care Sustainable Support Model Educause Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 2007 Paul Halpine Montgomery College, MD

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