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Chapter 2 Discrete System Analysis – Discrete Signals

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1 Chapter 2 Discrete System Analysis – Discrete Signals

2 Sampling of Continuous-time Signals
sampler Continuous-time analog signal Output of sampler T How to treat the sampling process mathematically ? For convenience, uniform-rate sampler(1/T) with finite sampling duration (p) is assumed. p 1 time T where p(t) is a carrier signal (unit pulse train)

3 This procedure is called a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)
carrier signal p(t) PAM The unit pulse train is written as By Fourier series or magnitude phase

4 s 2s 3s 4s -s -2s -3s -4s

5 c s/2 -c -s /2 1 |F(j)| c : Cutoff frequency

6 -s s frequency folding

7 Theorem : Shannon’s Sampling Theorem
To recover a signal from its sampling, you must sample at least twice the highest frequency in the signal. Remarks: i) A practical difficulty is that real signals do not have Fourier transforms that vanish outside a given frequency band. To avoid the frequency folding (aliasing) problem, it is necessary to filter the analog signal before sampling. Note: Claude Shannon ( )

8 ii) Many controlled systems have low-pass filter characteristics.
iii) Sampling rates > 10 ~ 30 times of the BW of the system. iv) For the train of unit impulses -2s -s s

9 Impulse response of ideal low-pass filter (non-causality)
Remarks : Impulse response of ideal low-pass filter (non-causality)  Ideal low-pass filter is not realizable in a physical system.  How to realize it in a physical system ? ZOH or FOH Ideal filter G(j) T c -c 1 |X(j)| 1/T |X*(j)| |Y(j)| reconstruction sampling

10 ii) (Aliasing) It is not possible to reconstruct exactly a continuous-time signal in a practical control system once it is sampled.

11 iii) (Hidden oscillation)
If the continuous-time signal involves a frequency component equal to n times the sampling frequency (where n is an integer), then that component may not appear in the sampled signal.


13 Signal Reconstruction
How to reconstruct (approximate) the original signal from the sampled signal? - ZOH (zero-order hold) - FOH (first-order hold)

14 ZOH (Zero-order Hold) zero-order hold reconstruction k-1 k k+1 time T

15 phase lag

16 Ideal low-pass filter

17 Remarks: i) The ZOH behaves essentially as a low-pass filter. ii) The accuracy of the ZOH as an extrapolator depends greatly on the sampling frequency, iii) In general, the filtering property of the ZOH is used almost exclusively in practice.

18 FOH (First-order Hold)
k-1 k k+1 T

19 When k =0,

20 2 1 T 2T 3T time -1

21 Large lag(delay) in high frequency makes a system unstable
first zero zero first Large lag(delay) in high frequency makes a system unstable

22 Remark: At low frequencies, the phase lag produced by the ZOH exceeds that of FOH, but as the frequencies become higher, the opposite is true

23 Z-transform T


25 Because R(z) is a power series in z-1 , the theory of power series may be applied to determine the convergence of the z-transform. ii) The series in z-1 has a radius of convergence  such that the series converges absolutely when | z-1 |<  iii) If   0, the sequence {rk} is said to be z-transformable.

26 Z-transform of Elementary Functions
i) Unit pulse function Remark: unit impulse = ii) Unit step function

27 iii) Ramp function

28 iv) Polynomial function
v) Exponential function

29 vi) Sinusoidal function

30 Remark: Refer Table 2-1 in pp.29-30 (Ogata)
Also, refer Appendix B.2 Table in pp (Franklin)

31 Correspondence with Continuous Signals
z=esT s-plane z-plane

32 j ReZ ImZ 1 -1 j ReZ ImZ 1 -2 1

33 j ReZ ImZ fixed j ReZ ImZ 1

34 Important Properties and Theorems of the z-transform
1. Linearity 2. Time Shifting


36 3. Convolution 4. Scaling 5. Initial Value Theorem

37 6. Final Value Theorem

38 Remark: Refer Table 2-2 in p. 38.(Ogata)
Also, refer Appendix B.1 Table in p.701(Franklin)

39 Continuous-time domain Discrete-time domain S-plane Z-plane



42 Inverse z-transform Power Series Method (Direct Division)
ii) Computational Method : - MATLAB Approach Difference Equation Approach iii) Partial Fraction Expansion Method iv) Inversion Integral Method

43 Example 1) Power Series Method

44 Example 2) Computational Method


46 Example 3) Partial Fraction Expansion Method

47 Example 4) Inverse Integral Method :
where c is a circle with its center at the origin of the z plane such that all poles of F(z)zk-1 are inside it.

48 Case 1) simple pole Case 2) m multiple poles



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