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The Science of Happiness Dr. Mark D. Holder University of British Columbia Thriving with Neurological Conditions: Science, Sensitivity and Support Colorado.

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Presentation on theme: "The Science of Happiness Dr. Mark D. Holder University of British Columbia Thriving with Neurological Conditions: Science, Sensitivity and Support Colorado."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Science of Happiness Dr. Mark D. Holder University of British Columbia Thriving with Neurological Conditions: Science, Sensitivity and Support Colorado Neurological Institute Denver, September 2014

2 Psychology, Medicine, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience have traditionally focused on what’s wrong with you and how do we fix it. Positive psychology is about what is right with you and how do we promote it.

3 Happiness: An Ignored Field Dictionary of Psychology: -Definitions of “Depression” -18 Definitions -Definitions of “Happiness” -0 Definitions

4 Why is Research on Happiness Important? 1.Improvements in the Immune System (Cohen et al., 1991) 2.Associated with Health (Diener et al., 1999) 3.Increased Career Success (Lyubomirsky, King & Diener, 2005) 4.Improved Investment Returns (Ballout & Nygard, 2013) 5.Better Relationships (Holder & Coleman, 2014) 6.Enhanced Forgiveness (Chan, 2013) 7.Increased Tolerance (Johnson & Fredrickson, 2005) 8.Increased Creativity (Baas, De Dreu & Nijstad, 2008) 9.Longer Life (Danner, Snowdon & Friesen, 2001) 10.How we are Judged by Others

5 Why is Research on Happiness Important? We desire it! (Diener & Lucas, 2004)

6 “Much has been gained if we succeed in turning your hysterical misery into common unhappiness.” Sigmund Freud

7 How happy are you? Self-report measures

8 The Faces Scale “Overall, how do you usually feel?” Very Unhappy Very Happy very happy

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14 MeasureCanadaZambia UN Human Development Index6 th 164th Life expectancy80.7 yrs42.4 yrs GDP per capita$50,496$1,414 Adult literacy rate99%80.6% HIV/AIDS prevalence (15-49 yrs)0.30 %15.20%


16 5 2 34 1 67


18 How NOT to become happier

19 Buying Happiness Personal income has risen dramatically over 40+ years Gross National Product has increased dramatically over the past 50 years Happiness has not increased (Myers 1999)

20 Money and Happiness Winning a lottery (Brickman, Coates & Janoff-Bulman, 1978) No relation between happiness and family income for children (Holder & Coleman, 2008) However, most people are convinced that more money would promote their happiness (Kahneman, et al., 2006) Less than $70,000

21 Happiness and Gender

22 Happiness and Education No correlation between education and happiness

23 Beauty has many advantages Judged as smarter Better job success Even newborns prefer good-looking people

24 But beauty is not strongly linked to happiness

25 Life Satisfaction and Age

26 Happiness & Having Children

27 Daily Activities and Happiness Housework Being with your Children Grocery shopping Eating Friends

28 So, if it is not the conditions of your life, and it is not income, gender, education, beauty, age, or having children, what does contribute to happiness?

29 Choose Your Parents Wisely Genetics –40-50% of happiness has been attributed to inheritance –Twins

30 Leisure Active Leisure –Holidays, team sports, and hobbies Passive Leisure –Television, computer use, and playing video games (Holder, Coleman & Sehn, 2009)

31 Leisure Active Leisure –Holidays, team sports, and hobbies Passive Leisure –Television, computer use, and playing video games

32 Friends and Family “Hell is other people” (Jean Paul Sartre) Critical component of happiness –Marriage –Children (Holder & Coleman, 2009) –Dementia and social support –Acquired Brain Injury

33 “By all means marry. If you get a good wife you will become happy, and if you get a bad one you will become a philosopher” - Socrates

34 Quality not Quantity List three people you are really excited about seeing and you are certain you can trust

35 How To Nurture Relationships 1)Ask questions and really listen 2)Never miss an opportunity to compliment 3)Never miss a chance to celebrate success 4)Notice something different 5)Limit e-social connecting

36 Volunteer Why does this work? –Gives you social praise –Gives you personal meaning –Makes you less self-focused –Makes you feel competent –Promotes social relations

37 Counting Acts of Kindness Weekly recording acts of kindness

38 Fake it till you make it Role playing Botox

39 Faking it (limits) Bus drivers told to greet passengers with smiles and happiness - actually felt worse - some authenticity may be required Need to be thinking of positive events

40 Finish what you start Happy people have clear (and more complex) goals Happy people finish what they start

41 Giving Thanks Gratitude Journal Three things each week that you are thankful for 1) a past event 2) a present event 3) a future event 4) something about you (physical) 5) something about you (non-physical) 6) nature 7) a friend 8) a family member 9) work 10) your community

42 How to Increase Your Happiness 1.Don’t Confuse Well-Being with Being Well-Off 2.Active Leisure 3.Friends and Family 4.Counting Acts of Kindness 5.Volunteer 6.Discover Flow 7.Sleep & Health 8.Fake it 9.Social Comparisons 10.Spirituality 11.Giving Thanks

43 A Big Thanks Dr. Ben Coleman – Okanagan College Graduate Students: Judi Wallace Andrea Klassen Rob Callaway Ashley Love Maxine Crawford Undergraduate Students: Tim Krupa & Zoë Sehn Funding: Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Ogopogo Rotary Club UBC Okanagan Internal Grants & Travel Grants Joan Rundle (private donation) BrainTrust Canada

44 Visit: Take your “Daily Dose of Happiness” to help you discover your inner resilience and grow your emotional awareness. © 2014 Perked! All Rights Reserved Join our free pilot program. Code: CNIHappiness Mind. Your Health. @perked_brain TM

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