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Identification, Passion, and Consumption.  Write a haiku expressing your feelings about a (a) sport in which you have enduring involvement, or (b) team/player.

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Presentation on theme: "Identification, Passion, and Consumption.  Write a haiku expressing your feelings about a (a) sport in which you have enduring involvement, or (b) team/player."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identification, Passion, and Consumption

2  Write a haiku expressing your feelings about a (a) sport in which you have enduring involvement, or (b) team/player with whom you highly identify, or (c) both.  5-7-5 syllable pattern  Post yours to Facebook Haiku group:!/gro up.php?gid=54569668575!/gro up.php?gid=54569668575

3  When you react to events that occur to the team or player as if the events happened to you.  You internalize or adopt the team or player’s attitudes and behaviors as your own.  You feel good when the team wins and bad when the team loses.  You believe that the team is a representation of who you are to yourself and to others.  You practically feel as though you are part of the team.

4  The degree to which you devote your heart, soul, mind, and time to the object of the passion.  Heart: You freely admit that you love the team and the player.  Mind: The team and player’s performance is frequently on your mind—that is, you devote free time to thinking about how they are doing (e.g., analyzing why they are currently playing well or are in a slump).  Time: You prioritize your time so that you can follow the team (attending, watching on TV, listening on the radio, checking the team website, reading the newspaper, receiving team emails, etc.).  Soul: The team and its players are deep down into your soul; they are a part of who you are.

5 Fan Identification Model

6 MethodWhich of these do you wish your favorite team did? Increase opportunities for sports participation  Sponsor local sports teams and leagues  Offer sports clinics staffed by coaches and players Provide information on rules of the game  Feature something like what the ESPN/NHL’s “NHL Rules” on websites  On broadcast and live games, show “You make the call!” programming that illustrates rules.  Announce the availability of printed rules of the game at stadium information centers or from section attendants. Provide complete game and player information  Handout halftime stats in the stands  Install scoreboards that post real time games stats  Introduce players with personal information  Feature in-depth player information in freely accessible formats (read: not only in expensive programs) Facilitate media exchange  Give ready access to players & management for reporters  Arrange player/coach appearances in non-sports settings

7 If you wanted to improve fans’ perceptions of the performance of your university’s football team, what would you do? Influencing Perceived Performance Focus on  Individual players  Progress  Isolated successes  Changing the reference point Fans are satisfied when expectations are met and dissatisfied when expectations are not met.

8 Since good-is- familiar and familiar-is-good, what should teams do to increase attractiveness?

9 Select a local team. How are they employing these tactics? Proactively involving fans to give input to management and the team (e.g., publicizing the fact that you can email the team owner at Researching fans to determine fan satisfaction and what aspects of the event they would change. Encouraging or requiring players to move residences to community. Publicizing efforts to reach diversified customer base (e.g., NBA teams offer Value Tickets to reach economically-challenged fans). Acquiring or attracting players with local connections. Initiating and maintaining public service activities involving players and management. Developing marketing campaigns, announcements, and other communications that include emphases that this is “your team” or “your event.”

10 distinctive What could the university do to make the game experience, team events, and broadcasts truly distinctive?

11 So what?

12 Aside from sports, can you think of any other product or service categories where customers have as much passion?

13 Why can the Dallas Cowboys charge for season tickets as much as many people pay for a house mortgage? Dallas Cowboys

14 1. Promotions 2. Community Events 3. Fan Clubs How could your school partner with a sponsor to bring fans together to events or to the game?


16 In small groups, tell of a time when you experienced :  Basking in reflected glory (BIRG)  Enhanced self-esteem  Cutting off reflected failure (CORF)  Word-of-mouth communications  In-group and out-group bias

17 Where are you right now on the circumplex of emotions? What teams have you seen that do a great job of building excitement at the game?

18 Why do you think some people feel compelled to blast the officials? What can teams do to curb the enthusiasm of dysfunctional fans?

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