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1 CoRoT Highlights Annie Baglin and Eric Michel Observatoire de Paris and all the CoRoT Team and all the CoRoT Team * The Mission * Seismology * Stellar.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CoRoT Highlights Annie Baglin and Eric Michel Observatoire de Paris and all the CoRoT Team and all the CoRoT Team * The Mission * Seismology * Stellar."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CoRoT Highlights Annie Baglin and Eric Michel Observatoire de Paris and all the CoRoT Team and all the CoRoT Team * The Mission * Seismology * Stellar Rotation and Activity * Exoplanets Time Domain StellarAstrophysics

2 2 major Scientific Programmes Same technical specifications * Very high accuracy (1000 times better) * Very long duration of observation of the same star ~150 days * Very high duty cycle (> 90 %) A « SMALL » space mission built and operated by CNES (France) with ESA, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany and Spain STSci Colloquium, Octpber 6th 2010 What is CoRoT ? Detect stellar oscillations like in the Sun to probe the stellar interior Detect small planets through their transit Stellar ultra high precision relative photometry

3 3 The CoRoT Instrument 3 Up to12 000 Faint stars R : 10 to 16 At 32 or 512 s Telescope diameter 27cm Camera with 4 detectors 10 bright stars V : 5.5 to 9.5 at 32s March 8 2009 116 bright stars (+ 20 to 30) 120 000 faint ones (+35 000) STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 Launch December 27th 2006, 1378 days in orbit Funded till march 2013 Total cost= 160 M€

4 4 The CoRoT product: light curves STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 Time Domain Stellar Astrophysics New field of research since ~ 2000 High precision, long duration, continuity - MOST and WIRE from space - Ground based networks coordinated in longitude -- CoRoT, Kepler -- ……

5 116 up to now + use of the exofield targets The seismology targets 5 9 Delta Scuti, 2 known gam Dor 16 B stars, 1Beta Ceph, 5 Be 12 giants (K,G,F)‏ 22 A/early F stars ? 2 Am, 7 Ap, 17 solar-like puls. cand. (one observed twice)‏ 7 O stars 1 SdB Few RR Lyr STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

6 Analysis of the light curves in the Fourier space Rotation (days) Oscillations (mn to h) Granulation, super granulation… Magnetic activity STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

7 7 V= 7 V = 8 V= 6 White noise granulation oscillations Around 1 to 3 mHz Almost regular spacing (as predicted) Large separation  Small separation  Detection of solar like oscillations in Solar analogs Michel et al. Science 2008 Benomar et al. A&A 506, 2009 STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 Difficulty: identification of the modes Spherical harmonics (n, l, m) Through a fit to an empirical spectrum Echelle diagram

8 First interpretations STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 HD 49933 M= 1.13, Fe/H=-0.37, Prot=3.35 d Core ~8%, ZC 88%, 3 Gyr dark  = 0.2, D turb = 50cm 2 /s Medium  =0.2 D turb =0 light  =0.1, D turb =0  =0.0, D turb =0 (Goupil et al 2010 A&A accepted) Oscillations in the frequencies due to sharp features in the structure (Mazumdar and Michel 2010, AN in press) Extension of the core and mixing ? Basis of the outer ZC and Helium ionisation zone Seen also in a red giant !

9 HD 43587, F9V HD 52265 metal rich G0V star Hosting a planet Ballot et al. A&A submitted In Cooler solar analogs HD 46375, K0V, hosting a 3days planet  ~135  Hz (Gaulme et al, A&A accepted) STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

10 Off the MS 10 Blue l=0 Red l=1 Green l=2 Violet l=3 HD 49385 HD 49933 Large amplitudes Brighter than the Sun Vconv higher Same T Life time of the modes longer X 49385 X 49933 Deheuvels et al. A&A accepted STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 a mixed mode In Post MS only

11 What a mixed mode can tell ? STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010  Hz ac obs = 748.6 ± 0.23  Hz Models fitted to Teff, L/L o, Z/X, And  1.3 < M < 1.36 M o The curvature of the ridge modified by the avoided crossing * The frequency of the mixed mode (g type) overshooting  ov < 0.15 But..presently unsuccessful several modes involved Some physics missing ?

12 Solar like oscillations in a Red Giant Detection of the comb structure l=0,1,2  = 3.47  Hz  = 0.65 ?? Mode lifetime 14.7 days Teff= 4750 K, L= 70 Lo Very slow rotator At very low frequency: ~ 30  Hz 156 days Carrier et al. A&A, 506 2009 STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

13 A universal spectrum STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 Mosser et al. A&A accepted De Ridder et al. Nature 2009 max   n,l /  = n + l/2 +  d 0,l  CoRoT Kepler Scaling law for  ?  = A + B log 

14 A Stellar Formation Rate indicator * Statistics on max and  Compared to models of synthetic populations Miglio et al. A&A 2010 STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 T1: constant formation rate T2: recent burst ≤ 1 Gyr * Determination of Mass and Radius (  max )

15 Hot stars and solar like oscillations…. AAS Miami May 2010 Gravity modes? Auto excited Beta ceph Solar like P modes Deep interior, He ionisation zone, convective region Belkacem et al., Science, 2009 HD 46149 0 8.5 V Teff= 35 000 NGC 2244 Rosetta nebula 1,6 Myr Red 30 Mo Green 34 Mo Degroote et al.A&A accepted HD 180642 B1 V Teff ~ 26 000 Log g= 3.8 STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 Excitation mechanism?

16 The instability strip close to the MS Delta Scuti stars 130 stars with good fundamental parameters 80 % amplitudes [10 -2, 10 -4 ] Extremely rich spectrum Many modes predicted unstable Statistics ? How to disentangle pulsations and granulation? But……Rotation generally dominates….!

17 Beta Cephei pulsators Briquet et al. A&A 2010 accepted 67 Frequencies STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 NO pusations detected, Only rotation (Papics et al. A&A submitted)

18 The Beta Cephei instability strip ? STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 HD 180642 67 NO

19 A Be star with a burst HD 49330 V= 8.5 during 156 days Enveloppe / pulsation Interaction ? Huat et al. A&A 506,2009, Floquet et al. A&A 2010 STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

20 An old hot B subdwarf Very faint, (V=14.9) observed in the exoplanet field 24 frequencies (6 from the ground) g modes Charpinet et al. A&A L, submitted STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

21 21 The Rotation of the Sun in time Extended program of spectroscopic observations To obtain the Fundamental parameters Dias de Nascimento eta., submitted STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

22 Rotation distribution of young stars 11275, FGK dwarfs 3000 confirmed periods Not compatible with a constant star formation rate Excess of young stars (also seen in Xrays) Affer et al. A&A 506, 2009 Constant star formation rate Age from gyrochronology STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

23 23 Activity Indexes  = evolution time H  = activity index (< 100  Hz) Hulot et al.  ~ P 2 ? Rossby number R= P rot /  conv H ~ R -1.5 STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 (H, Tc) 400 stars of the exofield + 30 from the sismofield  ~   1/P(rot) Sun

24 24 Spot modeling HD 49933 P rot: 3.35 days Spot life time: 2.5 to 3.5 days Surface of the spots 3% Inclination 55° in agreement with seismology STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 CP star HD 50773 +spectropolarimetric observations Mapping of surface inhomogeneities

25 A stellar cycle from seismology HD 49933, F5V, 1.2 Mo, Rotation period 3.4 days Observed twice for 400 days, Modulation of seismic + activity indicators as in the Sun around 120 days Garcia et al., Science, Mathur STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

26 The CoRoT exoplanet programme From light curves to complete planet characterisation…… A long way to go……. Per run 10 000 targets 300 candidates 50 selected for FU obs 2 to 4 planets ! STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 15 +3 ?

27 CoRoT - 2 81 successive transits; Period: 1.742996 d; Radius: 1.465 R J Mass: 3.31 M J ; Rotation of the star 4.5 d CoRoT - 6 15 successive transits; Period: 8.88 d; Rayon: 1.5 R J Mass: 3.3 M J ; Rotation of the star 6 d Hot jupiters around very active stars STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

28 CoRoT- 3b 34 transits Period 4.26 d Radius: 1.01 Mass: 21.66 Rotation of the star ~ 4 d Between stars and planets STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010 CoRoT- 15b 11 transits Period 3 d Radius: 1.22 Mass: 64 Deleuil et al. A&A 2008, 491, Bouchy et al. A&A accepted

29 A temperate gaseous planet 1.5 transit + WISE Photometry+ Harps Coralie spectroscopy.. Period 95.27 days (145 days of observations) Transit duration 8.8 hours Eccentricity 0.11 G3V, not active, 0.9 Ms, Rp= 1.1 Rjup, Mp= 0.84 Mj, Tsurf= 350K, H+ He+ 20mE rocks CoRoT- 9 STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

30 30 The smallest one scale 1/100 ! ~ 170 transits Period: 0.85 j P rot: 23 j R= 1.7 Rearth CoRoT-7b STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

31 31 Stellar activity and planet confirmation CoRoT-7b A nightmare! Strong noise due to stellar activity…… Spot modeling confirms 0.85 days period exists, amplitude: 5m/s M= 4.5 M  Density ~ 5 Silicates + water ? second periodicity: 3.7 days, hot Neptune M= 9 M  And a third one? 110 nights with HARPS: STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

32 Conclusion…..? 1- Stars can be better understood Looking carefully at their time dependant properties * Seismology techniques * Non coherent behaviors They are very diverse, more complex than the Sun, and more complex than we thought Models have to be revised and improved 2- Planetary systems are also very diverse Transit observations, complemented by spectroscopy -->> some insight on their physics (density) Models have to be revised and improved The major difficulty for the detection and charcaterisation of small planets Is the stellar variability 3- Stars and planetary systems have to be studied together CoRoT, Kepler, and later PLATO……. STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

33 33 Thank you ! CoRoT data are public since december 2008 Continuously pouring into the mission archive… As soon as they are public at NStED Enjoy it !

34 The mission profile december 27 2006 at 14:23:38 UT 1244 days in orbit Intermediate size mission 160 M$ 600 kg Polar orbit at 896 km The CoRoT eyes STSci Colloquium, October 6th 2010

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