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Space research Horizon 2020 - Work Programme. Horizon 2020 Space work programme Work programme covers 2014-2015 Discussion in space shadow programme committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Space research Horizon 2020 - Work Programme. Horizon 2020 Space work programme Work programme covers 2014-2015 Discussion in space shadow programme committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space research Horizon 2020 - Work Programme

2 Horizon 2020 Space work programme Work programme covers 2014-2015 Discussion in space shadow programme committee in 2013 H2020 decision: the 2015 parts of the 2014-2015 WP are indicative Outcome of the discussion: positive opinion, with 2 abstentions (IT, FR) Formal vote of February 2014 confirmed this outcome State of play of H2020 / Space Work Programme

3 LEIT  Leadership In Enabling & Industrial Technologies SPACE 17.25 M€ 8.5+8.75

4 Budget Indicative Evolution Space 2014-2020 2016-2020 under study

5 European Global Navigation Satellite System Horizon 2020 Framework Regulation: Union level action and investment in space research are required in accordance with Article 189 (TFEU), in order to maintain the competitive edge, to safeguard Union space infrastructures and programmes such as Copernicus and Galileo and to sustain a future role for Europe in space GALILEO-EGNSS Upstream Technology Development "post EGEP" RTD for enhanced Missions & services Calls R+D for Public Regulated Service Galileo Applications EGNSS awareness raising 2014-2015 144 M€ 2015

6 2014-2015 Topics:“Earth Observation” - Copernicus 58,5 M€  New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications  Bringing EO applications to the market  Transition towards Copernicus (Marine & Atmosphere)  Climate-change relevant space-based data reprocessing…  Observation capacity mapping for climate-change  Stimulating wider user of Copernicus Sentinel data  Technology developments for commercial imaging Copernicus 2015

7 2014-2015 Topics: Space Weather, NEO, SST, Debris 29,5 M€  Space Weather  NEO: access technologies and characterisation  Space Surveillance and Tracking  Passive means to reduce the impact of space debris Protection of space assets 2015

8 2014-2015 Technology development, science, exploration  Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness  Independent access to space  Studies for In-Orbit demonstration/validation (2014)  Bottom up space technologies at low TRL  Launch of two Strategic Research Clusters (2014)  Space exploration  Science in context Competitiveness of the European Space sector 84,5 M€

9 International cooperation Horizon 2020 is a world-class programme open to International participation Organisations from non-EU member states may participate in projects (across themes in the Horizon 2020 programme) Partners from most ASEAN countries "automatically funded" by the EU (except wealthier nations: Singapore and Brunei) But! Must be part of a successful proposal Proposal peer review by independent experts Competitive process Minimum condition of at least three different organisations from at least three EU member states (or associated states) Horizon 2020

10 Technology "demonstrator" projects for exploration INTERNATIONAL 2014-2015 COOPERATION COMPET 9 - 6 "space powers active in planetary science" Demonstrator projects would target underpinning enabling technologies for space exploration (e.g. robotics, energy, propulsion or life support). International Cooperation in space science Europe should continue to play a leading role in planetary science shaping the research in the field including the elaboration of Planetary protection guidelines. Dedicated Topics for International Cooperation "countries active in space exploration"

11 Strategic Research Clusters (SRC) 2014 Why? Member states ask for Strategic Research Agendas Inserted by MS in the Horizon 2020 specific programme What? A system of operational grants connected through to a roadmap designed by a separate consortium receiving a grant for a coordination and support action (PSA = Programme Support Activity) Total volume: in the order of tens of millions of € (40M€ - 80M€ ?) The PSA advises COM on calls for operational grants COM remains responsible for the calls to be included in future WPs The PSA is open for ESA participation How? Call for PSAs in 2014; calls for operational grants starting in 2016 Competitiveness of the European Space sector

12 PSAs 2014 1.1. Electrical propulsion: Major advances in electric propulsion to guarantee the leadership of European capabilities at world level within the 2020-2030 timeframe; 2. Space Robotic technologies: To enable major advances in space robotic technologies for future on-orbit satellite servicing. Competitiveness of the European space sector Programme Support Activity (PSA), for the future implementation of a Strategic Research Cluster (SRC)

13  The SME instrument will be a major part of achieving the target of at least 20% of the combined budget of LEIT and Societal Challenges for SMEs o Initially 5% of LEIT and Societal Challenges budget o rising to at least 7% averaged over duration of programme  Fast Track to Innovation pilot - launch in 2015: o maximum 5 partners, up to EUR 3 million per project o Bottom-up logic o Continuously open call with three cut-off dates per year o Time to grant not exceeding 6 months o Project will not require Programme Committee approval o Covering all fields across LEITs and Societal Challenges 17,25 M€ (5% of budget) SME instrument + Fast Track to innovation SME Call FTI topic 2014 & 2015 2015

14 Thank you for your attention! More information at

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