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Unit IV.  Latin's migrated into Italy about 800 BC.  The Romans shared the Italian peninsula with Greek colonists.  Etruscans- ruled central Italy,

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Presentation on theme: "Unit IV.  Latin's migrated into Italy about 800 BC.  The Romans shared the Italian peninsula with Greek colonists.  Etruscans- ruled central Italy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit IV

2  Latin's migrated into Italy about 800 BC.  The Romans shared the Italian peninsula with Greek colonists.  Etruscans- ruled central Italy, including Rome.  Romans borrowed their alphabet from the Etruscans.  Etruscan Gods merged with Roman deities

3 PEOPLE: The Latins - Rome : “The First Romans” The Etruscans -Northern Italy -Urbanized Rome: Building Programs (the Forum) - Influence on Romans: the arch, alphabet The Greeks -Southern Italy and Sicily - Influence on Romans: art, architecture, literature,..government, engineering GEOGRAPHY: -Tiber River & Mediterranean Sea -Fertile Soil & Strategic Location

4  Rome began as a small city-state in central Italy.  Geography of Italy made unifying Italy as one nation much easier then Greece  Very fertile growing areas  Central Location in the Mediterranean

5  509 B.C., Romans rejected Etruscan king (monarchy) and established a republic.  Power rests with the citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders.  In Rome, citizenship with voting rights was granted only to free-born male citizens.

6 STRUGGLE FOR POWER: CLASS CONFLICT  Patricians- wealthy landowners who held most of the power: inherited power and social status  Plebeians- (Plebs) common farmers, artisans and merchants who made up the majority of the population: can vote, but can’t rule  Tribunes- elected representatives who protect plebeians’ political rights.

7  2 Consuls  (Rulers of Rome)  Senate  (Representative body for patricians )  Tribal Assembly  (Representative body for plebeians )

8 A “Balanced” Government  Rome elects two consuls – one to lead army, one to direct government  Senate- chosen from patricians (Roman upper class), make foreign and domestic policy  Popular assemblies elect tribunes, make laws for plebeians (commoners)  Dictators- leaders appointed briefly in times of crisis (appt. by consuls and senate) Typical during times of War

9  Plebeians were the lower class, farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders.  1 st Breakthrough- 12 Tables  2 nd Breakthrough- tribunes- could veto, or block those laws that were harmful to the Plebeians.  Eventually Plebeians were elected to offices of high importance

10 THE TWELVE TABLES  451 B.C., officials carve Roman laws on twelve tablets and hung in Forum.  Laws confirm right of all free citizens to protection of the law  Become the basis for later Roman law

11  Family was the basic unit of Roman society.  Father had absolute rule in the family  Women were expected to follow husbands authority.  Roman women did however have a larger role in society then did Greek women.

12  Girls and boys alike learned to read and write.  By the late Republic, many wealthy Romans were hiring Greeks as private tutors for their children.

13  Roman Gods resembled those of the Etruscans and Greeks. Like the Greek god Zeus, the Roman god Jupiter ruled over the other gods.

14 Roman Gods  Jupiter  Mars  Juno  Venus  Diana  Saturn  Minerva  Mercury  Pluto  Neptune  Vesta Greek Gods  Zeus  Ares  Hera  Aphrodite  Artemis  Bacchus  Athena  Hermes  Hades  Poseidon  Hestia

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