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Internationalisation of Italian URNs Scheme Enrico Francesconi, PierLuigi Spinosa Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques Italian National.

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Presentation on theme: "Internationalisation of Italian URNs Scheme Enrico Francesconi, PierLuigi Spinosa Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques Italian National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internationalisation of Italian URNs Scheme Enrico Francesconi, PierLuigi Spinosa Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques Italian National Research Council (ITTIG / CNR - Florence) [ {enrico.francesconi, pierluigi.spinosa} ] Workshop on “Legislative XML” Klagenfurt, 14-16th November 2005

2 Scheme Internationalisation 1. Summary of reasons and advantages (Furore, april 05) - several countries intend to adopt a URN scheme for legal documents > with a structure similar to the italian one > with the necessary adjustments - an international (at least in Europe) common scheme facilitates: > cross-countries references > creation of cross-countries services (i.e. CaseLex) > interchange of experiences and tools Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN2

3 Proposal for the International Scheme Structure proposed in Furore urn : : : where: - is a common meta namespace for legal documents (the proposed name is lex) - is the ISO 3166 2-letters code: it, fr, dk, etc. - is the uniform name of a legal act in a certain country (authority, act, details, annex, version, etc.) i.e.urn:lex:es:estado:ley:2002-07-12;123 urn:lex:it:stato:legge:2003-09-21;456 urn:lex:fr:etat:lois:2004-12-06;321 Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN3

4 Extension proposal of Brazil Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN4 1. Motivation scenario of federal state of Brazil: - legislative production from: federal, state and city houses - 27 federation units - 5,000 cities - at least 2 different authorities for each of them - explosion of authorities: centralised list is manageable with difficulties - to help the distribution of resolution process this situation is common to many countries: - while legislative production is usually limited at 2 levels: federal/state or state/region - regulations or administrative measures are issued by a large number of local bodies

5 Extension proposal of Brazil Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN5 2. The proposal - to substitute the element with a more general urn : lex : : - locality is composed by the country and the related specification, according to local organisation ::= *[; ] - i.e. ::= br ; ; urn:lex:br;sp;sp:camara.municipal:projeto.lei:2004-11-23;4903 ::= it ; ; ; urn:lex:it;toscana;firenze:comune:legge:2004-11-23;4903

6 Analysis of Brazil proposal Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN6 1. Positive considerations - a specification of country is useful, overall for federal states es. federal act: urn:lex:br:stato:lei:2004-11-23;903 state act: urn:lex:br;sp:stato:lei:2004-11-23;903 - it is useful also to help the resolution process: it is easier to create a chain of delegations - it resolves the homonymies problem (i.e. 2 municipalities with the same name in 2 different states)

7 Architecture of Distributed Resolution System urn:lex:it:stato:legge:1999;35 it lex stato fr regione dns url of resolution service url(service)?urn:lex:it: stato:legge:1999;35 resol.catalogue url-1(stato:legge:1999;35) url-2(stato:legge:1999;35) site text of: legge n. 35/1999 Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN7 ( naptr rec.

8 Analysis of Brazil proposal Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN8 2. Critical aspects - use of abbreviation: the scheme uses full denominations i.e. urn:lex:br;sp:stato:lei:2004-11-23;903==> urn:lex:br;sao.paolo:stato:lei:2004-11-23;903 - the splitting of enacting authority in 2 element ( and ): it is better to preserve the full name of authority in a unique element i.e. urn:lex:it;toscana:regione:legge:2004-11-23;13==> urn:lex:it;toscana:regione.toscana:legge:2004-11-23;13 - difficolty from abroad to know the area which a municipality belongs to (i.e. in which Land is the Koln city?)

9 Open issues Klagenfurt, nov-2005Internationalisation of URN9 3. Issues to resolve yet and possible solutions - inter state/region/province/municipality institutions (i.e. inter-regional basin authority): a. to report all the involved areas i.e. urn:lex:it;liguria,toscana:autorita.bacino.fiume.magra:decreto:... b. to report only the higher common area i.e. urn:lex:it:autorita.bacino.fiume.magra:decreto:... - migration of a body from an area to an other one (i.e. Prato municipality moved from Firenze to Prato province): urn:lex:it;toscana;firenze:comune.prato:ordinanza:1980-01-23;45 [old] urn:lex:it;toscana;prato:comune.prato:ordinanza:2005-06-15;33 [new] a. to conserve a proper resolver for old names in the old chain b. to redirect old URNs to resolver in new chain it;toscana;firenze:comune.prato ==> it;toscana;prato:comune.prato

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