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WJEC GCSE Humanities An introduction to the specification.

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Presentation on theme: "WJEC GCSE Humanities An introduction to the specification."— Presentation transcript:

1 WJEC GCSE Humanities An introduction to the specification

2 Who’s who? Dave Lewis - Chief Examiner Gilly Wright - Principal Moderator Principal Examiners –Dave Lewis –Rob Quinn –Damien Lane –Gregg Coleman –Layla Taylor

3 Contacts: Subject Officer WJEC Andy Owen 02920 265114 Subject Support Officer WJEC Robert Williams 029 2026 5313

4 The basics WJEC recommends 120 – 140 Guided Learning Hours (GLH). This GCSE is designed as a two year course (years 10 and 11) with staged assessment. All assessment is in summer only ie there are no January examinations. There are FOUR units each worth 25%. –Units 1, 2 & 3 are examined externally. –Unit 4 is Controlled Assessment.

5 Choose one option from each unit

6 WJEC GCSE Humanities Guide to the exam

7 Basics Each paper is one hour long Each paper has 50 marks Each paper has two sections: –Section A: one compulsory question worth 30 marks –Section B: answer one optional question (from two) worth 20 marks In 2012 the section A question will be on Learning Outcome 1. In following examination series, the section A question could be on any Learning Outcome. QWC is assessed on 8 mark questions

8 Command words used in all Options Describe… Explain… What does the source tell you about… Use the source and your own knowledge to… Tests knowledge Tests understanding Tests the candidates skills of analysis when studying a photo, map or graph Tests skills of analysis and the candidates application of their own knowledge and understanding

9 To what extent … Each of the three questions on each paper concludes with an 8 mark question which requires evaluation eg: " The nature and quality of life for women changed significantly between 1945 and 1974 mainly because of the introduction of supermarkets and convenience foods into the UK.“ To what extent do you agree with this statement? The examiner is looking for a balanced response which considers both sides of the argument before coming to a conclusion

10 Mark scheme for the 8 mark question L1 1 - 2 marksL2 3 - 5 marksL3 6 - 8 marks A narrativeThe controversy / dilemma is recognised The dilemma is understood and an evaluation is made based on evidence A few simple points are made with no elaboration. OR A purely descriptive answer. A range of points are made on one or both sides of the argument. Max 4 marks for one- sided discussion of the statement. For 4 or 5 marks some points are elaborated. For 6 – 7 marks a range of detailed and accurate points are made both for and against the statement. Conclusion is not attempted Or Conclusion is made but with no justification. Conclusion is supported with simple statements. Conclusion is justified by direct reference to the evidence.

11 Specialist history question 1 How useful is source B … L1 1 - 2 marksL2 3 - 4 marks Descriptive answer which may paraphrase the content of the source. Only comments on one aspect of the usefulness of the source. Max 1 if no discussion of the attribution. Usefulness of the source is considered in a balanced way in terms of its content and origin / purpose. Max 3 marks for one sided argument. 4 marks for a balanced consideration where the limitations of the source are discussed.

12 L1 1 - 2 marksL2 3 - 4 marksL3 5 - 6 marks Limited explanation of content of source. Likely to be repetition or paraphrasing of content. Some explanation of content of source. Explanation of content of source. Max 1 mark if no reference to authorship. Some evaluation of the authorship. Clear and detailed evaluation of the importance of the authorship. For 6 marks there is a direct comparison of the purpose of the sources. Specialist history question 2 Why do Sources C and D give different views … Consider both the authorship and the content

13 Specialist RS question Using the sources and your own knowledge explain why there is a range of views about … L1 1 - 2 marksL2 3 - 4 marksL3 5 - 6 marks Descriptive answer. Candidate may paraphrase the content of the source/s or provide very basic knowledge. No elaboration. Explanation of one or both viewpoints (although one view may be discussed in more detail than the other). Candidate uses source/s and own knowledge. For 4 marks there is elaboration of at least one point of view. Detailed explanation of both views with more than one example of elaboration. Candidate uses both sources and own knowledge.

14 WJEC GCSE Humanities Guide to Controlled Assessment

15 Basics The controlled assessment task is worth 25% of the total marks available for the specification. An overview of the task is given on pages 42 - 44 of the specification. The levels of control that need to applied during the research phase and analysis phase are described on pages 46 – 47 of the specification. Titles and mark schemes are published annually on the WJEC open website.

16 What topics are available? You need to select one from the four contemporary issues themes listed in the specification pp 29 and described pp 30 – 37: –Tourism, travel and leisure –Conflict and co-operation –Rights and responsibilities –The world of work Choose the topic that best suits the expertise and resources available in your department.

17 What is the title for the Controlled Assessment task? A new generic title for each theme is published each year. The title focuses on one of the three learning outcomes of the theme. The principal moderator has written contextualised scenarios for each of these titles with appropriate mark schemes. We recommend that you use one of these contextualised titles. If you do this there is no need to contact WJEC seeking approval.

18 What if I want to create my own title? You can create your own title based on one of the generic titles. For example the Tourism, Travel and Leisure title for 2013 is: Since 1945 changes in leisure activities have had a Major impact on society and culture. Using a leisure activity of your choice as an example: Describe the changes in leisure activities; Explain why these changes have taken place; Analyse how changes in leisure activities have led to cultural change; Evaluate the impact of a contemporary leisure activity on society and/or individual. The principal moderator has contextualised this with the use of ICT in the home. However, if you wanted to use a different context, e.g. a changing leisure activity of your choice, you could do so.

19 Do I need approval for my own title? You do not need approval, however, if you want to create your own context for a generic title we URGE you to seek support and advice. This is a free service > –1 email your title, student sheets and mark schemes to Rhian Naish –2 Rhian forwards these documents to Gilly Wright who acts as a ‘critical friend’ –3 Gilly contacts you with support. Allow six weeks for this process

20 What goes in the research folder? We recommend that you provide each student with an identical folder at the start of the research phase. The folder should contain: –The project title and mark scheme –A basic set of research materials that will allow all students to access each of the four sub-questions in the project –Web addresses for recommended websites Students should be given the opportunity to study the resources in the folder and add new materials to it during the research phase.

21 The research phase = limited level of control We recommend that you spend a maximum of 25 hours teaching the topic. Part of this time should be available for students to research. During research students may collaborate but you must also ensure that a candidate’s work is his or her own. So: –Work should be individual. –Any materials found by the student (from a book, internet or primary sources) must be fully referenced and acknowledged. –The research folder and the student’s work must not be taken home. –Students may bring in research material from home as long as you authenticate that they found it independently.

22 Can I provide a writing frame? No. the regulators do not allow access to writing frames for Controlled Assessment. However, if you have students who need additional support, you may discuss strategies with them during the research phase. This may include flow diagrams / mind maps or other strategies that will help them structure their work. Additional help should be noted on the HUM2 form at moderation.

23 The analysis and evaluation phase = high level of control A maximum of six hours are allowed for students to ‘write up’ their project. the candidates must be under direct supervision at all times. access to e-mail, the internet and mobile phones must not be permitted. Folders must be controlled by staff and locked away between each period of high phase work. Candidates cannot add new research material during this phase.

24 How long should the finished pieces of work be? Coursework projects had become very long. The amount of time allowed for Controlled Assessment is restricted so projects should be much shorter. There is no word limit – although we suggest 2000 words should be enough. There are no penalties if students write more than this suggested amount.

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