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Presentation on theme: "1 AFRICAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Antoine F. Mulaba-Bafubiandi University of Johannesburg, South Africa THABO MBEKI AFRICAN LEADERSHIP."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 AFRICAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Antoine F. Mulaba-Bafubiandi University of Johannesburg, South Africa THABO MBEKI AFRICAN LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE, 03 September 2010, Pretoria, South Africa Respondent

2 2 Definition African resource : Any asset belonging to Africa, for Africa and can/should be managed by Africans. This includes - Human, technological, intellectual -minerals, oil & gas, - land, -sea, water, -environment, Culture, history, -money, etc…. Model based on

3 3 Moral suasion Policy Licenses Government/regulators Local Community Miners/operators Share holders Sustainable cash flow ? Strategic means? Role players

4 4 Selected Levers from role players - Government can sale licenses, mining rights etc… and use this money for the development of local community - Government can set and enforce policies for the protection of national assets, environment and local community Local community Government/regulator s Licenses Policy Moral suasion

5 5 Selected Levers from role players -Operators would pay taxes to government and government issue them exploitation rights, alleviations, etc… Government/regulators Miners/operators

6 6 Selected Levers from role players -Operators built roads, schools, houses, hospitals; cities -Operators provide local communities with work, wages/salaries, etc… -Local community provides work force to mines etc.. Local community Miners/operators

7 7 Selected Levers from role players Operators satisfy shareholders Miners/operators Shareholders

8 8 But what are these strategic means that local communities have to make shareholders flow cash for their (i.e. local communities) development, which is sustainable? Local community Miners/operators Shareholders Sustainable cash flow? Strategic means?

9 9 Selected Levers from role players - Government can sale licenses mining rights etc… and use this money for the development of local community - Government can set and enforce policies for the protection of national assets, environment and local community -Operators would pay taxes to government and government issue them exploitation rights, alleviations -Operators may built roads, schools, mine houses, hospitals -Operators provide local communities with wages etc… -Local community provides work force to mines etc.. -Operators satisfy shareholders

10 10 Moral suasion Policy Licenses Government/regulators Local Community Miners/operators Share holders Sustainable cash flow ? Strategic means? Role players

11 11 What then? What shareholders do for a sustainable development of local communities? -What strategic levers local community should have to “force” shareholders listen to them and (help) address their needs? Hence -Education on resources; Education on resource management -wake-up call about leadership -Education on leadership concepts, -Training on leadership skills -Training in development skills; Training in relevant expertise -Symbiosis and harmony between politics and economics

12 12 Stumbling blocks include - Ignorance of African resources by Africans - Unconsciousness of Africans about their mineral wealth, value and potentiality - Non-experts signing national and international contracts - Letting others to decide on Africa’s fate

13 13 What then? Should we look at African leadership concepts? Or leadership concepts for African (future) leaders?

14 14 THANK YOU ! ! ! ! ! Prof. Antoine F. Mulaba –Bafubiandi Head: School of Mining, Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering Head: Mineral Processing and Technology Research Group POBox 526, Wits 2050, South Africa Te.: 011 5596215, Fax: 011 559 6194 Email:

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