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George Clooney Michael Clayton. Plan  Assessment Reminders  Essay Reminders  Michael Clayton Prep  Begin watching the movie.

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Presentation on theme: "George Clooney Michael Clayton. Plan  Assessment Reminders  Essay Reminders  Michael Clayton Prep  Begin watching the movie."— Presentation transcript:

1 George Clooney Michael Clayton

2 Plan  Assessment Reminders  Essay Reminders  Michael Clayton Prep  Begin watching the movie

3 Assessment Reminder: Characterization  Character Trait  Scene that shows that trait  Explanation of HOW that scene shows the trait  Mature  Bossy  Encouraging  Arrogant  Impolite  Humorous  Demanding  Determined  Intelligent

4 Quote Analysis  Must be AT LEAST three sentences!  WHY IS THIS QUOTE IMPORTANT?!  How does it connect to the main idea?  How does it connect to the theme?  What does it reveal about a character?  Does it serve as support for an idea or character?  Does it contradict a main idea? Is it evidence for a counter claim?  Can you connect to it? How?  Does it serve as a predictor for something that will come?  Is it believable? Explain.  Does it reveal anything about the plot?

5 Theme Reflection  INDENT!  PARAGRAPH!  MEANINGFUL SCENES AND EXAMPLES!!!  Do not just put in a quote from class, CONNECT it to the content. CONNECT it to the movie.

6 Genre Identification  NOT THEME!  Drama?  Comedy?  Mystery?  Action?  Musical?  Romantic Comedy?

7 Next Week  Monday: Movie  Tuesday: Movie  Wednesday: Movie  Thursday: Assessment  Friday: New Unit: Best Actress

8 Essay  Who deserved to win the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2007?  Brand new to the class? Did George Clooney deserve an Academy Award for his performance?

9 Requirements  Title Page (name, title, date, class, period)  Typed (Size 12, Times New Roman)  500 Words (Word Count at the end of paper, typed)  Due: Wednesday, April 2nd

10 Format  1: Intro  Hook  Importance  Thesis (END)  2: #1 Reason  PROOF! Evidence from movie!  3: #2 Reason  Proof! Evidence from movie!  4: Counter Claim:  Some people may disagree with ____ and say _____. They are wrong because ________.  5: Conclusion  Thesis  Main Points.  Actor/Movie recommendation

11 Michael Clayton  George Clooney as Michael Clayton

12 Plot  Michael Clayton is an in-house fixer at one of the largest corporate law firms in New York. A former criminal prosecutor, Clayton takes care of Kenner, Bach, & Ledeen's dirtiest work at the behest of the firm's co- founder, Marty Bach. Though burned out and hardly content with his job as a fixer, his divorce, a failed business venture, and mounting debt have left Clayton inextricably tied to the firm. At U/North, meanwhile, the career of litigator Karen Crowder rests on the multi- million dollar settlement of a class-action suit that Clayton's firm is leading to a seemingly successful conclusion. But when Kenner Bach's brilliant and guilt- ridden attorney Arthur Edens sabotages the U/North case, Clayton faces the biggest challenge of his career and his life.

13 Themes  Guilt  Morals (Doing what is right)  Friendship  Success

14 Guilt  “Hard though it may be to accept, remember that guilt is sometimes a friendly internal voice reminding you that you’re messing up.” –Marge Kennedy  What is something you are guilty about? Do you agree with this quote?

15 Morals  “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” – Oprah Winfrey  Do you agree or disagree with this quote? What do you think our society as a whole would think?

16 Friendship  “A friend is someone who know all about you and still loves you.” – Elbert Hubbard  Based on this quote, who are your friends? Are they good friends?

17 Success  “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.” – W.C. Fields  Agree or Disagree? Explain

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