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SWOT analysis National Sustainable Development Strategy Kamil Vilinovic Ministry of Environment Slovak Republic.

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1 SWOT analysis National Sustainable Development Strategy Kamil Vilinovic Ministry of Environment Slovak Republic

2 … strengths and opportunities as well as weaknesses and threats constitute an overall assessment of the starting situation for sustainable development of the society determined by detailed analyses carried out during formulation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development… … contradiction of several statements (what seems to be a strength or opportunity, can be from a different angle seen as a weakness or risk) shows that the concept of sustainable development is rather complex issue… … strengths and opportunities as well as weaknesses and threats constitute an overall assessment of the starting situation for sustainable development of the society determined by detailed analyses carried out during formulation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development… … contradiction of several statements (what seems to be a strength or opportunity, can be from a different angle seen as a weakness or risk) shows that the concept of sustainable development is rather complex issue…

3 Strengths and opportunities  development of a modern parliamentary democracy, relating reform of institutions and amendment to legal instruments (acts, strategic and conceptional documents, Constitution)  development of a modern parliamentary democracy, relating reform of institutions and amendment to legal instruments (acts, strategic and conceptional documents, Constitution)  starting a process of basic reforms of the society – in particular the reform of public administration, reform of education, social reform  starting a process of basic reforms of the society – in particular the reform of public administration, reform of education, social reform  gradual “top-down” transfer of competence – from the state to self-governments, closer to citizens  gradual “top-down” transfer of competence – from the state to self-governments, closer to citizens  development of the third sector (in particular non-governmental organisations) – creation and development of many interest organisations, associations, networks established by citizens, business sector and municipalities  development of the third sector (in particular non-governmental organisations) – creation and development of many interest organisations, associations, networks established by citizens, business sector and municipalities  gradual change of collective thinking and negotiations (typical for socialist era) to individual – concrete knowledge and abilities of citizens have still greater importance  gradual change of collective thinking and negotiations (typical for socialist era) to individual – concrete knowledge and abilities of citizens have still greater importance

4 Strengths and opportunities (2)  building a market economy – overall liberalisation of economic conditions accompanied by a large privatisation of the national property together with development of private business (at present the private sector creates more than ? percent of GDP)  building a market economy – overall liberalisation of economic conditions accompanied by a large privatisation of the national property together with development of private business (at present the private sector creates more than ? percent of GDP)  relatively satisfactory development in the area of inflation and monetary policy – after a sharp fall of real incomes of inhabitants in the period 1990- 199? stabilisation occurred  relatively satisfactory development in the area of inflation and monetary policy – after a sharp fall of real incomes of inhabitants in the period 1990- 199? stabilisation occurred  prevailing positive development of quality of natural resources and landscape – improvements in quality of air, sea, groundwater, reduction of load caused by exploitation of natural resources, agriculture and forestry  prevailing positive development of quality of natural resources and landscape – improvements in quality of air, sea, groundwater, reduction of load caused by exploitation of natural resources, agriculture and forestry  the EU pre-accession process of Romania and relating changes in particular in institutional area  the EU pre-accession process of Romania and relating changes in particular in institutional area invitation and access of Romania to international alliances which confirms improving international position and which should lead to positive development of economy and society invitation and access of Romania to international alliances which confirms improving international position and which should lead to positive development of economy and society

5 Weaknesses and threats  unfavourable situation in the society – low level of moral and legal awareness (still existing deformations from the totalitarian era), prevailing adverse value orientations in the society – expanding consumer way of life and preferring material values against spiritual values  unfavourable situation in the society – low level of moral and legal awareness (still existing deformations from the totalitarian era), prevailing adverse value orientations in the society – expanding consumer way of life and preferring material values against spiritual values  unpreparedness of a large part of citizens to fundamental changes – increased level of uncertainty accompanied by increased requirements to share responsibility for the own fate and for development of the whole society is perceived by a large part of inhabitants negatively in a context of growing poverty  unpreparedness of a large part of citizens to fundamental changes – increased level of uncertainty accompanied by increased requirements to share responsibility for the own fate and for development of the whole society is perceived by a large part of inhabitants negatively in a context of growing poverty  insufficient transparency of decision-making in the public administration, still existing corruption and clientism  insufficient transparency of decision-making in the public administration, still existing corruption and clientism  still existing perception of the public administration as a tool of power and not as a service to citizens  still existing perception of the public administration as a tool of power and not as a service to citizens  still existing sectoral approach and short-term planning of development without respecting the long-term, permanent priorities of the society  still existing sectoral approach and short-term planning of development without respecting the long-term, permanent priorities of the society overall slowness and low efficiency of reforms which at this moment are not perceived positively by citizens or by the society as a whole (sceptical or even negative attitude to development and achievements of previous decade prevails) overall slowness and low efficiency of reforms which at this moment are not perceived positively by citizens or by the society as a whole (sceptical or even negative attitude to development and achievements of previous decade prevails)

6 Weaknesses and threats (2)  deterioration of quality of life of some groups of citizens – in particular families with small children, the long-term unemployed, incomplete families, the retired  deterioration of quality of life of some groups of citizens – in particular families with small children, the long-term unemployed, incomplete families, the retired  overall low-efficient and improperly structured economy, typical for industrial society  overall low-efficient and improperly structured economy, typical for industrial society  insufficient emphasis on modernisation of industry (prioritising traditional branches of industry – metallurgy, nuclear energy, machinery, chemical industry, etc.)  insufficient emphasis on modernisation of industry (prioritising traditional branches of industry – metallurgy, nuclear energy, machinery, chemical industry, etc.)  attempts to save ineffective large enterprises, preserve traditional agriculture, prioritising banking and financial sectors  attempts to save ineffective large enterprises, preserve traditional agriculture, prioritising banking and financial sectors  insufficient funds for financing and development of other “non- productive” sectors (social sector, culture, education and science, health service, environment)  insufficient funds for financing and development of other “non- productive” sectors (social sector, culture, education and science, health service, environment)  insufficient representation of perspective sectors based on modern technologies and effective use of labour forces and sources, insufficient emphasis on development of structures of information society  insufficient representation of perspective sectors based on modern technologies and effective use of labour forces and sources, insufficient emphasis on development of structures of information society  high energy consumption of economy and low level of utilisation of renewable energy resources  high energy consumption of economy and low level of utilisation of renewable energy resources still existing pollution of groundwater, sea, contamination of soil and substratum, bad health state of forests still existing pollution of groundwater, sea, contamination of soil and substratum, bad health state of forests

7 Current development in former socialist countries is complicated, complex and ambiguous. Real successful achievements in political, social and economic transformation in 1990s are accompanied by many mistakes and shortages, which prevail in several areas. After 15 years of attempts to introduce new reforms, change its reputation, improve prosperity, seek new forms of management and communication of all actors at international, national, regional and local levels, it is apparent that a comprehensive strategic vision of development of the society at the governmental level is clearly missing!!!. The National Strategy for Sustainable Development should constitute a document of such a character. Current development in former socialist countries is complicated, complex and ambiguous. Real successful achievements in political, social and economic transformation in 1990s are accompanied by many mistakes and shortages, which prevail in several areas. After 15 years of attempts to introduce new reforms, change its reputation, improve prosperity, seek new forms of management and communication of all actors at international, national, regional and local levels, it is apparent that a comprehensive strategic vision of development of the society at the governmental level is clearly missing!!!. The National Strategy for Sustainable Development should constitute a document of such a character.

8 Elaboration and adoption of the National Strategy of Sustainable Development offers a possibility to really revive the social and human potential of countries in transition, address and involve all major groups of the society into preparation of a new development direction and creation of a new institutional framework for a healthy, socially developed, educated and prosperous civic society.

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