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August 26 th, 2010. Today’s Agenda Dr. Ortuño – Foreign Language Requirements Positions for work on campus Intramurals S.I.C.E.M. Program Zip CARS Committees.

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Presentation on theme: "August 26 th, 2010. Today’s Agenda Dr. Ortuño – Foreign Language Requirements Positions for work on campus Intramurals S.I.C.E.M. Program Zip CARS Committees."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 26 th, 2010

2 Today’s Agenda Dr. Ortuño – Foreign Language Requirements Positions for work on campus Intramurals S.I.C.E.M. Program Zip CARS Committees Elections

3 Foreign Language Requirements 1. As soon as possible upon entering their graduate program students should examine the options available to them for satisfying their foreign language requirement. These are outlined in the Graduate Catalog and on the Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Web site: (Go to side bar and click on “Graduate Language Requirements.”) 2. Students should, as soon as possible, meet with the appropriate MFL professor and take the “diagnostic” exam, or simply contact me, Dr. Marian Ortuño. See MFL Web site for details and calendar of deadlines. This informal diagnostic exam (which also might include taking the MFL undergraduate Placement Exam) determines a student’s current base level of language proficiency and, depending on the outcome, allows the MFL professor to suggest an appropriate option or a plan of remediation, if necessary, in a timely manner.

4 Foreign Language Requirements There are five options for satisfying proficiency outlined in the Catalog, one of which includes taking the Graduate Reading Courses offered in the summer--French, German, or Spanish 5370/71. Please be informed that in order for these courses to “make,” it is of utmost importance that we meet minimum enrollments—five students, at least, per class. I must know as soon as possible the number of students who plan to take Spanish, German, or French in Summer 2011. (Latin and Greek are also offered through the Department of Classics.) Please inform me as soon as possible if you intend to take one of these courses. In the case of over-subscribed classes, we need to plan for additional sections, and this cannot be done at the last minute.

5 Foreign Language Requirements Note—International MA students cannot use either the previously earned undergraduate credit option or the 5370/71 courses to satisfy their language requirement. This is because, as prospective international degree holders, they have to show current speaking and reading skills. They, therefore, must take both the oral test in committee and a reading/translation test of 250 words in one hour with a paper dictionary. Nevertheless, in the past, several international MA students have taken 5370/71 as preparation for later taking the reading test. Please consult the MFL Web site for all necessary information concerning requirements: testing procedure, test format, MFL tester contacts, information on the summer graduate reading courses, and the calendar of deadlines for taking the diagnostic and the actual test. These deadlines apply to all graduate students, not just the International MAs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Dr. Marian Ortuño.

6 Open positions for work Casey Pederson – Position with Dr. Lyon Dr. Randy Wood – 3 GA positions – Contact Digitization Center – Contact

7 Intramurals ONE time Jersey purchase ($10) Contact FallSpring Dodge Ball5 on 5 Basketball Indoor VolleyballWallyball Ultimate FrisbeeSoccer KickballSoftball Flag FootballCo-Rec Sand Volleyball

8 S.I.C.E.M. Program Student Intellectual Community Enhancement Money S.I.C.E.M. events must: – be led by graduate students and include faculty participants. – enhance the intellectual community, and include an academic component. – provide creative ways of learning to enhance the graduate experience. Examples might include: A theatre production involving multiple disciplines An excursion to a historical sight A luncheon to present work prior to its publication

9 Zip Cars on BU Campus! Baylor students, faculty, and staff can join zipcar for only $35/year. you also get $35 in free driving to use your first month! Get 24/7 access to Zipcars parked right on campus! Simply reserve online, let yourself in with your Zipcard and drive. The low hourly and daily rates always include gas and insurance. You only need to be 18+ to join. Members age 18-20 can use a dedicated group of Zipcars that live on campus. Members age 21+ also have access to thousands of Zipcars all around the world.

10 Committees Social – The Social Committee is comprised of sub-committees that plan the GSA barbeques, GSA social events like the ice cream social, and any other evens the committee deems appropriate. Academic – The academic committee is comprised of two sub-committees, the ISF sub-committee and the Grant Writing Workshop sub-committee. Policy Taskforce – The policy taskforce is concerned with advocacy for graduate students at Baylor with building the GSA’s profile and reputation in the university. The Policy Task Force will serve as a forum for discussing the work of GSA representatives on several university-wide standing committees. The Policy Task Force will also take up ad hoc issues raised by members of the GSA.

11 Elections Secretary/Historian – Enforce the constitution – Co-manage planning, preparation, and delivery of GSA events. – Be an official spokesman and representative of the Baylor graduate student body as requested by the president – Meet with GSA advisors and officers each week. – Responsible for social networking. – Record minutes of GSA meetings for distribution through the GSA website. – Deliver and receive emails and other communications to and from GSA representatives as appropriate. – Maintain all GSA files and records.

12 Elections Treasurer – Enforce this constitution. – Co-manage planning, preparation, and delivery of GSA events, particularly the financial aspects of events. – Be an official spokesman and representative of the Baylor graduate student body as requested by the president – Meet with GSA officers and advisors each week. – Manage and report on GSA budget in accordance with Baylor accounting policies.

13 GSA Shirts $10

14 August 26 th, 2010

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