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Hosted By Kate Ramos 100 200 400 300 400 Earth LayersMoving ContinentsPlate TectonicsPlate Boundaries 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted By Kate Ramos

3 100 200 400 300 400 Earth LayersMoving ContinentsPlate TectonicsPlate Boundaries 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 It is the middle layer of the Earth. What is the mantle?

5 1,2 The name given to the original clump of continents. What is Pangea?

6 1,3 Large sections of the earth’s surface made of the crust and the rigid top part of the mantle. What is a plate?

7 1,4 A boundary where two plates move towards each other. What is a convergent plate boundary?

8 2,1 It is the layer that is thinner under the oceans and thicker under the continents. It is located above the mantle. What is the crust?

9 2,2 The theory that the continents have drifted apart over time. What is continental drift?

10 2,3 The forces behind how plate moves. What are convection currents?

11 2,4 A boundary where two plates slide and rub against each other. What is a transform plate boundary?

12 3,1 It is the thickest and hottest layer of the Earth. What is the core?

13 3,2 Warm weather fern fossils found in Antarctica, South America, Africa, India, and Australia, supporting continental drift. What are Glossopteris fossils?

14 3,3 The edges of plates, or where plates meet. What are plate boundaries?

15 3,4 A boundary where two plates move apart from each other. What is a divergent plate boundary?

16 4,1 It covers almost ¾ of the Earth’s surface. What is the hydrosphere?

17 4,2 The two continents where coal deposits were found, supporting continental drift. What are North America and Eurasia?

18 4,3 The location of the Ring of Fire. What is the Pacific Plate?

19 4,4 A special type of convergent plate boundary where the oceanic crust is forced underneath the continental crust. What is subduction?

20 5,1 This gas makes up almost 78% of the atmosphere. What is nitrogen?

21 5,2 Freshwater reptile fossils found in South America and Africa, supporting continental drift. What are Mesosaurus fossils?

22 5,3 The two kinds of crust. What are oceanic and continental crust?

23 5,4 The fluid, dense material that plates float on. What is the asthenosphere?

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