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课题: Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. 教材:八年级下第一模块 Level: 活动针对全班学生,难易结合,尽量从日常生活中的 一些活动入手. Materials: 通过多媒体展示一些日常活动画面然后引入语言材 料帮组学生阅读爱好兴趣话题和写作。

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Presentation on theme: "课题: Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. 教材:八年级下第一模块 Level: 活动针对全班学生,难易结合,尽量从日常生活中的 一些活动入手. Materials: 通过多媒体展示一些日常活动画面然后引入语言材 料帮组学生阅读爱好兴趣话题和写作。"— Presentation transcript:

1 课题: Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. 教材:八年级下第一模块 Level: 活动针对全班学生,难易结合,尽量从日常生活中的 一些活动入手. Materials: 通过多媒体展示一些日常活动画面然后引入语言材 料帮组学生阅读爱好兴趣话题和写作。 Skills: 通过谈论兴趣与爱好训练学生的听、说、读、写能力 ,尤其是阅读与写作能力。学习表达自己的爱好,询问他 的爱好,掌握使用简单句表达兴趣爱好以及对兴趣爱好的 简单评析. Purpose: 以爱好为话题,内容主要谈论个人兴趣和爱好及其 原因,表达喜欢和不喜欢,对各类爱好的归类选择和简单, 学习相关的重点词汇和短语。引导学生掌握相关的听、 说、度、写技能。培养学生健康的兴趣爱好。

2 Procedure: 1 、通过 Guessing games 的形式掌握相关的单词和词语 如 : sailing, climbing,dancing, growing vegetables, looking after animals, painting, playing volleyball, singing, mountain biking, writing,creative, lazy, useful, develop, skill, activity, professional, imagine, senior, teenage, teenager, enjoyment, success , all the time, be interested in, 2 、谈论兴趣和爱好以及自己对这些兴趣和爱好的看法并引 出本课阅读 “A special hobby 阅读分 4 部分 ( 1 ) Scanning and Skimming ( 2 ) :Reading for specific information ( 3 ) :Reading for comprehension ( 4 ) :Practice 3 、语言知识点的讲解。 4 、说、写能力的训练。

3 Participants: 师生以提问回答、小组讨论、 work in pairs 等形式进行。 Evaluation: 主要采取教师、全班和小组评价的形式。教 师在每一个活动环节后公布相应的对个人 和小组的评价。 Variation: 教案设计: 以多媒体课件的形式,具体如下:

4 Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person

5 1. Guessing game. (1). Let’s guess what hobbies they are. looking after animals I am interested in sailing. be interested in useful Looking after animals is useful. sailing

6 climbing don’t like writing all the time I don’t like climbing because I am not a p_____ climber.It’s a difficult ______. She writes stories all the time.She is not l ! She likes writing.It can _______ her interest. rofessional azy skill develop

7 mountain biking painting growing vegetables Children like growing vegetables, it can bring them e and s. Young people like mountain biking because it’s e. Painting is c. You can draw everything you i in your mind. xciting reative magine njoymentuccess

8 Look at the photos and say which hobbies you can see. Answers: 1.climbing 2.painting 3.growing vegetables 4.mountain biking

9 (2) Let’s talk about the hobbies. 1 23 4 5 6789 10 A: What hobbies can you see in picture …? B: I can see … A: How do you think of the hobby? B: I think … is creative/ relaxing/ useful… A: Is it a usual activity in the school? B: Yes, it is also a usual activity at a summer camp.

10 1.Whose is the special hobby? 2.What is the special hobby? 3.Why is writing a special hobby David Smith’s Writing. Because it has brought David enjoyment and success. Scanning and skimming.

11 (2). Reading for specific information. True or False. 1. David Smith likes writing. 2. He learned writing during a summer camp of 2000. 3. There was a professional writer on the camp. 4. David wrote a story about his life in senior high school. 5. David’s first book came out in 2003. 6. His book was very popular. 7. Writing was his only hobby in his free time. 8. David decided to write more books in the future. T T T F T T F F

12 3.Practice 1 What do you think of hobbies? 2 Is writing a usual activity for a summer camp? 3 When did David become a successful writer? Because they are relaxing and creative. No, it isn’t. When his book came out in 2003.

13 4 How many hobbies does David have? 5 Which hobby is he interested in most? We’re not sure, at least he has two hobbies,writing and playing volleyball. Maybe he is interested in writing most.

14 (3). Reading for comprehension. 1.How many hobbies does David have? 2.Which is he interested in most? 3.When did David become a successful writer? 4.Why has David been very lucky? 5.What is David’s plan about his main hobby? 6.Have any of your hobbies brought your great success? 7.What skills have you learnt through your hobbies?

15 (4). Language points. 1. Many students have hobbies such as … 2. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new … 3. As well as the usual activities, … We all want to visit Beijing as well as Shanghai. 4. imagine that we were in a story: 设想我们在 故事之中 such as: 比如、例如 make you grow as a person: 使你健全成长 As well as 也,还,而且 You can imagine how surprised I was.

16 5. David wrote a story about teenage life, and it came out… When will your new book come out? 6.…, and as a result, David has … He didn’t work hard, as a result he failed his exam. 7.I spend some of my free time playing volleyball… came out: 出版 as a result: 作为结果 spend …(in) doing: 花时间做

17 spend; take ; pay; cost 表示 “ 花费 ” 的区别 It takes/ took sb + some time + to do sth. Sb. spend + some time/ some money + (in ) doing / on sth. Sb. pay + some money + for sth. Sth. cost (sb.) + some money 8. His hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. 快乐和成功 1)enjoy (v.) + (doing) sth. enjoyable (adj.) enjoyment 不可数名词 get enjoyment from--- 从 … 得到快乐 2) success --- (n.) 成功 succeed--- (v.) successful ---( adj.) successfully ---(adv.)

18 Using as well as, such as or as a result to rewrite sentences. 1. Some hobbies, for example, reading and painting, are very relaxing. 2. David likes writing. He also likes playing volleyball. Some hobbies, such as reading and painting, are very relaxing. David likes writing as well as playing volleyball.

19 3. He has become a successful writer, and so his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. 4. Many teenagers enjoy sport, for example, football and basketball. He has become a successful writer, as a result, his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. Many teenagers enjoy sport, such as football and basketball.

20 Some hobbies are good for people.Some hobbies are bad for teenagers. Hobbies can make us relax/happy. Hobbies can make our life interesting. Hobbies can develop our interests. Hobbies can help us learn new skills. But some hobbies can make us lazy/not want to study,such as playing computer games too much, spending too much time chatting online.

21 Discuss the questions. 1. What do you think of high school students writing books ? 2. Do you think David should write more books in the future ? Why or why not ? 3. What can a successful hobby mean to a high school student ? Work in pairs

22 4.What do you like to do in your free time? 5. Which new skills have you learnt through your hobbies? 6.Have any of your hobbies brought you success? 7.Is playing too much computer games good hobby? Work in pairs

23 Find out about your partner’s hobby. Make notes.Write a short passage called My classmate’s hobby. Use as well as, such as or as a result.

24 Homework: 1.Write a short passage. Introduce your own hobby and what it has brought to your life.

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