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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROPEAN UNION MINISTRY NATIONAL AGENCY."— Presentation transcript:





5 CONTACT AND QUESTIONS Host Institution and its ID Code: ? mus-codes.xlsx Email adresses with extension Facebook group Sending Institution: Istanbul Bilgi University Erasmus ID Code: TR ISTANBU11

6 CONTACT AND QUESTIONS Please check FAQ and our website carefully. All your questions concerned about the information which can be found there, will be directed to those pages. Please read carefully BİLGİ Erasmus Handbook, BİLGİ Erasmus Principles and BİLGİ Erasmus Practices. Your exchange period will be guided due to the information written there. center/outgoing/erasmus/genel-bilgi/

7 My Department Coordinator: ogrencileri/erasmus-degisim/koordinatorler/ TO WHOM I SHOULD ASK MY ACADEMIC QUESTIONS?

8 Host institution may demand additional fees from Erasmus students such as gym membership, transportation costs etc.. PAYMENT AND REGISTRATION Erasmus students have to make their 2014-15 academic year fall and/or spring term payments to BİLGİ (except for scholarship students). Students can not freeze their registrations on BİLGİ while they are abroad for their exchange period There will be no registration payment or tuition fee to host institution.

9 BİLGİ, never EXTENDS! exchange student’s academic periods determined before. ABOUT ERASMUS During academic life (pre-degree, degree, master’s degree, doctorate) an exchange student can join Erasmus Exchange program more than once with grant 12 months in total Erasmus is not a ‘language learning’ program Erasmus is not a ‘scholarship’ program. Erasmus is not a ‘diploma’ program.

10 Drug addiction starts with a «let me just a try»! ABOUT ERASMUS Opportunity to meet a new culture and be aware of your own culture better. You should definetely search the country before you go. If you have any problems please contact with your family and our International Center Students may face difficulties to adopt different cultures, social life and beliefs.


12 Other: Other: The institution can demand any other document from you such as language proficiency etc. Application to Partner University Application Form: Application Form: A form that your host university prepares. It provides information about you to host university and makes them prepare for you. It can be electronic or printed. Accommodation Form Accommodation Form You need to fill out this form if the host institution provides you an accommodation. Every institution or corporation might have different deadlines. Form must be filled out by student him/herself. Some institutions may include both application form and accommodation form together. There might not be two seperate forms.

13 Visa Process You can reach necessary documents from the consulate’s website. Visa application is student’s responsiliblity If this is not enough student might have to bring a document which shows a prove of additional amount in his/her account. Letter of Invitation. Health travel insurance For visa process 8 weeks is recommended! Financial adequacy – Bank Referance Letter - Grant letter

14 Visa Process You can take your visa document to consulate from International Center only after you submit your documents that you have to give to International Center. New students and students who will take 1 year passport can take their passport tax exclusion document from their faculty secretariat between the dates that International Center will announce, after they submit required documents.

15 Residence Permit & Health Insurance How long? Can it be for only one semester? Web search Some countries finish this process during visa transactions A lot of country want you to make a health insurance. For Spain this even includes death. Insurance fees are under student’s responsibility Many insurance companies can provide this document for you.

16 Legend: O = Original Version C = Copy Checklist Checklist Name of DocumentBefore You GoAfter You Return Erasmus Office Student Affairs Office Erasmus Office Student Affairs Office Letter of Conduct O-- Course Equivalence Form CO Learning Agreement CC Letter of Acceptance from Host University CC Bank Account Information (Garanti Bankası) C (& mail info to EO) -- Mobility Agreement O-- Exchange Permission Form CO Certificate of Participation O-- Copy of your Passport (with Entry and Departure Stamps!) C-- Transcript of Records CO Credit Transfer Form CO Final Activity Report O-- Learning Agreement C/OC Bank Account Information (only if changed) C-- Erasmus Evaluation Form O--

17 Learning Agreement Accommodation Form Transcript (in English) Host University’s Application Form 5 Language Proficiency Document Letter of Acceptance 4321 Letter of acceptance will be used for visa application. Letter of acceptance is sent by host institution to Bilgi Erasmus Center after student is selected and finishes all documents about application process Host institution may request following documents: 6 Copy of Passport

18 This document shows the courses a student takes in host institution. A student needs to pick up courses at host institution due to the course catalogue they provide. These courses must be selected with approval of Bilgi Departmental Coordinator. Course codes and ECTS credits must be written in Learning Agreement Total number of ECTS credits must be minimum 30 ECTS and maximum 40 ECTS. A Learning Agreement which has the signature of student, sending institution and host institution representatives is accepted (scanned version). Signature Process: Firstly the student, then Erasmus Departmental Coordinator and then Institutional Coordinator must sign. The student can make any changes during his/her exchange period. For any changes the second page of Learning Agreement needs to be filled. Learning Agreement

19 During the course selection 30 ECTS for one semester and 60 ECTS for full year should be aimed. Even in case of changes, total number of ECTS must be30 for each semester. The document must be signed and stamped by student and both university’s representatives. The equivalence of courses’ being made by Faculty Administration Committee which is indicated in Learning Agreement. Thus courses that student have will be valid in our institution. Ideal number of ECTS credit is determined by the European Commission for those who are registered as a student in a higher education institution in Europe. This credit requirement is defined as 30 ECTS credits and it is accepted most available number for European students. So, we require the learning agreements which is filled out 30 ECTS equivalent courses Learning Agreement

20 !!! Grants of the students who is awarded with grant will be paid to their bank accounts before their mobility !!! Grant Your monthly amount of grant depends on the country that you are nominated by. If you are nominated as a one semester student, you are going to receive %80 of anticipated total grant. Second grant payments (remaining amount) is going be sent you after your return to Turkey and it will be paid according to the completed exchange dates which is written on your certificate of participation.

21 Grant ogrencileri/erasmus-degisim/basvuru/ Countries – Monthly Grant Payments (€) Countries due to Cost of Living Host Countries in ExchangeMonthly Student Mobility Grant(€) Monthly Student Placement Grant(€) 1. Group Program Countries Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom 500600 2. Group Program Countries Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Luxembourg, Holland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey 400500 3. Group Program Countries Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Letonia, Lithuania, Malta, Polond, Romania, Slovaka, Macedonia 300400 Students, who are placed in universities in Switzerland, will be receiving their grants from the partner university or from the government of Switzerland.

22 Grant calculation Calendar days abroad in accordance with academic calendar x Monthly mobility grant for country / 30 (avarage number of days in a month)

23 Grant For those who are awarded with grant, they have to open an EURO account in Garanti Bankası İstanbul Bilgi University section. Also you should bring the copy of your account book to our office and send the account information via e-mail. The petition for those who cancelled their nomination untill 15th of May, 2015. al_dilekcesi.doc If you cancel your nomination after you received the grant, you must pay back all amount of it. If you are awarded to receive grant, you must sign the Erasmus Mobility Agreement and bring it to our office. Updated document will be uploaded to web site soon

24 Academic achievement is compulsory for grant payment. You must pass 2/3 (20 ECTS) of your total (30 ECTS) credits that you take during your exchange period. Remaining amount of grants are going to be paid to students who passed at least 20 ECTS if they bring all required documents.. Grant If you would not pass 2/3 of ECTS credits, written statement of defense will be asked! If the students cannot not provide mentioned requirements above, they will be asked to represent written statement of defense. If it is decided that the student did not fulfill the academic responsibilities, they are not allowed to receive remaining %20 of grant. However, if non-attendance to the courses is seen during your exchange period, we reserve the rights of withdrawal of %80 of grant.

25 Documents to be delivered before mobility Signed Learning Agreement (scanned is accepted), Copy of acceptance letter from the partner university, Exchange Permission Form (signed by Accountancy), Course Equivalence Form (Signed by Erasmus Department Coordinator)

26 After the Exchange

27 The documents that must be brought after your return Learning Agreement (during the mobility part (changes to the original learning agreement) – This document must be accompanied by its own course Equivalence Form stating the finl version of the courses that the student is taking Certificate of Participation (With all necessary signatures and stamps) Copy of your signed and stamped Transcript. Final Activity Report (online) Copy of Passport (must include visa pages and stamp pages that proves your entry and exit dates) Copy of credit transfer form Erasmus Evaluation Form (conditional) If your EURO account is changed, you must bring the copy of it

28 After all these procedure, if you completed mandatory steps, you are going to receive your remaining amount of grant.

29 Orientation Program Welcome Party, Farewell Party International Day Buddy Program Accommodation ESN (Erasmus Student Network) From Partner University

30 If you leave the city or country that you study more than 1 week without academic or national holiday and grants will be cut duly.

31 ERASMUS OFFICE SANTRAL CAMPUS- ÇSM 109 Beyhan Demir Langlois – 5219 Zeliha Akın - 6514 Aybala Işık - 5117 E-mail: THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION… Q&A


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