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Reviewing governance Marc Taylor ASA Board, Sheffield Hallam University, Harlaxtons 7 April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewing governance Marc Taylor ASA Board, Sheffield Hallam University, Harlaxtons 7 April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewing governance Marc Taylor ASA Board, Sheffield Hallam University, Harlaxtons 7 April 2011


3 Introductory thoughts Organisational context The Board Context of swimming and participation The Board, strategy and the environment Issues Today’s lengths

4 Ability not Availability Volunteers or not...

5 Long-term direction (strategic) Achieve competitive advantage over the competition. Scope of an organisation’s activities. Core competencies Matching resources and activities to the environment Governance performance context (not just conformance) Source: Exploring Corporate Strategy, Johnson and Scholes

6 Strategy and Governance importance Time 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Strategic Goals EHA British Athletics

7 Corporate conduct and governance

8 Organisational Context

9 Founded1869 Head OfficeSportpark, Loughborough University Governing Body of ‘swimming’ in England. Eight Regions, 1158 affiliated clubs and more than 200,000 members Oversee five disciplines; Diving, Healthy Living, Swimming, Synchro and Water Polo Organisational context

10 Swimming’s vision Everyone has an opportunity to learn to swim To have more people swimming, more often and having more fun That people can achieve their personal goals throughout their lifetime Gold medal success on the world stage

11 Strategic goals Learn to swim Health and participation Athlete development Facilities Workforce development Governance, structures & partnerships

12 David Sparkes Chief Executive Officer John Crowther Chairman Jane Nickerson Chief Operating Officer Andy Gray Director of Regulatory and Legal Affairs Anne Adams-King Director of English Programmes Chris Denny Director of Communications Our Staff Maria Walker Finance Director Our partners Our membership, participants and volunteers Our stakeholders Our Regions The Board The ASA Council Our heartbeat Our best employee – Rachel Washington

13 Our numbers

14 Our numbers (2010-07) Ability not Availability

15 Our numbers (2007-10) Ability not Availability

16 Creditors Amounts Falling Due After More Than One Year £5,627,000 (2010) The ASA has entered into a 25 year loan with Lloyds TSB Fixed Asset Change Ability not Availability

17 Headline organisational context No burning platform History and heritage Compete internationally within IF structure Environment where the organisation, participants and volunteers have choices, challenges and opportunities

18 The Board

19 President and The Board

20 Context of swimming and participation

21 APS4 – Once a week participation SportAPS4 Participation (Total) SportAPS4 Participation (Total) 1 Swimming3,156,300 17 Snowsport104,500 2 Football2,090,000 18 Hockey86,800 3 Athletics1,875,500 19 Table Tennis86,200 4 Cycling1,866,300 20 Weightlifting77,600 5 Golf860,900 21 Sailing65,100 6 Badminton520,900 22 Rugby League52,300 7 Tennis437,500 23 Canoeing51,100 8 Equestrian337,800 24 Angling51,000 9 Squash290,100 25 Gymnastics and Trampolining50,300 10 Bowls246,600 26 Rowing45,300 11 Rugby Union194,200 27 Volleyball37,500 12 Cricket171,900 28 Taekwondo25,900 13 Basketball151,800 29 Judo24,500 14 Netball145,200 30 Rounders19,900 15 Boxing117,200 31 Baseball and Softball9,100 16 Mountaineering111,300 32 Fencing8,000 Source: Sport England, harlaxtons analysis


23 APS4 – Once a month participation SportAPS4 Participation (Total) 1 Swimming5,449,000 2 Cycling3,803,900 3 Football3,086,700 4 Athletics2,760,400 5 Golf1,415,100 6 Badminton896,700 7 Tennis834,100 8 Squash and racketball485,000 9 Equestrian418,000 10 Bowls385,100 11 Cricket341,500 12 Basketball279,300 13 Rugby Union277,900 14 Mountaineering259,800 15 Table Tennis217,100 16 Angling207,700 17 Netball204,200 18 Snowsport168,600 19 Sailing155,100 20 Boxing154,100 Source: Sport England, harlaxtons analysis

24 APS4 – Once a month participation

25 The Board, Strategy and The Environment

26 Strategic groups Industry (for sector) The macro-environment Environment layers Macro - Environment Observations Professional Sports & Clubs Better!

27 The macro- environment P E S T E L Environment and myopia Sport Vs. Leisure

28 Environment and myopia Sport Vs. Leisure

29 Environment and myopia 2 nd largest after football

30 The Board and Strategy Custodians of the sport 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 The land of milk and honey Strategic Goals Time

31 Macro environment and Strategy The Board and Strategy Time 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 The land of milk and honey Strategic Goals

32 Tailwinds 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 The land of milk and honey Strategic Goals Time

33 Headwinds 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 The land of milk and honey Strategic Goals Mavericks 8.0 Little Italy Communication Time

34 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 The land of milk and honey Strategic Goals The Board and strategy All Board members need to be able to sail! Sometimes the direction is right The wind may just not have filled the sails! Traffic lights You don’t have them at sea! Yet, they are a good Board guide if well off course! Time

35 Issues

36 Commercial strategy context Strategic consultancy leaders Consultancy revenue leaders Growing Consultants Consultants numbers

37 External advisors and strategy 2000 – A time of financial difficulty “Cut all of your $1.6bn R&D spend, just for a short time, 1-2 years” SMT – Exactly the opposite Survive and thrive, not just survive Ability not Availability


39 Fast Lane or past lane? “I am not interested in life in the past lane, I am interested in life in the fast lane. People tell me that Facebook is life in the fast lane? How is facebook life in the fast lane? – 500m people are on facebook. I want to know and invest in what is the next big thing” Boston, March 2011 77 games in 2011 average attendance (H&A) – 18.3k Where is a volunteer led organisation’s competition?

40 Age, experience and ability Zuckerberg Larry Page and Sergey Brin Bill Gates Richard Reed, Adam Balon and Jon Wright Manchester City FC Team performance and dynamics!

41 Yes but I am a volunteer... And we have a life, with many many many choices. How do you add value to my life?

42 Governance Sport England Assurance Strategic Delivery Groups Benchmarking of not-for-profits since 2008 Sport consultation since 2010 Board development (2011+) Work at solutions that are right for our sport Do not just look at solutions that are right for some of your stakeholders! Organisational and board performance

43 Governance context

44 Ability not Availability Availability + development = Ability Availability + enthusiasm = Where? Availability + no enthusiasm = Choice Volunteers

45 Thanks for Listening

46 Chair Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Reg. 3 Reg. 4 Reg. 5 Reg. 6 Reg. 7 Reg. 8 Ind. 1Ind. 2 Ind. 3Ind. 4 CEO COO DORALA DOEP FD PRES VICE PRES VOTING N = 13 ATTEND N = 20 The Board Room

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