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London Computational Knowledge Summit. 3 questions 1.What income to be in top 10%? 2.How much richer than 1948? 3.How many gymslip mums?

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Presentation on theme: "London Computational Knowledge Summit. 3 questions 1.What income to be in top 10%? 2.How much richer than 1948? 3.How many gymslip mums?"— Presentation transcript:

1 London Computational Knowledge Summit

2 3 questions 1.What income to be in top 10%? 2.How much richer than 1948? 3.How many gymslip mums?

3 How much must a childless couple earn (after tax and benefits) to be in the top 10%? £40,000 £60,000 £80,000 £100,000 £125,000

4 How much has real GDP grown by since 1948? 50% 100% 150% 200% 250%

5 How many gymslip mums? There are 780,000 single parents on means tested benefits. How many are under 18 (ie how many gym-slip mums?) 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000

6 Size Is it big or little ?

7 1 million childcare places Labour Govt promises £300m for 1m childcare places over 5 years. £300m divided by 1m places =£300 Divided by 5 years = £60 a year = a little more than £1 a week?????????

8 G8 debt relief of $50bn =$1.5bn annually =£750m G8 population = 750m =£1 per head. =£0?

9 Direction UP and down

10 Speed camera

11 Norovirus

12 Norovirus lab reports Source: Health Protection Agency

13 Norovirus confidence intervals 1:1500 (1 lab case = 1500 in community). 2000 lab cases = 3million in community But maybe 1:140 (=280,000 cases) Or maybe 1:17,000 (=34 million cases) Community study lab cases… =1


15 Save our Butty

16 Sausage risk

17 Risk 21% increase in risk of colorectal cancer for every 50g of bacon daily. Baseline risk 5 in every 100 get colorectal cancer 21% increase on 5 = 6 in every 100 get colorectal cancer ie 99 out of 100 unaffected

18 Which is clear? An extra 50g of bacon consumed on a daily basis increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 21 per cent (incidence of 45 per 100,000). OR 5 in every 100 men typically get colorectal cancer in a lifetime. If they all eat an extra rasher or two of bacon every day for life, 6 will.

19 GDP

20 The UK Income Distribution in 2005/06 Mean, £23000 Median, £18800

21 Single parents on IS AgeNumber (000) Under 186 18-24162 25-59611

22 National Debt as % National income


24 Cracked mirror

25 Deaths per story BBC News

26 Deaths per story Newspapers

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