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Concepts of floral design §Two concepts developed independently of each other. §____________ – evolved in Egyptian and Middle Eastern Cultures §further.

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Presentation on theme: "Concepts of floral design §Two concepts developed independently of each other. §____________ – evolved in Egyptian and Middle Eastern Cultures §further."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts of floral design §Two concepts developed independently of each other. §____________ – evolved in Egyptian and Middle Eastern Cultures §further developed by the _________

2 b ___________ Began in ChinaBegan in China Later Explored by the _________Later Explored by the _________

3 Oriental Style b Began in _________ where Buddhist priests scattered branches and stem on altar or placed them in pottery urns. b Modified by the ________during the first century A.D.

4 Oriental Style b Usually _______ and symmetrical with _____ or______ types of foliage and flowers placed around a central branch. b ________ colors were used at outer portions of design, _____ones kept nearest the base.

5 Oriental Style b Japanese designs are characterized by ________ use of plant material and careful placement of branches and flowers. b Each placement and angle has meaning.

6 Oriental Style b This type of arrangement became known as “__________ __________”

7 European Style b generally ______, round or oval mass of flowers b flower placement is not rigidly ________ as in oriental design

8 European Style b known as ______ arrangements b most floral designs in the US are referred to as “_____ _______” and combine Oriental and European ideas

9 European Style b _______ floral design uses more materials than the Oriental but far fewer than the European b US floral design is often built around ________ patterns, showing the Oriental influence.

10 Principles of Design ________________ ProportionProportion ________________ EmphasisEmphasis _______ Transition _______ Unity _______areas that need to be considered when designing or arranging

11 Balance b b A. Stability of an arrangement 1. Arrangement appears _____ and _________ 2. Balance must be both visual and actual

12 Proportion b b The ____________ of all parts of an arrangement. 1. Plant materials should be _______ times as high as the height of the container or 1 1/2 the width of a low container. (minimum dimensions)

13 Focal Point   _________ and holds the attention of the viewer. b b 1. Also called the center of interest b b 2. Located near the place where the stems or lines appear to meet.

14 Emphasis b b A. Closely related to focal point. Focuses the attention on one feature and keeps everything else secondary. b b B. Can be created by texture, color, and kind of flower and movement.

15 Rhythm b b A. __________ of the eye through a design toward or away from the center of interest.

16 Transition b b 1. Making a __________ change b b 2. ____________ colors, line patterns and textures

17 Harmony b b A. Blending of all ___________ of the design. b b B. A pleasing relationship within the design in color, _______, shape, _____, and line.

18 Unity b b A. When all the parts of the design suggest a _______ idea or __________. b b B. Repeating colors throughout the design.

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