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Dienst Distributed Networked Publishing Carl Lagoze Digital Library Scientist Cornell University.

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Presentation on theme: "Dienst Distributed Networked Publishing Carl Lagoze Digital Library Scientist Cornell University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dienst Distributed Networked Publishing Carl Lagoze Digital Library Scientist Cornell University

2 2 Cornell Digital Library Research Group (CDLRG) Research and Development of Component-Ware Digital Library Infrastructure Developed out of DARPA-funded Computer Science Technical Reports Projects (CS-TR)

3 3 Component-Ware Digital Libraries Service-based infrastructure –Interface (protocol) of each service –Interactions between services –aggregations into logical collections and libraries Layered approach accommodates requirements of varying clientele –research libraries - high-integrity, quality of service, security –informal collections - e.g., web

4 4 CDLRG Research Projects FEDORA Distributed Searching and Resource Discovery Digital Library Collection Definition Metadata (Dublin Core and Warwick Framework) Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Project (

5 5 What is NCSTRL? A Vehicle and Testbed for Digital Library Interoperability A Vehicle for Exploring Policy and Organization A Production Digital Collection

6 6 A growing collection of CS research reports A service relied on by users and publishers Motivates solving hard, real-world problems: IPR, quality of service, federation of publishers A Production Digital Collection

7 7 Create a modular system based on a standard open architecture Provide a testbed for demonstrating and testing new digital library components Work with variety of researchers: DLI, ERCIM, Los Alamos A Testbed for Technology

8 8 A Vehicle for Exploring Policy and Organization Creating a self-sustaining international federated digital collection Extending the domain and scope while maintaining a coherent collection Policy issues: charging, IPR, liability, technical quality, relationship to other DL organizations

9 9 Origins of NCSTRL DARPA-funded CS-TR Project –CNRI, Berkeley, CMU, Cornell, MIT, Stanford NSF-funded WATERS Project –Old Dominion, SUNY Buffalo, Virginia, Virginia Tech Other CS Tech Reports Efforts –Harvest, UCSTRI, NZDL

10 10 NCSTRL Project Participants NCSTRL Steering Committee NCSTRL Working Group Cornell Digital Library Research Group The Collection

11 11 NCSTRL Steering Committee Responsible for policy direction, oversight How to broaden interoperability efforts into broader community

12 12 NCSTRL Working Group Responsible for operational oversight of the current system Membership from CSTR and WATERS projects

13 13 Cornell Digital Library Research Group Responsible for day-to-day support and maintenance of existing system Clearing house for technical collaborations Evolution and Research Directions

14 14 Contributing Institutions 105 Institutions in US, Europe, and Asia

15 15 Dienst is a protocol and reference implementation of a distributed digital library service where a network of services provide World Wide Web browser access, uniform search over distributed indexes, and multi-formatted documents.

16 16 Dienst document model decompositions physical logical representations ASCIITIFFPostScript metadata Document Handle (URN)

17 17 Exposing the Model through the Protocol Documents addressable through their URNs Document service requests –get document metadata –get document formats –get document in format –get document partition (page) in format

18 18 Dienst Services send search request WWW browser Dienst User Interface Repository Index Repository send document request receive MIME-typed document send document request receive MIME-typed document send site specific search request receive hit list receive unified hit list

19 19 Exposing the Services through the Protocol All protocol requests are service specific, so the functionality of any service can be accessed by another service or a new service.

20 20 Gateways to non-Conforming Sites FTP/HTTP “Repositories” Standard Servers User Interface Gateway Server

21 21 Use by External Services User Interface Search Engine (Z39.50 )

22 22 Publishing Using Dienst Retrospective Conversion Scanning of legacy documents –Cornell –MIT –Stanford Conversion to common formats –gifs –thumbnails –PostScript

23 23 Publishing with Dienst Digital Originals PostScript as lingua franca –“thanks Microsoft” Form submission –author-generated descriptive metadata Clerical clearing-house Automatic format conversion

24 24 Collection Definition in Digital Libraries Multiple levels of selection –authors “publish” –repositories have submission policies –search engines index –objects in search engines aggregated into collections –user interface gateways provide access to multiple collections What is “in” a digital library is defined by what can be found using its resource discovery tools

25 25 Defining the Collection - Collection Service

26 26 Regional Structure central collection server

27 27 Connectivity Regions and Collection Views

28 28 Improvements to the Protocol - Dienst 5 Incremental enhancement to existing interoperability framework Improved document model –versions –hierarchical part specification –binders (multi-part documents) Implementation currently under development

29 29 Dienst 5 Document Structure Structure Request –Reveal, in XML, full or collapsed structure of a document e.g., chapters, sections, figures, etc. –Describe multiple views of a document e.g., bibliography, content, thumbnails

30 30 Dienst 5 Document Dissemination Disseminate Request –Access to component(s) described by Structure –e.g., disseminate chapter 2 page 5 in PostScript

31 31 Supporting Multiple Collections NCSTRL is currently a single collection Other users of Dienst protocol –European gray literature, thesis, and dissertation collections –NASA space science –Mediterranean environment data and software –Los Alamos Pre-prints Expanding the technology to multiple collections through regions

32 32 Lessons Learned and Work to be Done Intellectual property Quality –quality of collection (reviewing) –quality of metadata –quality of service Resisting information entropy Richer “documents” Archiving and Preservation

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