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Zvonimir Stanić CARNet CEO. CARNet – The Institution  CARNet - Croatian Academic and Research Network  Founded by the Croatian Government in 1995 

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Presentation on theme: "Zvonimir Stanić CARNet CEO. CARNet – The Institution  CARNet - Croatian Academic and Research Network  Founded by the Croatian Government in 1995 "— Presentation transcript:

1 Zvonimir Stanić CARNet CEO

2 CARNet – The Institution  CARNet - Croatian Academic and Research Network  Founded by the Croatian Government in 1995  Operates under the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports  Located in six Croatian cities  Headquarters in Zagreb (on five locations)  Regional centers - Rijeka, Osijek, Split, Pula and Dubrovnik  Annual budget – 12 m€ 2

3 CARNet Goals  Internet in every corner of the schools  All knowledge on the network  All information on the network  Educated teachers  Tehnology in the classroms  Services available from anything plugged 3

4  How many classroom in your school is connected on internet?  (A- 0  B - 1-10%  C - 10-50%  D - 50-90%  E - 100%) 4

5  How many classrooms is covered with wireless network?  A- 0  B - 1-10%  C - 10-50%  D - 50-90%  E - 100%) 5

6  Are the common areas covered with wireless network?  yes  no 6

7 CARNet Users – I.  Institutions of higher education  Scientific and Research Institutes  Public Institutes  Primary and Secondary Schools (Since 2006)  Student residence  Ministry of Science, Education and Sports  Ministry’s Agencies  Students, pupils and the staff of the above mentioned institutions 7

8 CARNet Users – II.  Connectivity of the institutions:  239 institutions from academic community connected on 427 locations; herein 32 institutions from health service community  1383 institutions from school community  Access speed from 2 Mbps to 10 Gbps  Connectivity costs for full-membership institutions are covered by CARNet 8

9 Connection speed – School community Connection speedNumber of institutions  10 Gbps2  1G bps45  100 Mbps325  11 Mbps1  10 Mbps5  4 Mbps19  2 Mbps3  ADSL 10 Mbps889 9

10 AAI@EduHr – a necessary precondition for all services!  Project for acquiring virtual electronic identity  Centralized LDAP directory for member institutions from school community – Hosting service for Secondary and Primary Schools – HUSO  421 865 identities in February 2011  Unique identifier of every CARNet user  688 504 electronic identities in AAI@EduHr system 10

11 Portal  A central point of integral access to all on line services provided by CARNet and its partners  Available since November 2010  SSO 11

12  How many smart boards you have in schools?  A – 0  B - 1-5  C - 5-10  D - more than 10 12

13 National Portal for Distance Learning “Nikola Tesla”   Interactive online curriculum for secondary schools  Curricula  Mathematics  Physics  Biology  Chemistry  English  Currently available content equals almost 100% of total curricula for high schools in mentioned subjects!  120 lessons in each subject (exc. English) 13

14 Other educational content at  Courses in programming – Logo, Pascal, C  Additional programs, not related to school curriculum  ECDL modules for ECDL certification (7 MS modules + 7 Linux modules)  Web design: HTML-a basics, CSS-a basics, Java Script, Front Page, Advanced web technologies, Animation design in Flash  Picture, sound and video editing tools  E-learning – basic level  Application of smart board in teaching  Video-tutorial and demonstration of the usage of interactive board in class  SMART Notebook and SuperHand (Pentii) program  CMS for schools – website creating and editing 14

15  How much do you use a smart bord in education?  A – never  B – rarely  C – often  D - daily 15

16   For schools  Online knowledge quiz  Intended for usage in primary school PC labs, but also at home  25 000 questions made according to Croatian National Educational Standard (HNOS)  a possibility to create and publish teachers’ questions in a database  Knowledge in Traffic  Web application for teaching, learning and testing knowledge in traffic culture  Created within National Programme for Traffic Safety 16

17 Portal for schools ( – I.  Central place for reporting, communication and the exchange of digital teaching materials for the educational community -  Intended for pupils, teachers, parents and schools  The content:  Educative and informative texts  News related to educational community  Lists of schools, faculties and dormitories  Digital teaching materials  Information on CARNet’s services for schools 17

18 e-Library  Books and Journals in.pdf format  E-Books  PC Chip, VIDI and e-Kids Journals Archive  4 Mathematics magazines: Matka, Matematičko-fizički list, PlayMath, Poučak  Management magazine - qLife 18 2010. - 62 089 unique visitors

19  Integral literal opus of Croatian and foreign writers, as listed on the compulsory reading list for schools  Currently cca. 250 titles available, 1000 titles planned  Login with AAI@EduHR  All.pdf – available for reading, archiving and printout  Online page flipping possible 19

20 20 Online encyclopedia – Proleksis encyclopedia  First Croatian General and National online encyclopedia  In cooperation with Pro Leksis Ltd., supported by the Ministry  More than 62 000 articles and 17 500 pictures, maps and illustrations  Available to everyone with the valid AAI@EduHr electronic identity 20

21 Moodle – e-learning tool  CARNet provides Moodle, an e-learning tool, as well as a disk space and support for creation and maintenance of online courses  Mentored course “Online course design using Moodle”  Moodle usage in January 2010  15 877users  10 009 courses 21

22  Start: November 2009; End: August 2012  Participants: all teachers, professors, expert associates, elementary and high school principles (cca 51 000)  Implementation in 8 phases and 7 project sub-teams  Implementation dynamics:  Modul 1 - 2010/2011, Modul 2- 2011/2012 school year  4330 workshops held in schools  By the end of March 2011 - 1916 workshops held, 36 000 teachers educated (Modul 1) 22

23  Do you have employed IT staff in your school?  Yes  No 23

24 Content Management System (CMS) – I.  Tool for schools used to collaboratively create, use and organize their web space (received through HUSO service), in a way that is easy and effective  Currently 1 043 schools have their website in CMS  Contest for the best website in CMS organized within the CARNet User Conference (CUC) 24

25 Textbook Exchange  Website for the textbook exchange for pupils of primary and secondary schools and their parents  Free of charge  Registration is a precondition  Communication via e-mail and telephone  No. of registered users: 12 655  No. of offered textbooks: 30 461  No. of textbooks required: 50 423 25

26  RoD service (  Offers solutions and advices on multimedia technology application in everyday work  Integrated within Portal for schools 26  MoD service (‏  MoD portal made for the storage of video and audio material  1 046 video materials archived  Upgrade of the MoD server for archiving video materials for schools

27 Adobe Connect Pro  Web collaboration tool  Options: whiteboard, chat, split screen, window or specific application, image and speech transmission, poll…  Login using AAI@EduHR, local or “guest” username  Preconditions:  Internet Access  Web browser  Flash player 27

28 E-islands Project  Connection of selected schools on the land with remote schools on the islands via CARNet network  A system for remote teaching established  This way teachers from the main school on the land also teach pupils on the islands  Schools equipped with MM equipment (projectors, cameras, speakers, microphones, smart boards, video codecs)  Currently connected 21 schools in the area of Dubrovnik (7), Šibenik (5) and Zadar (9)  Regular education and training 28

29 E-islands – Educational process  Presentation of VC tools and experiences so far gathered  Education of teachers on digital learning contents and VC tools usage  Education on how to conduct VC classes in a high quality manner (education/seminars conducted in both schools on the land and remote schools on the islands) 29

30 Content filtering  More than 550 000 pupils have the network access from the PC labs in primary and secondary schools  Websites are filtered in 14 categories  Drugs  Gambling  Gambling Related  Gruesome Content  Hacking  Hate speech  Malicious Sites  Nudity  Pornography  Profanity  School Cheating Information  Spam  Tobacco  Violence 30

31 National Information Admission System for University Entrance (NISpVU) – I.  CARNet participates in the project for setting up the procedures and accompanying information system for National Information Admission System for University Entrance  Authorization based on CARNet AAI@EduHr infrastructure  CARNet Helpdesk provides technical and information support via email and phone  in 2010 - 30 108 emails and 58 719 phone calls processed  CARNet has set up and maintains portal with information on Standardized Statewide Graduation Test and Admission System for University Entrance 31

32 CUC – CARNet User Conference  Annual conference for the users of Internet and information communication technologies  Organized with the purpose of knowledge and experience dissemination  Since 1999  So far in 4 Croatian university cities:  Zagreb  Dubrovnik  Rijeka  Split 32 See you 2011. in Split

33 CARNet leaflets and brochures – I.  Directory of services - organized with the focus on different user groups  The Safer usage of the Internet – the flyer  National Portal for Distance Learning “Nikola Tesla” – the brochure  Available at:  33

34 CARNet Newsletter  Published every two months  Plain-text format  Also available from the CARNet website 34

35 Hvala na pažnji 35

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