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Leveraging Your Employee Assistance Program Lisa Bull, BA. M.Ed Manager, Training and Learning Solutions.

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1 Leveraging Your Employee Assistance Program Lisa Bull, BA. M.Ed Manager, Training and Learning Solutions

2 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. OBJECTIVES Identify the Scope of Today’s Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). How to Use Your EAP Program as a Resource Tools and Resources for Managers

3 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. A New Focus In EAP Most large EAP’s offer integrated EAP & Work Life services. Provide support and counselling for urgent issues and crisis situations. Provide support to help manage everyday issues, before they become major concerns.

4 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Ceridian’s EAP LifeWorks is Available… In-person: face-to-face counselling By phone Online Through personalized searches & referrals In print: kits, booklets and life articles Via audio CD recordings

5 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. KEY EAP FEATURES EAPs are typically available to you and anyone covered by your benefit program - spouse, children. EAP is usually part of your benefit package and is available to employees and their families. Most importantly – EAPs are CONFIDENTIAL !

6 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Emotional Well-Being / EAP Balancing Work/Life Personal Relationships Marriage and Family Issues Divorce and Separation Depression and Anxiety Violence and Crisis Grief and Loss Stress and Overload

7 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Addiction and Recovery Alcohol and Drugs Gambling Internet Addiction Eating Disorders Compulsive Shopping Treatment Programs Support Groups

8 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Parenting and Childcare Pregnancy and Infertility Adoption Feeding and Nutrition Sleep and Bedtime Routines Finding Child Care Summer and Holiday Planning Single Parenting / Blended Families Discipline, Setting Limits, Safety Teenagers

9 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Older Relatives Caring for Older Relatives Living Safely Driving Issues Elder Fraud Caregiver Resources Senior Health Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia Housing Options Caregiver Stress – Support and Resources

10 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Health and Wellness Health and Medical Information Wellness Services Diet and Nutrition Exercise Prenatal Health Living with an Illness or a Disability Self-care Preventative Health Care Alternative Medicine Smoking Cessation

11 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Education Kindergarten to High School Homework and Grades School Safety Selecting a School Special Needs Talking with Teachers Colleges and Universities Alternatives to College Continuing Education

12 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Your Job and Career Co-worker Relationships Managing People Developing your Career Communication Skills Time Management Shift Work, Business Travel, Telecommuting Team Building Productivity Organizational Change

13 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Midlife and Retirement Growing as a Couple Midlife Health Relationships in Midlife Life Planning / Priorities in Midlife Work and Careers in Midlife “Empty Nest” Syndrome

14 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Financial Credit and Collections Getting Out of Debt Buying, Selling or Renting a Home Budgeting Financial Pressures Basic Tax Planning Planning for Retirement * Telephonic Consultation with a Financial Consultant ( CFP) and referrals to financial resources within the community

15 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Legal Consumer Protection Family and Elder Law Choosing an Attorney Estate Planning and Wills Bankruptcy Real Estate Issues Living Wills * Free up to 30 minute consultation with a Lawyer * Up to 25% Discount on referrals to legal services within the community

16 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Everyday Issues Time-Saving Services Consumer Resources Buying and Leasing Cars Home Repairs and Re-modeling House Cleaning and Lawn Care Community Information

17 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. EAP for Managers EAP programs can support you in your role as a Manager.

18 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. WHAT DO EAPs OFFER MANAGERS? Management Consultations and Coaching Support and validation Practical problem solving information Online articles and monthly promotions Resources - articles, booklets, audio recordings Assistance in accessing appropriate resources A concrete, viable support for you to offer your employees when they approach you with personal problems, or when their performance begins to suffer

19 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. WHAT IS A MANAGEMENT CONSULT? Designed to assist and support managers, supervisors and HR departments through third party objective support Focus on support, coaching and action planning Provide educational materials, practical tips and follow-up Are a supplement - not a replacement - for your own HR solutions, policies and procedures An important part of a successful Performance Management intervention to hopefully help achieve a successful result

20 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. An employee experiencing personal problems may... Show an unusual disinterest in or disregard for work alter work behaviour - miss deadlines, unusual mistakes, difficulty understanding assignments become forgetful or demonstrate poor concentration exhibit irregular or reduced productivity frequently absent or late take extended coffee or lunch breaks makes excessive demands on the manager’s time interacts poorly with co-workers is moody, or shows uncharacteristic irritability has uncharacteristic outbursts of anger or belligerence seems indifferent, lacks interest in daily activities

21 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Issues for Management Consultations Employee performance, productivity and attendance issues Questions regarding sexual harassment or harassment in the workplace Employee conflict Substance abuse concerns Supporting employees suffering from depression or other forms of mental illness Discrimination Organizational change Violence, threats and anger issues in the workplace Burnout

22 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. Management Consultations DO NOT: Interpret your internal company policy Interpret government regulations Give legal advice Tell management what they can and cannot do Replace or infringe on your company’s internal organizational resources

23 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. TYPES OF REFERRALS Informal Referrals. There are no performance issues, HR not likely involved yet, but you are concerned and want to offer support by reminding the employee about the LifeWorks program. Monitored Referrals. Often in conjunction with other performance management initiatives when there are performance issues - HR are involved by this point. Our Management Consultation Team would work with you and/or your HR department to help you with your intervention and to present EAP as support.

24 © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved. DO’S AND DON’TS OF EAP REFERRALS Emphasize the Following: Do contact LifeWorks before making a mandated referral Do try to be patient, understanding and sympathetic when you meet with the employee. Show support. Do emphasize that your goal is to help the employee improve the situation. Do focus on behaviour. Do remind the employee that the program is confidential. Beware of the Following: Don’t get involved in the employee’s personal problems. Don’t diagnose or assess your employee’s problem. Don’t offer advice or recommendations about what the employee should or should not do. Don’t discuss the employee’s problems with anyone except your supervisor, HR or a LifeWorks counsellor. Don’t avoid the problem and assume it will go away.

25 Critical Incident Support Services Most EAP’s offer support (telephonic and on-site) in response to Critical Incidents Critical incidents are sudden, unexpected incidents which interfere with individual or group functioning eg. Accidents, sudden deaths, organizational restructuring, bomb threats Provide group defusing/debriefing and individual support and follow- up Support for employees and managers © 2008 Ceridian Corporation. All rights reserved.

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