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Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs General Secretariat for Research and Technology EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Research within Priority.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs General Secretariat for Research and Technology EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Research within Priority."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs General Secretariat for Research and Technology EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Research within Priority Sectors Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

2 Programme Operator: The General Secretariat for Research and Technology(GSRT) / Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. GSRT is the main public-funding organization and national policy maker for Research and Innovation. Programme area addressed: Research within Priority Sectors Programme: Diversity, inequalities and social inclusion Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

3 Why is the programme needed? Investments in research and innovation are widely acknowledged as being a crucial driver for economic growth, for job-creation and to secure social and economic welfare. The research intensity in Greece is still far below the EU average as total research investments in relation to GDP. Moreover, the financing of social science in Greece is relatively low in comparison to other fields of research. The key motivation for the programme is to fund research on consequences of the rising social and income inequalities in Greece as a result of the on-going economic crisis. Key socio-economic challenges faced in Greece today include the sharp rise of unemployment, in particular among young people, deterioration of social and health services, of working conditions and living standards for parts of society. Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

4 Call for proposals(Dec. 2013) Budget: € 3,226,661 As part of the project funding at least € 70,501 is available for mobility within the supported projects of researchers and PhD students and to facilitate their return to their home institution. Minimum and Maximum grants to projects (100,000 € – 200,000 €), Min. duration: 12 months. Max. projects duration: 24 months Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

5 Call for proposals: Shall be widely publicized in the nation-wide political and financial media, as well as in the local press and make use of web site of GSRT with the view to reach all potential applicants. Shall include a deadline for submitting proposals two months from the date of the publication of the announcement, as well as submission details Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

6 Areas of research The programme will fund research projects in the following areas of research: 1.National inequalities and social exclusion (approximately 40% of re-granting amount) 2. Gender equality and work-life balance (approximately 30% of re-granting amount) 3. Cultural diversity (approximately 30% of re- granting amount). The selection criteria shall ensure that the indicative allocation of funds between the three areas of research. Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

7 Eligible applicants: Public entities, private entities, non- governmental organisations established as a legal person with R&D activities and the conditions and terms with which they must comply. The application forms, as well as instructions for their completion shall be available, electronically, to applicants. Evaluation submission at: Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

8 Additional mechanisms within the programme In addition, € 70,501 is available for bilateral cooperation for the projects that will receive funding. Funds for bilateral relations The following activities will be supported under the fund for bilateral relations: - Networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice between Project Promoters and entities in the Donor States. Such activities shall increase the added value of the Programme and provide the Greek research community and the research and development institutions with the opportunity to establish international best practice standards. (The maximum grant amount is € 7,000 and the grant rate will be 100%). Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

9 Selection criteria categories scientific and/or technical excellence; relevance in relation to the objectives and prioritised areas of the research programme; quality and efficiency of the implementation and management, including quality and implementation capacity of the applicants and contribution to capacity and competence building; and the potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results. Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

10 Selection of projects procedure The selection of projects for co-financing shall be made by a Selection Committee composed of at least five members of whom two members at least shall not belong to the Program Operators staff. The proposals which are considered admissible shall be examined by two-member teams of experts appointed by the Program Promoter with respect to the selection criteria and scored by each expert. Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

11 Number of approved projects focusing on the thematic area Around 17 projects are expected, with an estimate number of around 40 Greek researchers. Around eleven of the projects are expected to have bilateral cooperation through mobility measures. 1.R&D projects addressing national inequalities and social exclusion Output indicator : Baseline 1 Target 7 2. R&D projects addressing gender equality and work-life balance Output indicator: Baseline 1 Target 6 3. R&D projects addressing cultural diversity Output indicator: Baseline 1 Target 4 Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)

12 Key tools for the management and monitoring of the implementation of the sub-projects of a project a) the approved technical fiche of the project; b) the terms acceptance agreement for project inclusion c) the quarterly progress reports related to a project and its sub-projects; d) the decisions of the Program Operator to approve the administrative stages of the project’s implementation. Furthermore, key tools include on-the-spot audits and verifications by the Program Operator or on its instructions, by other competent bodies involved in the financial and physical implementation of the project’s sub-projects, as well as any outcomes requested by the Project Promoter in emergency cases. Launching Event on the implementation of co-financed Programmes of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014 (Athens, 28 Nov. 2013)


14 THANK YOU Mrs Eleni Stavrianoudaki, MSc in Sustainable Development General Secretariat for Research and Technology International Research and Technology Cooperation Directorate Email:

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