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Capturing Heat from a Small Biochar Production System The JMU experience involving the work of 12 students Wayne S. Teel.

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Presentation on theme: "Capturing Heat from a Small Biochar Production System The JMU experience involving the work of 12 students Wayne S. Teel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capturing Heat from a Small Biochar Production System The JMU experience involving the work of 12 students Wayne S. Teel

2 Humble Beginnings

3 Upgrading the system Above: A 215 liter barrel with bolted lid and gas pipe. Left: The pyrolysis unit with a 500 liter water tank on top.

4 Burn data from system II

5 Data from six burns Burn dateWood TypePyrolyzed wood, starting kg Biochar produced kg. % biochar Wood used for fuel - kg Highest production temperature 1 1Jan 29, 2011Yellow pine20.416.3531%NA560˚C 2Feb 5, 2011Black walnut24.33NA 40.9430˚C 3Feb 12, 2011 Miscanthus7.362.433%30.83465˚C 4Feb 13, 2011 Red Cedar12.164.537%25.9460˚C 5Feb 19, 2011 Bamboo11.93.7532%29.85480˚C 6Mar 19, 2011 Yellow Pine34.87.923%37.65520˚C 7Mar 26, 2011 Yellow Pine54.512.723%46.5520˚C 1Highest temperature reached inside the barrel during the burn.

6 Energy data from 6 burns Burn #Total wood Kg 1 Total wood energy – MJ 2 Tank temp start - ˚C Tank temp End - ˚C Total energy Capture - MJ % energy capture water only 3 265.238326.742.574.99.0 338.194872.031.661.912.7 438.0248513.239.454.811.3 541.7553213.944.764.412.1 672.4595613.670.311912.4 7101.0133011.590.316512.4 3 The fire brick has a specific heat of 0.2 cal/gram ˚C, capturing approximately 84 MJ each burn. 1 Burns 6 and 7 used yellow pine exclusively. Burns 2-5 used a mix of woods for fuel and the material for pyrolysis is found in Table 1 above. 2 Estimated water content for most wood is 15%. This amount was subtracted from the wood weight before doing the calculation. For yellow pine we experimentally determined the kiln-dried moisture content at 12%

7 Avalon Acres Farm System On the left is the production unit with the heavy piano hinged door open to show the firebrick insulation and the pyrolysis barrel inside. Note also the 12 cm high water tank that makes up the roof of the burn chamber. On the right is the back of the unit next to the house where the send and return pipes are seen. These are protected from the heat with reflective aluminum insulating tape.

8 Temperature data Temperature data from the March 13, 2012 burn. Note the highest inner chamber temperature is well above the range recommended by Lehmann et al. 2003.

9 Burns at Avalon Acres Burn dateWood TypePyrolyzed wood, starting kg Biochar produced kg. % biochar Wood used for fuel - kg Highest production temperature 1 1Jan 14, 2012Local mix 2 31.725.6218%47.49NA 2Jan 24, 2012Local mix31.438.1726%51.6840˚C 3Feb 25, 2012 Local mix22.085.8426%78.34NA 4Feb 28, 2012 Local mix15.974.1726%59.06710˚C 5Mar 13, 2012 Local mix24.165.4122%51.46670˚C 6Mar 18, 2012 Local mix21.644.2820%43.36NA 7Mar 27, 2012 Local mix19.214.4223%60.24690˚C 8Apr 1, 2012Local mix18.394.2823%42.47650˚C 1 Highest temperature reached inside the barrel during the burn.

10 Bichar post burn and crushed On the left is eastern red cedar biochar and on the right is the ground up biochar before mixing with manure and compost.

11 Raised beds with biochar/compost On the left is a new lettuce bed enhanced with a biochar and compost mix. On the right is a bed of Swiss chard also using the biochar compost mix.

12 Characteristics of biochar Wood type Production Temperature °CpH Density (g/cm 3) Average % ash content Bone 1 --10.900.82 90.9 Poultry 1 --8.860.77 64.9 Pine (2010) 1 --8.14 0.27 1.06 Black Walnut 1 4306.630.30 0.77 Bamboo 1 4657.510.32 6.06 Pine (2011) 1 5605.600.30 1.80 Cedar 1 4607.62 0.33 3.06 Cedar 2 6009.680.252.00 Sycamore 2 6307.870.272.39 1 Data from Becker, 2011 2 Data from Decker, Martindale, Najamy-Winnick, Spolarics. 2012

13 Scanning Electron Images of Cedar biochar Comparison of cedar biochars made in 2011 and in 2012. In the 2011 burn the maximum temperature in the inner chamber reached 460⁰C and the pore walls were about 1.6 microns thick. In the 2012 burn the maximum temperature in the inner chamber reached 590⁰C and the pore walls were about 1.4 microns thick.

14 Total Gravimetric Analysis in a nitrogen gas atmosphere Total Gravimetric Analysis of cedar biochar under a nitrogen atmosphere showing the loss of volatiles between room temperature and 700˚C

15 TGA in an oxygen atmosphere Shows the cedar biochar in oxygen rich environment during TGA run on 03/16/12.

16 Plans and Improvement Design, construction and testing of new units on three farms Improvement of the door Cladding for hoop house designs Insulation for Avalon Acres Farm Characterization work using TGA and SEM Nine students are involved in the 2012-13 academic year

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