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tensdivert eqbikeerao npasearunb naltwetlto irlariderg skipyamhyg jupotatoaa rbadminton basketball Unit1,Section1, ex.1,p.3 WB.

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Presentation on theme: "tensdivert eqbikeerao npasearunb naltwetlto irlariderg skipyamhyg jupotatoaa rbadminton basketball Unit1,Section1, ex.1,p.3 WB."— Presentation transcript:



3 tensdivert eqbikeerao npasearunb naltwetlto irlariderg skipyamhyg jupotatoaa rbadminton basketball Unit1,Section1, ex.1,p.3 WB

4 Unit1,Section1, ex.5,p.4WB big busy warm little cloudy cold lazy sunny hot cold

5 Unit1,Section1, ex.6,p.4 WB [i][ei] [ ɔ : ] [ou] [ɔ][ɔ][ʌ][ʌ] [au] warmrainycloudyhothotcoldwindysunny

6 Unit1,Section2, ex.11,p.6 WB 1 play 2 will post 3 will be 4 is 5 will swim

7 Unit1,Section2, ex.12,p.6 WB 1I am a dog. 2I am kind. 3I do not live in London. 4I have not got many friends. 5But I have got two friends. 6They are a donkey and a cat. 7The donkey does not like winter. 8He cannot play snowballs. 9It will be sunny. 10It will not be rainy. 11I will be happy to see you. I ‘m a dog. I ‘m kind. I don’t live in London. I haven’t got many friends. But I ‘ve got two friends. They ‘re a donkey and a cat. The donkey doesn’t like winter. He can’t play snowballs. It ‘ll be sunny. It won’t be rainy. I ‘ll be happy to see you.

8 Unit1,Section3, ex.13,p.7 WB 1) rainy, sunny, warm, snowy, cloudy 2) mum, grandma, dad, grandpa, brother 3) volleyball, table tennis, hockey 4) winter, spring, summer, autumn 5) December, June, August, September weather, seasons, months, sports, family weather family sports seasons months

9 1)c) Who Who will have a picnic tomorrow? 2)b) Where Where will you go next month? 3)c) What What will they do next winter? 4)b) How How will he play hockey? Unit1,Section3, ex.14,p.7 WB

10 1)Where ……Tiny live next summer? 2)What … like to eat for breakfast? 3)She ……got a new poster. 4)When …….Ann get up every day? 5)……you go to school every day? 6)I……send a nice postcard to my friend tomorrow. Unit1,Section3, ex.16,p.8 WB has, do, does, will will do has does Do will

11 Ex.1 1)It’s cold and windy. 2)It’s warm and sunny. 3)It’s cloudy and rainy. 4)It’s cold and snowy. 5)It’s sunny and hot. Ex.2 1)skate 2)toboggan 3)make a snowman 4)fly a kite 5)play hide-and-seek 6)dive

12 Ex.3 Jill: What’s the weather like today? Jim: It’s warm and sunny. Jill: Would you like to go to the park and have a picnic? Jim: Of course. I can fly my kite there. Ex.4 1)Jim will fly a kite. 2)He won’t play football. 3)Jill will play hide-and-seek with her dog. 4)Will they play badminton in the park? 5)Where will they go?

13 Ex.5 1)Can you ride a bike? 2)Do you like to play hide- and-seek? 3)Does Jill like picnics? 4)Has Jim got a dog? 5)Will they play football in the park? 6)Are they students? 7)Is Jill sad today? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Yes, she does. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, he has. No, they won’t. Yes, they are. No, she isn’t.

14 Ex.6 snowy, toboggan, snowman, ski, skate. 27-3021-2615-20< 15 Very good!Good!OK!Try again!

15 “Enjoy English” 4 класс, М.З. Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубанева, «Титул», 2010г.

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