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Accessing the key to your student’s future in high school and beyond Tuesday, March 5, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Accessing the key to your student’s future in high school and beyond Tuesday, March 5, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessing the key to your student’s future in high school and beyond Tuesday, March 5, 2013

2 Dr. Robert Downs – Principal Loretta Clune – AP Curriculum and 10 th Grade Loralee Hill – AP Testing and 11 th Grade Joshua Mathews – AP Athletic Director and 9 th Grade Nancy Zarbnisky – AP Attendance and 12 th Grade Students are assigned by grade level. The administrator changes with the grade level each year.

3 Students are assigned by last name: A – E Kathryn Sax, Department Chair F – Le Leslie Shearstone Li – R Angie Bruce S – Z Jamie Hamrick Testing, Advisement – Janet Callahan

4 8 th Graders received registration forms on Thursday, Feb. 28 Completed and signed forms are due back to the Middle School on Wednesday, March 13 Private/home school registration packets are available after our meeting tonight at the counselor table in Café Private/home school registration appointments begin April 15 Student schedules are created in May Fall Madness and Freshman Orientation – August 5

5 – Click gray “Registration” button Graduation Requirements Class of 2017 Freshman Course Guide Flow Charts (coming soon!) Course level placement is based on teacher recommendation. Encourage students to challenge themselves but to seek BALANCE in course selection. Encourage students to be self advocates with their teachers and be pro-active. Ask if there are questions about placement!!

6 Please communicate with your child’s current teacher, the Pope department chair of the specific subject, your child’s school counselor, or our administration with questions about placement and scheduling. – Curriculum AP – Curriculum Clerk Email contacts for additional Pope personnel can be found on Counselors will be available by appointment at the Middle Schools for parent questions (Call the Middle School for an appointment): Dodgen – Friday, March 8 Hightower Trail – Monday, March 11

7 Karen Joyce – English Daniel Sorensen – Math Jan Titolo – Science Beth Mulling – Social Studies Rebecca Hauseman – World Languages Jessica Kelly – Fine Arts & Gifted Instruction Lynda Brown – Career & Technology Jim Haskin – Physical Education Monica Erwin – Media Center Marion Lister – Special Education Kathryn Sax – Counseling

8 Units Required English/Language Arts 4 Mathematics4 Science4 Social Studies3 Health and Physical Education1 CTAE and/or Fine Arts and/or Foreign Language3 Electives4 Total Units (Minimum)23 Pathway policies and rules are still being developed at this time, and we will communicate this information as it becomes available.

9 4 units of English/Language Arts required, including: 9 th Grade - *9 th Grade Literature (on-level or honors) 10 th Grade - British Literature (on-level or honors) 11 th Grade - *American Literature (on-level, honors, or AP Lang) 12 th Grade - World Literature (on-level or honors, or AP Lit), or Multicultural Literature *Specifically required for graduation

10 9 th Grade : Algebra Geometry Coordinate Alg/Geometry A Geometry B/Adv Algebra 10 th Grade: Geometry Advanced Algebra Geometry B/Advanced Alg. Pre-Calculus Accel Pre-Calculus 11 th Grade: Advanced Algebra Pre-Calculus Accel Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC 12 th Grade: Adv. Math. Dec. Making Pre-Calculus AP Stats AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Multivariable Calculus Support classes may be available for students who need extra assistance A flow chart will be available on under Academics  4 units of Mathematics required, including:

11 4 units of Science required, including: 9 th Grade - Biology or Honors Biology 10 th Grade - Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, or Environmental Science 11 th Grade - Physics, Honors Physics, or AP Physics B 12 th Grade - 4 th Science (many choices): Astronomy, Zoology, Anatomy, H Anatomy AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics B or C, AP Environmental AP Computer Science (career tech class – may or may not be viewed as a science at an out-of-state college)

12 3 units of Social Studies required, including: 10 th Grade - World History (on-level, honors, AP) 11 th Grade - United States History (on-level, honors, AP) 12 th Grade – ½ unit of American Government (on-level, honors, AP) ½ unit of Economics (on-level, honors, AP) Freshman SS electives include Geography, Honors Geography, AP Human Geography, or Gifted Psychology

13 1 unit of Physical Education required, including: ½ unit of Health ½ unit of Personal Fitness Note: Team Sports, Weight Training, Body Sculpting, Self-Defense, etc. DO NOT meet the Personal Fitness requirement

14 7 units required, including: 3 Units from Career Tech and/or Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts Students planning to enter or transfer into a University System of Georgia institution must take at a minimum two units of the same foreign language; some out-of-state colleges require more Some out-of-state colleges require 1.0 unit of a Fine Arts or Computer class for admission 4 additional elective units Chosen from any category

15 French, German & Spanish offered Level I for new language Level II for rising 9 th graders who completed French or Spanish I in 8 th grade for high school credit Levels III and above are honors Advanced Placement (AP) is available in all three languages

16 Band – Marching, Symphonic, Percussion Orchestra- Beginning, Inter, Advanced Chorus – Girls, Mixed, Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Visual Arts – Drawing, Painting, Photo, AP Studio Art AP Music Theory

17 Business (including internship) Computer Science (incl. AP Computer Science) Culinary Arts Graphic Arts Video Production JROTC (at Lassiter) Marketing

18 English: Journalism, Speech/Debate, Yearbook Social Studies: Sociology, Psychology, Current Issues, Leadership, AP Psychology, Gifted Developmental Psychology (9 and 12), World Geography Extra Sciences, Math, & Foreign Languages Highly recommended for college!

19 4 Pathways have been proposed: Foreign Language Students must take 3 consecutive Foreign Languages Fine Arts Students must take 3 consecutive Fine Arts classes Career Tech Students must take 3 consecutive career tech classes Academic Students must take at least one grad requirement AP or Dual Enrollment course in specified courses in English, Math, Science, or Social Studies AND Students must earn 2 units of the same Foreign Language We do not have guidelines at this time for implementing the pathways – more information will be forthcoming.

20 9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade 9 th LitBritish LitAmerican LitWorld Lit AlgebraGeometryAdv AlgebraPre-Calculus BiologyChemistry or EnvironPhysics4 th Science World Geog (opt.)World HistoryUS HistoryGov/Econ Elective 3 Electives MUST be a combination of Foreign Language, Fine Arts and/or Career Tech One elective MUST be Health and Personal Fitness 4-year college admission requires at least 2 years of the same foreign language (more FL shows greater rigor; some colleges require more)

21 High school credits earned in middle school will be put on the students’ transcripts during 9 th grade. Accel Alg/Geom A, Coordinate Algebra, Spanish 1, French 1, etc. These credits are reflected with a “P” for pass and will have no effect on the student’s GPA.

22 Promotion requirements: 10 th Grade - 5 credits, including 1 unit each of math, science & English 11 th Grade – 10 credits, including 2 units each of math, science & English 12 th Grade - 16 credits

23 A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 F = 0.0 Honors classes for sophomore level and up earn extra ½ quality point 9 th Lit, Accel Alg/Geom A, and H World Geog DO NOT receive an extra ½ quality point (H Biology does) AP and Foreign Language level IV & up earn extra 1 point. GPA determines class rank, honor grads, auto discounts, scholarships, college admissions & certain clubs.

24 The State of Georgia requires that all students take End of Course tests (EOCTs) at the conclusion of the following courses: 9 th Literature American Literature Coordinate Algebra Geometry Biology US History Economics The EOCT counts for 20% of the final grade Students cannot exempt the EOCT Students must also take and pass the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT) in 11 th grade to graduate from high school and walk in the graduation ceremony.

25 PSAT is given to all 9 th, 10 th & 11 th graders in October Score reports cost $13, payable at Fall Madness/Freshman Orientation SAT & ACT – recommended after Advanced Algebra Junior year is the traditional time to take SAT/ACT Test dates are offered throughout the school year Students register at or AP Exams – every May for all AP courses Resulting scores determine eligibility for earning college credit Amount of credit will vary per college ASVAB – military career assessment Interested students No obligation to join military

26 The HOPE GPA DOES NOT appear on the Pope transcript!! The HOPE GPA uses only CORE courses: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language Only AP courses (not honors) receive.5 extra quality point up to a 4.0 HOPE Scholarship pays ~ 80-90% tuition (per lottery revenue) at public GA college 3.0 core GPA, as calculated by HOPE Zell Miller Scholarship Pays 100% tuition at public GA college 3.7 core GPA, as calculated by HOPE 1200 SAT (Critical Reading and Math only) or 26 ACT – at one sitting HOPE Grant Pays a portion of tuition at a Technical College There is no GPA requirement A rigor requirement is included for students in Class of 2015 and beyond.

27 Most Pope students will easily meet this requirement by taking: Level 2 and higher of Foreign Languages Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus and higher Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy AP courses in core subjects (including AP Psychology and AP Comp Sci) See for the latest HOPE

28 Summer School, for credit recovery or advancement Tuition Night School or NovaNet, for credit recovery Cobb Virtual or Georgia Virtual, for credit recovery, advancement Dual Enrollment, for both HS & college credit Internship, apprenticeship Zero period for Health and Personal Fitness (11 th and 12 th grades only)

29 Fall Football Volleyball Softball Cheerleading Cross-Country Winter Basketball Cheerleading Wrestling Swim and Dive  Spring  Baseball  Track and Field  Soccer  Lacrosse  Gymnastics  Tennis  Golf All freshmen are eligible the first semester of HS. Students must pass 5 of 6 courses to be eligible the following semester(s). Students must also earn a specific number of credits for each grade level. Rugby, Fencing, Hockey – Club Sports

30 Drama, Chamber Music Society Foreign Languages of Pope (FLOP) FACS, Future Business Leaders, Horticulture, FCCLA, Food Appreciation, Fresh Living Literary Magazine, Book Club, Creative Writing, Film Appreciation, Math Team Interact, Beta, Key, Habitat, Nat’l Honor Society Fellowship of Christian Athletes Model UN, Renaissance Student Government And more every year! Students can create a club if they wish. Must have a teacher sponsor and complete an application for approval. Students who complete 120 hours of community service (100 must be through Pope) can earn a service cord to wear at graduation Visit for a list of all

31 Hound Highlights - weekly mail/website One of the best resources for school information! You can sign up now at! Programs - Freshman Orientation and Ambassadors are just two of the MANY programs PTSA supports. Membership- Applications available at Fall Madness and Open House Questions??? Contact information Co-presidents for SY 2012-2013 Kim Smith at Karin Welte at

32 Our Mission: To provide the Pope High School community with supplemental resources to support the school’s mission in the areas of academics, athletics, fine arts, and facility improvements. Our Vision: To position Pope High School as the premier high school in Georgia consistently graduating students who are best prepared to succeed in their chosen walks through life The bottom line: “ We don't want our students to settle. We want the BEST for them! ”

33 March 13 – Registration forms due back to middle school April 15 -Private/home school registration appointments begin August 5 – Fall Madness/Freshman Orientation

34 We look forward to having your student at Alan C. Pope High School Welcome Pope Families of Class of 2017!!

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