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Office of Human Resources Benefit Services Open Enrollment 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Human Resources Benefit Services Open Enrollment 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Human Resources Benefit Services Open Enrollment 2006

2 Agenda Communication Materials Open Enrollment Options Open Enrollment Online! Select-Term Disability Benefit Plans Changes and Premiums Your Plan for Health Questions

3 Open Enrollment 2006 Benefit Changes Effective: January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 October 31 – November 18, 2005

4 Communications

5 2006 Open Enrollment Brochure Contents: – Open Enrollment Overview – Health Benefits – Health Plan Contribution Rates – Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) – Your Plan for Health Sent to home address during last week in October Open Enrollment 2006 Overview Health Benefits FSA Benefits Contribution Rates Your Plan for Health

6 Benefits Eligibility by Appointment Classification Regular Auxiliary Faculty Clinical Instructor Post-Doc Fellow Post-Doc Researcher Special A Special B Returning Retiree

7 Open Enrollment Options Enroll: Medical, Dental, Vision Flexible Spending Accounts Make Changes: Medical Plans Add or Drop Dependents, Based on Eligibility Review Dependents Currently Enrolled Drop Current Health Coverage or Select-Term Disability Coverage

8 “Open Enrollment Online!” http:/ Online Enrollment for: Medical, Dental, Vision Flexible Spending Accounts Advantages of Online Enrollment “One-Stop Shop” for All Your Needs! Accessible 24 hrs During Open Enrollment Immediate E-mail Confirmation of Receipt of Elections

9 “Open Enrollment Online!” Login Method: OSU User Internet ID (last name.#) Password designated for this account Not yet activated – link from Open Enrollment Online! home page to establish ID & password To reset password – contact OIT at 688-HELP (4357) for assistance


11 New Feature!! $171.27 $26.21 $17.44 $214.92


13 New Feature!! $171.27 $26.21 $17.44 $214.92

14 Confirmation Screen with Election Summary

15 Select-Term Disability Rate Changes Effective January 1, 2006 Base Annual SalaryEmployee Monthly Contribution $29,000 or Less$12.00 $30,000 - $69,999$23.85 $70,000 or More$49.04

16 Select-Term Disability Current Enrollees May Drop Coverage During Open Enrollment Available online at: Select-Term Disability Election Form Must Be Completed to Drop Coverage

17 Medical Plans Overview

18 Medical Plans University Prime Care (UPC) Regional University Prime Care (RUPC) Temporary Out-of-Area Benefit OSU Health Plan (OSUHP) Traditional Health Plan (THP) Buckeye Health Plan (BHP)

19 University Prime Care (UPC) Regional University Prime Care (RUPC) Primary Care Physician Required (UPC only) Deductible - None Coinsurance - None (most services) Office Visit - $15 Copay Specialists - $25 Copay Emergency Room - $100 Copay Hospitalization & Outpatient Surgery-$250 Copay Annual Out-of-Pocket Max- $2,000 Per Person

20 UPC/RUPC Monthly Employee Contributions 20052006 Employee Only$53.47$54.81 Employee + Child $98.92$101.39 Employee + Spouse $112.29$115.09 Family$167.09$171.27

21 Temporary Out-of-Area Benefit Deductible - $500 Per Person Coinsurance - 20% (most services) Emergency Room - $100 Copay Hospitalization – 20% Annual Out-of-Pocket Max - $2,500 Per Person

22 OSU Health Plan (OSUHP) (Network Coverage) ( No Primary Care Physician Required Deductible - None Coinsurance - None for Most Services Office Visit - $15 Copay Specialists - $25 Copay Emergency Room - $100 Copay Hospitalization & Outpatient Surgery-$250 Copay Annual Out-of-Pocket Max - $2,000 Per Person

23 OSU Health Plan (Non-Network Coverage) Deductible - $500 Per Person Coinsurance - 30% (most services) Emergency Room - $100 Copay Hospitalization - 30% to $2,000 − Does not apply to out-of-pocket maximum Annual Out-of-Pocket Max- $2,500 Per Person

24 OSU Health Plan (OSUHP) Monthly Employee Contributions 20052006 Employee Only$177.88$182.33 Employee + Child $329.08$337.30 Employee + Spouse $373.55$382.89 Family$555.87$569.77

25 Traditional Health Plan (THP) (Non-Network) Deductible - $500 Per Person Coinsurance - 20% (most services) Emergency Room - $100 Copay Hospitalization - $250 Copay Annual Out-of-Pocket Max - $2,500 Per Person

26 Traditional Health Plan (THP) Monthly Employee Contributions 20052006 Employee Only$177.88$182.33 Employee + Child $329.08$337.30 Employee + Spouse $373.55$382.89 Family$555.87$569.77

27 Buckeye Health Plan (BHP) ( Non-Network) Deductible - $500 Per Person Coinsurance - 20% (most services) Emergency Room - 20% Hospitalization - 20% Annual Out-of-Pocket Max - $2,500 Per Person

28 Buckeye Health Plan Monthly Employee Contributions 20052006 Employee Only$29.10$29.83 Employee + Child $53.83$55.18 Employee + Spouse $61.11$62.64 Family$90.93$93.21

29 Dental Plan No Plan Changes 18-Month Plan Year continues through the end of 2006 (December 31, 2006) Deductible - $60 per person 18-Month Benefit Maximum One-half annual benefit maximum for 2005 ($600) + Annual benefit maximum for 2006 ($1,200) = $1,800 (per person) – available any time during 18-month period

30 Dental Plan Monthly Employee Contributions 20052006 Employee Only $0.00 Employee + Child $9.02$9.24 Employee + Spouse $13.27$13.60 Family$25.58$26.21

31 Vision Plan Monthly Employee Contributions No Change to Benefit Coverage 20052006 Employee Only$0.000.00 Employee + Child $6.16$6.31 Employee + Spouse $9.05$9.28 Family$17.01$17.44

32 Flexible Spending Accounts Expenses must be incurred during the 2006 plan year Current participants must re-enroll each plan year Minimum reimbursement request - $25 $5,000 limit in each account per plan year Health Care FSA and Dependent Care FSA funds maintained in separate accounts Detailed list of eligible and ineligible expenses:

33 Your Plan for Health Our Ultimate Goal: For Everyone to be Healthier!

34 Your Plan for Health Ohio State’s long-term plan of health awareness and personalized health management Capitalizes on the strengths of the university’s resources for wellness and healthy living Rewards employees for making good health choices Offers tools and resources that guide you toward new ways of behaving and thinking about your health

35 Prescription Drug Management No deductible at retail pharmacy Generic copays reduced Employee costs for brand name drugs aligned at retail and mail order Financial protection of out-of-pocket maximum - $2,000 per person More counseling and support for patients taking specialty drugs

36 Prescription Drug Benefits Prescription Drug Employee Cost Retail (up to 34-day copay) Mail Order (up to a 90-day supply) Generic$5 copay$10 copay Formulary 30% coinsurance, $80 maximum 30% coinsurance, $200 maximum Non-Formulary 50% coinsurance, no maximum 50% coinsurance, no maximum



39 Personal Health Assessment (PHA) Your Plan for Health will introduce a powerful new health tool Online survey about your health and lifestyle User-friendly Voluntary Available to all benefit-eligible employees and their enrolled dependents over age 18 Confidential! Information will not be sent to your employer Will be integrated with your lifetime medical record at OSU Medical Center

40 PHA – What will it do for you? Provide you with a personalized health profile Help you to identify if you are at risk for certain conditions and take steps to avoid or delay the onset of illness Offers recommendations for your improved well-being Provide your doctor with information useful in treating you $50 gift card incentive to those who complete PHA with biometric data between Jan.1 and June 30, 2006.

41 Health Management Services Your Plan for Health will enhance existing programs and provide treatment alternatives for healthier living 1.Include a benefit for medical massage therapy and acupuncture (musculoskeletal coverage) 2.Enhance the weight management program 3.Increase the benefit for tobacco cessation

42 Musculoskeletal Coverage New benefit for medical massage as an alternative to physical or occupational therapy New benefit for acupuncture as an alternative to chiropractic treatment ServiceBenefit Coverage Physical Therapy (PT) Occupational Therapy (OT) Medical Massage Therapy Combined max total of 45 visits per plan year Network plans pay 100% after $15 copay Non-network plans subject to deductible and coinsurance Precertification required after 15 visits for PT/OT Medical diagnosis and physician Px required before first medical massage visit Chiropractic Care Acupuncture Combined max total of 30 visits per plan year Network plans pay 100% after $15 copay Non-network plans subject to deductible and coinsurance Precertification required after 5 visits

43 Weight Management 1.Hospital Based, Physician Directed Programs: Pre-certification Required Network Provider – OSU Comprehensive Weight Management Program 2.Weight Watchers™: No Pre-certification Reimbursement for Both Programs: 50% of MHCS fee schedule/UCR up to a $1000 annual maximum Applies to Weight Loss Surgery & Related Services lifetime maximum of $25,000 Submit proof of payment and attendance

44 Weight Management (cont) 3. Enhanced Nutrition Benefit Provides 3 visits with a Registered Dietician at no patient cost Additional 3 visits after pre-certification Network plans: $15 copayment Non-network plans: subject to deductible and coinsurance

45 Tobacco Cessation Program Your Plan for Health will enhance the incentive to quit using tobacco New benefit program paid through the medical plan will provide $120 total maximum reimbursement for program completion $60 for OTC patches, gum, lozenges $60 for program Generic prescription drugs will be more affordable under new plan $5 retail/$10 mail order, no deductible

46 Health Coach/Care Coordinator Support Your Plan for Health will introduce a brand new health and condition management approach Healthy At Risk Chronic Illness Health Coach Care Coordinator Health Care Continuum Services to be effective July 1, 2006

47 Health Coach/Care Coordinator Support Health Coach Available to anyone who has completed a PHA One on one support and education Wellness resource education Wellness coaching in modifying behaviors Help members meet their individual needs Care Coordinator Available to those at high risk or have a high risk for chronic conditions Typically RN’s, clinical pharmacists or other health care specialists Work one on one to support treatment plan in addition to doctor’s care Serves as a resource and advocate for patient

48 Be Sure to Read the Newsletters “Your Plan for Health ” for Updates and Additional Plan for Health Details

49 Open Enrollment Forums Columbus Campus: Tuesday, November 8 9 a.m. 240 Scott Hall Monday, November 14 11:30 a.m. 1590 North High Street Room 425A Hospitals: Thursday, November 3 3:30 p.m. 112 Meiling Auditorium Tuesday, November 15 3 p.m. OSU East – Wallace Auditorium Open Enrollment Presentation may also be seen online at http:/

50 Open Enrollment Forums Regional Campuses: Lima Monday, November 7 11 a.m. 212/213 Public Servicing Bldg. Mansfield Thursday, November 10 2 p.m. 117 Bromfield Hall Marion Friday, November 4 Noon and 2:30 p.m. 290 Morrill Hall Newark Tuesday, November 8 2 p.m. Founders Hall Auditorium Open Enrollment Presentation may also be seen online at http:/ Wooster Thursday, November 10 10 a.m. Fisher Hall Auditorium

51 Questions… Why? When? Open Enrollment

52 Additional Questions OHR Customer Service Center Email: – (614) 292-1050 – 1-800-678-6010 – TDD 688-3730 Benefits Medical Dental Vision FSA

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