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1-1 Managing Human Resources in Organizations. 1-2 Human Resource Management – HR/HRM ●Activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining.

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Presentation on theme: "1-1 Managing Human Resources in Organizations. 1-2 Human Resource Management – HR/HRM ●Activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-1 Managing Human Resources in Organizations

2 1-2 Human Resource Management – HR/HRM ●Activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce ●Focus on human capital ●Can have substantial impact on bottom line

3 1-3 Legal Environment ●EEO – Equal Employment Opportunity - 1964 –Outlaws discrimination –Can not have an adverse impact on minorities/women ●Age Discrimination Act – 1967/86 –Outlaws discrimination against people over 40 ●Americans with Disabilities Act – 1991 –Can not discriminate and must provide reasonable accommodations ●Government does mandate some preferrences –E.g. affirmative action for Vietnam vets

4 1-4 Legal Environment ●Fair Labor Standards Act 1938 –Sets min wage and requires overtime for non- exempt employees working over 40 hours ●Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 –Must provide up to 12 weeks unpaid leave ●National Labor Relations Act 1935 –Procedure for voting for unions ●Taft-Hartley Act 1947 –Increased management rights in a strike ●OSHA 1970 –Must obey safety and health standards of DoL

5 1-5 Legal Environment ●Sexual harassment ●Whistle blower protection

6 1-6 Attracting Human Resources ●Planning –Job analysis –Forecasting demand  Losses  Needs ●Succession planning (replacement) ●Matching needs to staff –Skills inventory database ●Defines the recruiting process

7 1-7 Recruiting ●Job description ●Internal recruiting –Post openings, often required ●External recruiting –Walk-ins – becoming rarer –Internet –Job fairs –Campus recruiting (including internships) –Advertising

8 1-8 Recruiting - Selection ●Applications ●Tests ●Interviews –Many styles –3-step ●Assessment centers –Formal method of evaluation ●Check references!! ●Other –Drug tests –Background checks

9 1-9 Training ●Assess training needs –Study or survey ●Training methods –Classroom –Online –External –Job rotation –Corporate “university”

10 1-10 Performance Appraisal ●Formal evaluation and feedback –Time period varies ●Methods –Ranking  1 to N or put into “buckets” –Rating  Evaluate based upon scales –360-degree feedback –Start, Stop, Continue ●Issues –Recency error –Halo error (works both ways)

11 1-11 Performance Feedback ●One-on-one meeting ●Give written feedback ●Have employee acknowledge feedback (sign)

12 1-12 Job Termination ●HR will define the process ●This should not be a surprise to the employee –Should have a history of written feedback ●Typically first put employee on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) –Specific period of time –Specific goals to meet ●When firing someone or putting them on a PIP –Be clear –Remember that the rest of the org. is watching

13 1-13 Compensation ●Wages vs. salary ●Many different structures –Base and bonus structures ●Wage determination –How much is a job worth? ●Individual wages –Often based upon performance review –Seniority vs. merit

14 1-14 Benefits ●Traditional plans ●Cafeteria/flex plans ●Benchmarking ●Unusual benefits –On-site day care –Free coffee/sodas –Free meals –Gyms –Tickets to events –Corporate discounts –Adoption aid –Etc.

15 1-15 Labor Relations ●Employees form unions –Simple majority of those voting ●Collective bargaining –Negotiation of a contract  Seniority vs. merit –Grievance procedure ●Union tools –Picket –Strike ●Management tools –Lockout

16 1-16 Challenges ●Knowledge workers –May be hard to attract and retain –Need continual skill upgrading ●Temporary workers –Flexible  Can hire/’fire’ as conditions change  Can get expertise when needed –Question of how to manage and integrate ●Part-time workers

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