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HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS situation in Lao PDR, and its connections to tourism Mika Niskanen Advisor/Liaison Officer UNAIDS Lao PDR.

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Presentation on theme: "HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS situation in Lao PDR, and its connections to tourism Mika Niskanen Advisor/Liaison Officer UNAIDS Lao PDR."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS situation in Lao PDR, and its connections to tourism Mika Niskanen Advisor/Liaison Officer UNAIDS Lao PDR

2 What is HIV/AIDS?  a pattern of devastating infections caused by the HIV virus, which destroys certain white blood cells / the immune system  most people with HIV virus live for years without symptoms  after a variable period of time the virus becomes activated and symptoms appear (AIDS)  there is no cure, but ARV therapy slows the onset  one may infect others immediately after one has got the infection

3 HIV is not transmitted by:  shaking hands, hugging, kissing  coughing or sneezing  using a public phone  sharing food or eating/drinking utensils  using toilets or showers  using public swimming pools  visiting a hospital  getting a mosquito or insect bite

4 HIV can be transmitted through:  unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse  contaminated blood or blood products, tissues and organs  contaminated needles, syringes or other piercing instruments  from mother to child

5 Global HIV/AIDS statistics, December 2003  40 million people living with HIV/AIDS  5 million people newly infected with HIV in 2003  3 million AIDS deaths in 2003  25-28 million infected in Sub- Saharan Africa  64,6-8,2 million infected in South/South-East Asia

6 HIV infection in some countries in Asia and Pacific, end 2003  Thailand 570 000  India 2,2 – 7,6 million  China840 000  Cambodia 170 000  Malaysia 52 000  Viet Nam 220 000  Myanmar 330 000

7 Status of HIV/AIDS in Lao PDR, 1990-2003  first HIV reported case 1990  first AIDS reported case 1991  number of HIV infection 1212  number of AIDS 670  number of deaths 486  male 63%, female 37%  children 26  main route of transmission is unprotected heterosexual sex

8 HIV infections in Lao PDR Provinces  Savannakhet 535  Vientiane Cap. 325  Khammouane 95  Champassak 94  Bokeo 77  Saravane 29  Luang Prabang 20  Oudomxay 14  Vientiane Prov. 7  Sayaboury 6  Sekong 1  Louang Namtha 0  Attapeu 0  Phongsaly NA  Houaphanh NA  Xiengkhoang NA  Xaysamboun NA

9 Distribution of HIV positive cases 1990 - 2003

10 Modes of HIV transmission in Lao PDR

11 HIV infections in Lao PDR by gender

12 HIV cases by age groups in Lao PDR

13 HIV/AIDS risk factors in Lao PDR  domestic migration  cross-border migration  surrounded by high-prevalence countries  number of sex workers / clients  recreational alcohol and drug use  poverty  limited access to health services  low awareness among some population

14 HIV/AIDS “risk groups” in Lao PDR  service women  women in general  truck drivers  migrants and immigrants  police staff  armed forces staff  youth


16 Profession of SWs’ last client

17 UNAIDS/UN supports mainstreaming HIVAIDS into all development programmes. What steps can we take to mainstream HIV/AIDS tourism into the tourism sector, but avoid scapegoating tourists?

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