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ICEM Responding to HIV/AIDS Hans J. Schwass ICEM Global HIV/AIDS Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "ICEM Responding to HIV/AIDS Hans J. Schwass ICEM Global HIV/AIDS Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICEM Responding to HIV/AIDS Hans J. Schwass ICEM Global HIV/AIDS Coordinator

2 Global Statistics Worldwide 40 million people are living with HIV in 2004 Of these 5 million were newly infected with HIV in 2004 Globally 3 million people died of AIDS in 2004

3 Regional Statistics Sub-Saharan Africa In sub-Saharan Africa 25.4 million people are living with HIV 3.1million were infected in 2004 Increase of 13.9% in one year 2.3 million died of AIDS

4 HIV/AIDS – A Trade Union Issue Victimisation and discrimination Workplace access Trust and confidence of workers Advocacy for VCT Negotiating agreements and partnerships

5 Women Women make up more than half of PLWHA Women are aware Women are carers Women exposed to partner infidelity and sexual violence

6 The ICEM and HIV/AIDS Challenge Mining sector Pharmaceutical industry The ICEM has leverage at the international level ICEM Programmes

7 ICEM Affiliates Take up the challenge Taking a position Education & Awareness Programmes Anti-discrimination and anti-vicimisation clauses Agreements on HIV/AIDS with Companies

8 ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work Pratical guidelines for workplace programmes Internationally recognised 10 key principles Exists in 20 languages Education and training manual

9 What is a Wellness Clinic? Not exclusively HIV/AIDS Clinics Open to workers and the broader community VCT and HAART

10 Resources UNAIDS ILOAIDS Global Fund

11 Further Information For further information on HIV/AIDS and ICEM’s work go to Or contact our coordinators on

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