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Published byDerrick Thomas Modified over 9 years ago
News from Yorkshire & the Humber Leadership Academy “ Heads Up” - May 2015
Welcome The last few weeks have seen the team very much in planning mode with a finalised budget and a renegotiated service level agreement with the National Leadership Academy, we have been working to ensure that our resource is matched to the priorities. The good news is that we are much clearer about activity and this means that we are able to provide you with a longer range view of the coming year. The Regional Leadership Council met in April and spent some time discussing and agreeing the priority areas of the regional leadership and organisation development offer which is currently delivered by us with funding from the LETB. While discussions are still ongoing, it was agreed that we should continue to invest in the successful and growing Co-Creation Network which although still in its infancy is yielding active Communities of Practice engaged in a variety of improvement and development activity at a grass roots level. Other areas of specific interest include Systems Leadership and support to those sites that were not successful in their Vanguard bids. We are considering these areas and others and would welcome your views on what should be the focus for regional leadership and organisation development. The month has seen us move to a new address (we are now based with our colleagues in Health Education Yorkshire and Humber at Willow Terrace, University of Leeds) and some staff changes. We say goodbye to Lynsey Nicholson who leaves the team to take up a well deserved promotion at Airedale NHS FT and welcome Debra Singleton who will be replacing Lynsey. Debra is currently working hard to hit the ground running with all things GMTS. Myself and the team would like to say a very big thank you to Christine Bain – Chief Executive of Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber FT and Chair of the RLC. Chris has served as the Chair for the last 3 years and has been an invaluable champion for the leadership and organisation development agenda and how it is delivered on behalf of our region. Her contribution has been substantial and highly valued. We wish her the very best as she moves to explore a new career path. Chris will be succeeded as Chair by Louise Barnett – Chief Executive of Rotherham NHS FT and we would like to extend a warm welcome to Louise. We are a regional resource that works to support local organisations through the delivery of leadership and organisation development activity that makes sense to do at a regional level, which adds value and is relevant to local needs and priorities. Heads Up is our way of communicating with stakeholders and we value any and all feedback from you. Kathryn Winterburn Head of Leadership & Organisation Development @YHLeadershipOD
Business Planning 2015-16 The Service Level Agreement with the National Leadership Academy is made up of the following areas: Models & Frameworks Core Programmes NHS Graduate Training Scheme Talent Management Coaching & Mentoring Communications & Engagement (including the Regional Leadership Recognition Awards) Organisation Development While there are key deliverables within each of these areas, there is plenty of scope to work with stakeholders, leadership leads, OD leads, HR Directors and others to ensure leadership development activity undertaken by us aligns with yours. See the next page for an indicative calendar of planned activity, this is not quite the complete picture as more activity is planned we will update and share widely with you. We are in the process of scoping the OD network offer based on feedback from the design work that was completed late last year so more to come. Please do feel free to contact Kathryn Winterburn with any comments or suggestions to consider.Kathryn Winterburn @YHLeadershipOD
Co-Creation Network launched 19 th March 2015 saw the Co-Creation Network launch to a wider audience of health and social care staff from across the region. Speakers included Annette Thain (the Knowledge Network, NHS Scotland), Communities of Practice researcher Dr Igor Pyrko, plus Laura Hibbs and Liz Maddocks-Brown from NHSIQ. In the evening we hosted a celebration event powered by PechaKucha,PechaKucha to showcase the journeys taken by our Community members so far. 83 people attended, some already involved in an ongoing Community of Practice set up within the Co- Creation Network, some looking to join or set up their own Community, and those wishing to learn more about how Communities of Practice work. A selection photos and resources from the day can be found here on the Co-Creation Network website, which is the virtual space for our Communities to use in between meeting face to face – you can join and view all Communities running here also. The day was filmed and we will make videos available on our YouTube Channel in the coming weeks. For further information, contact Lucy Scarisbrick.A selection photos and resources from the day can be found hereYouTube Channel Lucy Scarisbrick @YHLeadershipOD
Invitation to Summer Basecamp Following the success of to Co-Creation Network launch event in March, we are delighted to announce that we will host Summer Basecamp, 2 nd July 2015 at Horizon Leeds. Please note that we have already booked almost half of the availability! We invite all from health and social care to join us to find out more about the Communities of Practice already set up, the next steps for the Co-Creation Network, share experiences and learn from experienced Communities of Practice facilitators. All are welcome, whether you are interested in taking part or want to learn more about the work. To register, contact Lucy Scarisbrick.Lucy Scarisbrick Resources below: Video playlist Brochure to read online – virtual learning and sharing space for the Communities of Practice. @YHLeadershipOD
Accelerate Programme 2015 The Accelerate Programme for 2015 has started, with the first module taking place 14 th -15 th April in Leeds. The NLP course, described as “best practice in leadership development” by Professor David Williams, Accelerate aims to progress the leadership journey and career of junior to mid-level leaders. Once again, Simon Large came along to meet the new participants and offer his own insights and inspiration. Taking part in Accelerate this year are: Sarah Ashton, Nurse Practitioner, Barnsley Hospital Trust; Scott Bell, Co-production & Community Engagement Officer, DISC; Christeen Birch, Programme Coordinator, NHS Leadership Academy; Sarah Boorman, Programme Administrator, HEYH; Nicola Clarke, Service Manager, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust; Siobhan Clibbens, Programme Coordinator, NHS England; Bradley Dickinson, Chief Biomedical Scientist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust; Amy Dunmall, Practice Educator, Sue Ryder Care; Halema Khatun, Communications Assistant, HEYH; Suzanne Palmer, Senior Transport Nurse, Sheffield Childrens NHS Foundation Trust; Eve Panesar, Orthoptist, Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust ; Lucy Renwick, OD programme facilitator, Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust; Michelle Sheppard, HR Resourcing Manager, Barnsley Hospital Trust; Jennifer Street, Sister, Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals Trust; Louise Sutton, Children's Speech & Language Therapy Team Manager, Leeds Community Healthcare Trust; Jillian Taylor, Team Leader, Sheffield Childrens NHS Foundation Trust; Matthew Varley, Training Lead, Bradford Teaching Hospitals. For further information contact Deb Singleton.Deb Singleton @YHLeadershipOD
Talent 2020 Network Launched The Talent 2020 Network had its first meeting this financial year. The regional Network provides regular practical real world workshops for anyone with a responsibility for talent management. This time the Network looked at the return on investment of talent management. Network sessions run alongside more local sessions on offer in 2015/16 supporting the adoption of the NHS Leadership Academy tools and the talent hub resources. For further information, contact Deb Singleton.Deb Singleton @YHLeadershipOD
i-Lead Alliance Last Call We are looking forward to working with everyone that has registered for the i-Lead Alliance event – what better way to round off the NHS Equality, Diversity and Human Rights week 2015 than to collaborate with your peers in an alliance for learning and change. The full programme and resources for the day will be shared virtually at the event – please let us know if you need the resources in another format. The session will be a mix of presentations, discussions and workshops with a practical applied approach throughout and you will have time to consider how you can both benefit from and contribute to the i-Lead alliance over the next year. Sessions include Leading Inclusively – a framework for change based on the results of the Opportunity Now and Shapiro Consulting research ‘Inclusive Leadership: culture change for business success’ (this framework can be used to support progress with the Workforce Race Equality Standard, EDS2) and Bringing inclusive leadership behaviors to life - drawing on stories and case studies to illustrate how inclusive leaders operate in practice and how to build from individual to workplace wide inclusion. Joining us on the day we have NHS Employers, Business in the Community and several speakers and facilitators who are leading experts in the field of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. i-Lead Alliance takes place 15 th May at Horizon, Leeds; for further information, contact Deb Singleton, or follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #iLead.Deb Singleton @YHLeadershipOD
Early Clinical Leadership Ashridge staff have met with patients and service users, students and academic staff in March to add the detail into the design work for the early leadership pilot in Hull and East Riding. Work to support the development of Leading Quality Improvement training for F2 doctors is going well. We have been working with a Clinical Leadership Fellow and are grateful to local consultants renowned for their improvement work who have agreed to feature in videos for use in this work. Delivery began in March and aims to reach 180 F2 doctors in its first wave. View the website here View the website here for our Leading Quality Improvement video series. For further information contact Lucy Scarisbrick.Lucy Scarisbrick @YHLeadershipOD
Healthcare Leadership Model event The Healthcare Leadership Model (HLM) is designed to support the health and care workforce to demonstrate better leadership. It is relevant and useful for everyone from board to ward to community, whether you have formal leadership responsibility or not. The HLM describes the important differences leadership makes on a daily basis. The nine dimensions that make up the HLM focus on the aspiration of organisations and the leadership they wish to embody. Our strategic engagement event to be held 7 th July in Leeds is an opportunity for leadership and organisational development leads from health and care organisations to explore the proposition that the HLM is an enabler of leadership in an integrated care system. The event will provide an opportunity to; Discuss local leadership development challenges and responses. Consider the HLM as a credible and accessible framework for leadership development. Gain insight on how organisations in the region are using the HLM to support leadership development. We hope you will join us and we encourage you to connect with leadership leads in neighbouring organisations in health and care to extend this invitation. Places are limited so please register as soon as possible with Amanda Allen.Amanda Allen @YHLeadershipOD
National Leadership Awards Two of our region’s finalists in the National Leadership Recognition Awards held by the National Leadership Academy, won their categories at the award ceremony held 31 st March in London. Steve Harrison, Head of Quality Improvement at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals who set up the Sheffield Microsystem Coaching Academy (a UK first), won the NHS Coach/Mentor of the Year accolade. In the Outstanding Collaborative Leadership category, a ground-breaking team of health and social care workers from agencies across Doncaster for the pioneering way they work together to help patients, who are leaving hospital and returning home, by improving their discharge process. The Doncaster Integrated Discharge Team (IDT), is a partnership of staff from four Doncaster-based agencies (Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust and Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group). Congratulations to all winners, finalists and nominees in these awards. Nominations for the Regional Leadership Recognition Awards 2015 open 15 th June; please contact John Hunter with any enquiries.John Hunter @YHLeadershipOD
National Development Programmes The Mary Seacole Programme intake for 2015 inductions have taken place, with over 70 participants from our region registered for the year long post graduate certificate.Mary Seacole Programme The deadline to apply for the Masters programme, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, to start study in 2015 has now passed (as of 7 th April), and there are a total of 21 places available for participants from our region. We are in the process of contacting successful applicants.Elizabeth Garrett Anderson The application deadline for this year’s Bevan Programme intake will be in the next few weeks. If you have an application to finish, please make this a priority. We will be holding an assessment centre in June as part of the selection process. The former ‘Top Leaders’ programme has been updated and renamed the Director Programme. It is for all senior executive leaders who are seeking further role development and support, to develop leadersDirector Programme who are more innovative and can create a climate where innovation can flourish. The Edward Jenner ProgrammeEdward Jenner Programme, an online course in Leadership Foundations, is undergoing an update also, and is expected to re-launch soon with refreshed content. The highly successful and well received Frontline Programme for nurses andFrontline Programme midwives has now closed and at the moment there no plans to run for another year. For all enquiries, contact John Hunter.John Hunter @YHLeadershipOD
Contact Us Contact numbers and website Amanda AllenProgramme Coordinator John Hunter National Professional Development Programmes, Regional Leadership Awards Grace JeffreyOD Programme Lead Andrea OvertonInclusive Talent Development, Graduate Management Training Scheme Anthony OwensCapacity and Capability Building, OD Programmes and Coaching Lucy ScarisbrickCommunications and Engagement Officer Deb SingletonProgramme Coordinator Kathryn WinterburnStrategy and Planning, Regional Leadership Council, Partnership Working and Systems Leadership @YHLeadershipOD
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