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AFFORDABILITY Underground Cable costs 2-3 times more economical than overhead lines and pylons  EirGrid is misleading the public on statements to the.

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Presentation on theme: "AFFORDABILITY Underground Cable costs 2-3 times more economical than overhead lines and pylons  EirGrid is misleading the public on statements to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 AFFORDABILITY Underground Cable costs 2-3 times more economical than overhead lines and pylons  EirGrid is misleading the public on statements to the media regarding cost comparisons of underground cable and overhead lines  EirGrid currently quoting from various reports that underground cables construction costs will be 3.5 times that of overhead transmission lines and pylons  But EirGrid possess the actual costs of both technologies:  Many overhead line projects already completed  Major underground and undersea project recently completed  East-West interconnector HVDC cable  Construction costs for both are very similar, based on EirGrid figures:  Average Overhead line construction costs published by EirGrid for Grid Link, Grid West and the North-South interconnector = €2.1Million per kilometre  Average underground and undersea cable cost for the East-West interconnector is €2.2 Million per kilometre  EirGrid refuses to factor in devaluation costs, delay costs, tourism and landscape costs and health related costs and concerns  NEPPC has carried out a detailed analysis of property and land devaluation  Combined devaluation costs for North-South interconnector = €310 Million  EirGrid agree delay costs of €30M per year, currently running at 7 year delay  = €210 Million  Total overhead line costs = €798 Million  = 3 times higher than underground cable costs SUMMARY - KEY FACTS Underground makes sense Briefing Doc. 101

2 Affordability – Main Components  Construction costs are the main focus of most reports.  Operational costs are sometimes examined.  But impact costs, such as farm and property devaluation and project delays also carry real costs to affected parties. Transmission Costs Perspective Electricity Bill Breakdown  PSO levy imposed is 5% of bill  Transmission costs represent only 6% of bill

3 Eirgrid Statements & Claims on Underground Construction Cost Ratios 2007: Undergrounding is 25X more than Overhead Lines 2012: Undergrounding is 3X more than Overhead Lines 2015: Undergrounding is 1.5X more than Overhead Lines Which way is this going? PROJECTLENGTH KM CONSTRUCTION COST €M CONSTRUCTION COST €M per KM North-South1402862.1 Grid Link2505002.0 Grid West1002402.4 Average2.1 PROJECTLENGTH KM CONSTRUCTION COST €M CONSTRUCTION COST €M per KM East-West2565702.2 Average2.2 EirGrid Published Project Costs Overhead Lines Underground Cables

4 Property & Land Devaluation  Major studies carried out over the last fifty years all around the world  Power lines have a statistically significant negative impact on property values.  Properties negatively affected for up to 2.5 km away  Value of detached properties at a distance of less than 100m from overhead transmission lines was 38 percent lower than comparable properties (UK Study, 2007)  Non-residential holdings  Per acre values from more than 1,000 agricultural property sales were 16-29 percent lower for properties with easements for transmission lines than for similar properties without easements  North-South Interconnector: Detailed corridor Devaluation Study performed by NEPPC Overhead Line Costs: N-S Interconnector EirGrid published construction costs Sources:  Construction & Delay costs – EirGrid  Property & Land devaluation – NEPPC  Tourism & Health costs – not included  EirGrid estimated landowner compensation: €9Million ??

5 256 Km long 34 km undergrounded along roadside from Rush in Dublin to Woodland in Meath Underground N-S Interconnector Same Technology as E-W Interconnector: Construction Costs East-West Interconnector 256 km length €570M cost = €2.22M per kilometre North-South Interconnector 140 km length @ €2.22M per kilometre = €310M cost* *Overestimate, as 70% of E-W line is subsea cable (extra lead sheathing)

6 Underground Cable Costs: N-S Interconnector EirGrid E-W Interconnector Reference €M 00000 Underground cable vs. Overhead lines full costs N-S Interconnector * Does not include tourism or health impacts 798 * Data Sources: Construction & delay figures: EirGrid Devaluation figures: NEPPC

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