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KS Energy and Sustainable Development Theresa Spitzer, Stefan Krammer, Patrick Reiter.

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Presentation on theme: "KS Energy and Sustainable Development Theresa Spitzer, Stefan Krammer, Patrick Reiter."— Presentation transcript:

1 KS Energy and Sustainable Development Theresa Spitzer, Stefan Krammer, Patrick Reiter

2  Most environment friendly source of green energy  Technologies:  Photovoltaic  Solar Thermal Energy  Concentrated Solar Power

3  Most promising technology for large-scale solar power generation in Desserts  Lenses or mirrors concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a small area  Concentrated light is converted to heat which drives a heat engine connected to an electrical power generator


5  2003 TREC, Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperative  Desertec Foundation emerged from the Cooperative  2005 – 2007 Researches  CDER(Morocco)  NREA(Egypt)  NERC(Jordan)  University of Sana’a and Aden(Yemen)  DRL(Germany)

6  Result of studies:  15% of European final energy consumption can be delivered with a „supernetwork“ of renewables  Most energy can be produced with CSP in deserts  Founding of Desertec Foundation in 2009


8  Cooperation between EUMENA  Europe and Middle East and North Africa  Methods:  CSP  Photovoltaic  Windparcs  desalination stations  Until 2020 MENA and until 2050 Europe

9  400 billion Euros  350 billion for the grids  50 billion for the transport  15-30 eurocents/kilowatt-hour actual production costs  4-5 eurocents/kilowatt-hour if the demand increases  No commercial competitiveness at the moment

10  Cooling requirement  Temperature and salt

11  Most promising Technology is HVDC  Voltage about 800kV  Cost effective and environmental friendly  Transportation losses of only 10-15%  HVDC like highways and conventional AC system as country and city roads


13  Instability in Northern Africa and Middle East  Closed border between Morocco and Algeria  Negotiations only in a broader sense  Dependency on Northern Africa  Risk of expropriation of assets  Reneging on license agreements  Corruption and bureaucratic red tape

14  Europe has potential of renewables within borders  Desertec will lead to monopoly  Cost-effective?  Faster Implementation

15  Y&feature=player_embedded#at=15 Y&feature=player_embedded#at=15

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