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© 2005 Autodesk 1 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 “How Do I…?” Sanjay Asnani, PE.

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1 © 2005 Autodesk 1 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 “How Do I…?” Sanjay Asnani, PE

2 © 2005 Autodesk 2 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Get Started  Download the latest version   Activate using Serial #  Help > About Civil 3D > Product Information > Activate…  Click on Desktop icon “AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008” (Green color)

3 © 2005 Autodesk 3 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education AutoCAD/Civil 3D -101  Tabs (Prospector/Settings)  Panning, Zooming  Command Line  Snap, Osnap Settings  Switch among Open Files  Access Data via Prospector  Access Styles via Settings

4 © 2005 Autodesk 4 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create a New Project  File > New…  Select template “_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS Extended.dwt”  Give a new name to your project (e.g. Main Road Project.dwg)  Assign coordinate Zone**  Settings Tab > Rt. Click > Edit Drawing Settings…  Select location & coordinate zone

5 © 2005 Autodesk 5 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Surface from Google Earth  Launch Google Earth (FREE version)  Select location by address or zip code  Use GE’s navigation tools  Zoom-in to get appropriate coverage  In Civil 3D, Select File > Import > Import Google Earth Image and Surface…  Select Coordinate System option or “Identify” for manual placement

6 © 2005 Autodesk 6 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Points  Select Points > Create Points…  Select Import Points option  Select Format and Source file (TXT, ASCII, CSV, etc.)  An example file: C:\Program Files\AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008\Help\Civil 3D Tutorials\Existing Ground Points - PENZD.txt

7 © 2005 Autodesk 7 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Surface from Points  Prospector: Surfaces > Create surface  Assign a Name  Under Surfaces > (Name) > Definition > Point Group  Rt. Click and select Add  Select _All Points

8 © 2005 Autodesk 8 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Alignment-I  Select Alignments> Create Alignment by Layout…  Provide a Name, and select other settings  Station  Styles  Select Curve and Spiral Settings… from Layout Tools  Type a Curve Radius Value (200’ default)

9 © 2005 Autodesk 9 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Alignment-II  Select Tangent-Tangent (With Curves) option  Specify a start point, followed by other clicks on screen to define other PI points (point of intersection)  Finish the alignment by Enter or ESC keys.  Select alignment and try to modify alignment grabbing the “grips” (circular, triangular)

10 © 2005 Autodesk 10 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Surface Profiles  Select Profiles > Create Profile from Surface…  Select Alignment, Surface, and click Add>> button  Click Draw in Profile View  Follow Wizard’s Next options, followed by Create Profile View option  Select a location for bottom left corner of profile view

11 © 2005 Autodesk 11 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Design Profiles-I  Select Profiles > Create Profile by Layout…  Assign name  Select Profile and label styles  Check/Modify Default Curve settings…  Select curve type  Choose Length or K-Value as design criteria for Sag/Crest  Select Draw Tangents With Curves

12 © 2005 Autodesk 12 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Design Profiles-II  Select Draw Tangents With Curves option  Specify a start point, followed by other clicks on screen to define other PVI points (point of vertical intersection)  Hit Enter or ESC keys to finish the profile  Select profile and try to modify it by grabbing the “grips” (circular, triangular)

13 © 2005 Autodesk 13 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Tool Palette-I  Select Corridors > Subassembly Tool Palettes  Rt. Click > New Palette  Give a name: DesignPalette  Select Corridors > Subassembly Catalog…  Select Imperial Catalog > C3D Imperial Getting Started Subassembly Catalog

14 © 2005 Autodesk 14 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Tool Palette-II  Left click and hold for a second on various components on symbol “I” and wait  Basic Lane  Basic Shoulder  Basic Curb and Gutter  Basic Side Slope Cut Ditch  With Left button held down, drag and drop above “subassemblies” on the tool palette

15 © 2005 Autodesk 15 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Assembly-I  Select Corridors > Create Assembly…  Give it a Name  Left click (anywhere) on screen to define the baseline location  Screen zooms to Assembly location  Select Corridors > Subassembly Tool Palettes  Select DesignPalette tab created earlier

16 © 2005 Autodesk 16 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Assembly-II  Left click BasicLane  Properties dialog box opens  Change Side parameter to Right  Left click anywhere along the “Red” line  Lane shows up right  Change Side parameter to Left and left click along Red line  Lane shows up on left

17 © 2005 Autodesk 17 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Create Assembly-III  Left click BasicCurbAndGutter  Properties dialog box “updates”  Change Side parameter to Right  Left click on Right Lane’s rightmost top red circle.  Curb and gutter attaches to the lane  Repeat the process:  BasicCurbAndGutter (L)  BasicShoulder (L & R)  BasicSideSlopeCutDitch (L & R)

18 © 2005 Autodesk 18 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Build Corridor-I  Select Corridors > Create Simple Corridor…  Give it a Name  Select Alignment, Profile, and Assembly  either graphically by clicking on them  Or, by hitting Enter and then select from list.  Set Target mapping  Define a surface for side slope subassembly

19 © 2005 Autodesk 19 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Build Corridor-II  Left click on corridor to select  Rt. Click > Object Viewer…  Experiment with different panning, zooming, rendering options

20 © 2005 Autodesk 20 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Compute Earthwork Quantities-I  Left click on corridor to select  Rt. Click > Corridor Properties…  In Surfaces tab:  Click Create a Corridor Surface (1)  Specify code: Datum (2)  Click “+” Add button (3)  In Boundaries tab:  Rt. Click on Surface  Select Add Automatically > Daylight

21 © 2005 Autodesk 21 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Compute Earthwork Quantities-II  Create Sample Lines  Select Sections > Create Sample Lines…  Select corridor Alignment  Name the Sample Line Group  Select By Range of Stations as sample line creation method

22 © 2005 Autodesk 22 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Compute Earthwork Quantities-III  Select Sections > Compute Materials…  Select corridor Alignment  Name the Sample Line Group  Pick corridor alignment and sample line group  Select Earthwork quantity takeoff criteria  Map Surface1 as Existing Ground and Corridor Datum as Datum

23 © 2005 Autodesk 23 Autodesk Civil 3D – WW Education Compute Earthwork Quantities-IV  Select Sections > Generate Volume Report…  Select corridor Alignment  Name the Sample Line Group  Pick appropriate alignment, ample line group, and material list  Volume report is displayed in Browser

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