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Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data dissemination and further analysis workshop HIV/AIDS, SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, and ORPHANS MICS4 Data dissemination and.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data dissemination and further analysis workshop HIV/AIDS, SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, and ORPHANS MICS4 Data dissemination and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data dissemination and further analysis workshop HIV/AIDS, SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, and ORPHANS MICS4 Data dissemination and Further Analysis

2 What we know HIV/AIDS prevalence among adults age 15-49 highest in Southern Africa (10-20+ per cent) An estimated 34 million [31.6 million–35.2 million] adults and children were living with HIV in 2010 Nearly 2/3 of live in Sub-Saharan Africa One of every ten is a child under age 15 Every day, 7,000 people become infected with HIV and 5,000 die from AIDS-related illnesses Around 17 million children under age 18 are orphans as a result of losing one or both parents to AIDS. –Source: WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF, Global HIV/AIDS response: epidemic update and health sector progress towards universal access: progress report 2011.

3 MICS HIV/AIDS module Introduced in MICS2 Questions of the module are related to knowledge, attitudes and practices (including HIV testing and counselling) Some countries add seroprevalence testing Analysis of HIV/AIDS variables and sexual behaviour variables

4 HIV/AIDS - Indicators Comprehensive knowledge about HIV prevention –Percentage of women age 15-49 years who correctly identify two ways of preventing HIV infection, know that a healthy looking person can have HIV, and reject the two most common misconceptions about HIV transmission Comprehensive knowledge about HIV prevention among young people –Percentage of women age 15-24 years who correctly identify two ways of preventing HIV infection, know that a healthy looking person can have HIV, and reject the two most common misconceptions about HIV transmission (MDG 6.3)

5 HIV/AIDS – Indicators (2) Knowledge of mother-to-child transmission of HIV –Percentage of women age 15-49 years who correctly identify all three means of mother-to-child transmission of HIV Accepting attitudes towards people living with HIV –Percentage of women age 15-49 years expressing accepting attitudes toward people living with HIV

6 HIV/AIDS – Indicators (3) Women who know where to be tested for HIV –Percentage of women age 15-49 years who state knowledge of a place to be tested for HIV Women who have been tested for HIV and know the results –Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have been tested for HIV in the 12 months preceding the survey and who know their results Sexually active young women who have been tested for HIV and know the results –Percentage of women age 15-24 years who have had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey, who have been tested for HIV in the 12 months preceding the survey and who know their results

7 HIV/AIDS – Indicators (4) HIV counseling during antenatal care –Percentage of women age 15-29 who gave birth in the 2 years preceding the survey and received antenatal care, reporting that they received counseling on HIV during antenatal care HIV testing during antenatal care –Percentage of women age 15-29 years who gave birth in the 2 years preceding the survey and received antenatal care, reporting that they were offered and accepted an HIV test during antenatal care and received their results

8 MICS Sexual Behavior module Answering no at 1 st question make skip the entire module to HIV/AIDS module Data quality issues: Missing, refusal, DK and underreporting in Sexual Behavior module

9 Sexual Behavior - Indicators Young women who have never had sex –Percentage of never married young women aged 15-24 who have never had sex (UNAIDS additional #12) Sex before age 15 among young women –Percentage of young women aged 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 years (GARPR* - #1.2) Age-mixing among sexual partners –Percentage of young women aged 15-24 years who had sex in the past 12 months with a partner who was 10 or more years older *GARPR: Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (formerly UNGASS)

10 Sexual Behavior – Indicators (2) Sex with multiple partners –Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have had sexual intercourse with more than one sexual partner in the 12 months preceding the survey (GARPR* #1.3) Condom use during risk sex with multiple partners –Percentage of women age 15-49 years who report having had more than one sexual partner in the 12 months preceding the survey who also reported that a condom was used the last time they had sex (GARPR* #1.4) *GARPR: Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (formerly UNGASS)

11 Sexual Behavior – Indicators (3) Sex with non-regular partners –Percentage of women age 15-24 years who have had sexual intercourse with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the 12 months preceding the survey Condom use with non-regular partners –Percentage of women age 15-24 years who used condom during sexual intercourse with their last non-marital, non-cohabiting sex partner in the 12 months preceding the survey (MDG 6.2)

12 Orphans - Indicators Children’s living arrangements –Percentage of children age 0-17 years not living with a biological parent Prevalence of children with at least one parent dead –Percentage of children age 0-17 years with one or both parents dead School attendance of orphans –Percentage of children age 10-14 who have lost both parents and are attending school (MDG 6.4; GARPR* #7.3) School attendance of non-orphans –Percentage of children age 10-14 years, whose parents are alive, who are living with at least one parent, and who are attending school (MDG 6.4; GARPR* #7.3) *GARPR: Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (formerly UNGASS)

13 Tables

14 HIV/AIDS Indicators 9.1 & 9.2 Comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS [MDG 6.3] Percentage of women age 15-49 years (and 15-24 years) who correctly identify two ways of preventing HIV infection, know that a healthy looking person can have HIV, and reject the two most common misconceptions about HIV transmission 9.1 & 9.2 Comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS [MDG 6.3] Percentage of women age 15-49 years (and 15-24 years) who correctly identify two ways of preventing HIV infection, know that a healthy looking person can have HIV, and reject the two most common misconceptions about HIV transmission Table HA.1: Knowledge about HIV transmission, misconceptions about HIV/AIDS, and comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmission Percentage of women age 15-49 years who know the main ways of preventing HIV transmission, percentage who know that a healthy looking person can have the AIDS virus, percentage who reject common misconceptions, and percentage who have comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmission Country, Year Percent age who have heard of AIDS Percentage who know transmission can be prevented by:Percent age of women who know both ways Percentag e who know that a healthy looking person can have the AIDS virus Percentage who know that HIV cannot be transmitted by: Percentage who reject the two most common misconceptions and know that a healthy looking person can have the AIDS virus Percentage with comprehen sive knowledge 1 Number of women Having only one faithful uninfected sex partner Using a condom every time Mosquito bites Supernatur al means Sharing food with someone with AIDS

15 Knows 2 ways to prevent HIV transmission Correctly identify 3 misconceptio ns about HIV transmission Have comprehensive knowledge(identify 2 prevention methods and 3 misconceptions) *Number of women RegionEast 41,419,915,81877 North 33,810,74,72957 South 41,617,111,31811 West 80,858,752,11008 AreaRural 35,512,28,05476 Urban 64,342,533,32178 Age15-19 46,422,916,41105 20-24 46,524,717,71169 15-24 46,423,817,12275 25-29 42,619,814,51787 30-34 47,122,617,21176 35-39 42,220,014,11254 40-44 39,615,011,5712 45-49 36,815,912,4451 Education**None 36,714,19,45638 Primary 51,821,215,2843 Secondary + 72,152,843,31151 wealth index quintilesPoorest 27,111,68,11486 Second 31,712,27,51556 Middle 38,912,48,41519 Fourth 51,820,614,51511 Richest 68,146,136,71582 Religion of Household Head*** Christian 46,927,922,01679 Muslim 42,818,813,45956 Total 43,720,815,27654 Table HA.3: Comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS transmission Percentage of women aged 15-49 years who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS transmission, Country X, Year Y

16 HIV/AIDS Indicator Table HA.3: Knowledge of mother-to-child HIV transmission Percentage of women age 15-49 years who correctly identify means of HIV transmission from mother to child, Country, Year Percentage who know HIV can be transmitted from mother to child Percent who know HIV can be transmitted: Does not know any of the specific means Number of women During pregnancyDuring delivery By breastfeeding All three means 1 9.3 Knowledge of mother-to-child transmission of HIV Percentage of women age 15-49 years who correctly identify all three means of mother-to-child transmission of HIV :Transmission during pregnancy, during delivery, and by breastfeeding 9.3 Knowledge of mother-to-child transmission of HIV Percentage of women age 15-49 years who correctly identify all three means of mother-to-child transmission of HIV :Transmission during pregnancy, during delivery, and by breastfeeding

17 Know HIV can be transmitted from mother to child Percent who know HIV can be transmitted: Did not know any specific way Number of women During pregnancyAt delivery Through breastmilk All three ways * RegionEast 69,965,467,165,059,73,61877 North 56,953,950,454,147,42,22957 South 52,750,045,151,143,75,81811 West 89,388,686,582,781,37,71008 AreaRural 55,452,449,852,846,83,15476 Urban 83,380,378,577,672,36,52178 Age15-19 64,360,457,659,152,46,01105 20-24 66,563,860,663,457,04,61169 25-29 63,159,758,259,953,94,31787 30-34 66,764,061,562,556,53,41176 35-39 62,760,357,759,755,02,91254 40-44 57,254,352,654,549,73,2712 45-49 57,054,551,954,148,83,8451 Education**None 56,753,851,753,848,43,95638 Primary 69,766,161,967,258,56,4843 Secondary + 91,087,885,983,678,33,71151 wealth index quintilesPoorest 43,141,239,241,537,63,51486 Second 50,748,945,747,242,33,61556 Middle 61,456,854,858,750,83,41519 Fourth 73,569,867,269,262,04,11511 Richest 87,084,082,281,676,55,81582 Religion of Household Head*** Christian 64,062,359,860,256,14,31679 Muslim 63,259,857,559,853,54,15956 Total 63,460,458,059,854,04,17654 Table HA.4: Knowledge of mother-to-child HIV transmission Percentage of women aged 15-49 who correctly identify means of HIV transmission from mother to child, Country X, Year Y

18 HIV/AIDS Indicator 9.4 Accepting attitudes towards people living with HIV Percentage of women age 15-49 years expressing accepting attitudes on all four questions toward people living with HIV 9.4 Accepting attitudes towards people living with HIV Percentage of women age 15-49 years expressing accepting attitudes on all four questions toward people living with HIV Table HA.4: Accepting attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have heard of AIDS who express an accepting attitude towards people living with HIV/AIDS, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Number of women who have heard of AIDS Are willing to care for a family member with the AIDS virus in own home Would buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor who has the AIDS virus Believe that a female teacher with the AIDS virus and is not sick should be allowed to continue teaching Would not want to keep secret that a family member got infected with the AIDS virus Agree with at least one accepting attitude Express accepting attitudes on all four indicators 1

19 Percent of women who: Number of women who have heard of AIDS Would not care for a family member who was sick with AIDS If a family member had HIV would want to keep it a secret Believe that a female teacher with HIV should not be allowed to work Would not buy fresh vegetables from a person with HIV/AIDS Agree with at least one discriminatory statement Agree with none of the discriminatory statements* RegionEast 40,930,367,478,195,14,91380 North 53,940,278,885,998,21,81746 South 61,725,776,677,895,24,81059 West 19,747,044,266,587,412,6979 AreaRural 52,430,579,484,896,93,13206 Urban 34,344,551,268,291,18,91957 Age15-19 47,040,762,576,194,35,7777 20-24 43,834,765,277,393,96,1832 25-29 44,835,872,679,695,34,71204 30-34 44,535,769,580,994,85,2824 35-39 46,536,070,278,394,85,2822 40-44 46,331,369,277,593,96,1430 45-49 48,732,573,278,796,04,0274 Education**None 49,732,976,384,196,53,53415 Primary 46,335,367,276,995,94,1641 Secondary + 32,045,445,861,788,211,81090 wealth index quintilesPoorest 40,032,279,683,696,53,5693 Second 50,429,076,883,896,13,9846 Middle 52,230,479,884,496,63,4984 Fourth 53,335,072,579,795,34,71173 Richest 34,645,948,568,191,28,81468 Religion of Household Head*** Christian 31,838,357,570,290,99,11147 Muslim 49,435,271,980,895,84,24004 Total 45,535,868,778,594,75,35163 Table HA.5: Attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS Percentage of women aged 15-49 years who have heard of AIDS who express a discriminatory attitude towards people living with HIV/AIDS, Country X, Year Y

20 HIV/AIDS Indicator Table HA.5: Knowledge of a place for HIV testing Percentage of women age 15-49 years who know where to get an HIV test, percentage of women who have ever been tested, percentage of women who have been tested in the last 12 months, and percentage of women who have been tested and have been told the result, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Know a place to get tested 1 Have ever been tested Have been tested in the last 12 months Have been tested and have been told result 2 Number of women 9.5 Women who know where to be tested for HIV Percentage of women age 15-49 years who state knowledge of a place to be tested for HIV 9.5 Women who know where to be tested for HIV Percentage of women age 15-49 years who state knowledge of a place to be tested for HIV 9.6 Women who have been tested for HIV and know the results Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have been tested for HIV in the 12 months preceding the survey and who know their results 9.6 Women who have been tested for HIV and know the results Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have been tested for HIV in the 12 months preceding the survey and who know their results

21 Table HA.5: Knowledge of a place for HIV testing Percentage of women age 15-49 years who know where to get an HIV test, percentage of women who have ever been tested, percentage of women who have been tested in the last 12 months, and percentage of women who have been tested and have been told the result, Country X, Year Y Percentage of women who: Number of women Know a place to get tested [1] Have ever been tested Have been tested in the last 12 months Have been tested and have been told result [2] AreaUrban69.030.913.711.64448 Rural47.823.110.99.09570 Age15-1946. 20-2458.527.714.511.12502 25-2964.737.619.115.32721 30-3459.831.612.810.42219 35-3952.627.111.810.81856 40-4446.320.87.57.31561 45-4939.717.66.46.31106 Marital statusEver married/in union55.830.914.111.610939 Never married/in union 3079 Wealth index quintilesPoorest35.718.47.46.02419 Second44.322.210.58.92533 Middle50.524.711.69.42659 Fourth62.428.613.811.33040 Richest71.931.114.412.33367 Total54.525.611.89.814018 [1] MICS indicator 9.5 [2] MICS indicator 9.6

22 HIV/AIDS Indicator Table HA.6: Knowledge of a place for HIV testing among sexually active young women Percentage of women age 15-24 years who have had sex in the last 12 months, and among women who have had sex in the last 12 months, the percentage who know where to get an HIV test, percentage of women who have ever been tested, percentage of women who have been tested in the last 12 months, and percentage of women who have been tested and have been told the result, Country, Year Percentage who have had sex in the last 12 months Number of women age 15-24 years Percentage of women who: Number of women age 15-24 years who have had sex in the last 12 months Know a place to get tested Have ever been tested Have been tested in the last 12 months Have been tested and have been told result 1 9.7 Sexually active young women who have been tested for HIV and know the results Percentage of women age 15-24 years who have had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey, who have been tested for HIV in the 12 months preceding the survey and who know their results 9.7 Sexually active young women who have been tested for HIV and know the results Percentage of women age 15-24 years who have had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey, who have been tested for HIV in the 12 months preceding the survey and who know their results

23 Table HA.6: Knowledge of a place for HIV testing among sexually active young women Percentage of women age 15-24 years who have had sex in the last 12 months, and among women who have had sex in the last 12 months, the percentage who know where to get an HIV test, percentage of women who have ever been tested, percentage of women who have been tested in the last 12 months, and percentage of women who have been tested and have been told the result, Percentage who have had sex in the last 12 months Number of women age 15-24 years Percentage of women who: Number of women age 15-24 years who have had sex in the last 12 months Know a place to get tested Have ever been tested Have been tested in the last 12 months Have been tested and have been told result [1] AreaUrban32.3163575.947.722.816.8528 Rural48.3292050.629.516.412.01410 Age15-1916.4205240.420.714.510.4338 20-2463.9250261.137.418.913.91600 Marital statusEver married/in union94.7199157.635.118.413.51886 Never married/in union 2.0256353.110.38.0 51 EducationNone64.6170644.126.814.510.61103 Primary47.464362. Secondary +24.0220582.750.125.818.7530 Wealth index quintiles Poorest53.871837.422.411.48.4387 Second53.673746.725.517.013.1395 Middle51.383957.035.917.412.1430 Fourth43.7105569.641.823.516.8461 Richest21.9120782.650.321.816.6264 Total42.54555 57.534.518.213.3 1938 [1] MICS indicator 9.7

24 HIV/AIDS Indicator Table HA.7: HIV counseling and testing during antenatal care Among women age 15-49 who gave birth in the last 2 years, percentage of women who received antenatal care from a health professional during the last pregnancy, percentage who received HIV counselling, percentage who were offered and accepted an HIV test and received the results, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Number of women who gave birth in the 2 years preceding the survey Received antenatal care from a health care professional for last pregnancy Received HIV counseling during antenatal care 1 Were offered an HIV test and were tested for HIV during antenatal care Were offered an HIV test and were tested for HIV during antenatal care, and received the results 2 Received HIV counseling, were offered an HIV test, accepted and received the results 9.9 HIV testing during antenatal care Percentage of women age 15-49 years who gave birth in the 2 years preceding the survey and received antenatal care, reporting that they were offered and accepted an HIV test during antenatal care and received their results 9.9 HIV testing during antenatal care Percentage of women age 15-49 years who gave birth in the 2 years preceding the survey and received antenatal care, reporting that they were offered and accepted an HIV test during antenatal care and received their results 9.8 HIV counselling during antenatal care Percentage of women age 15-49 years who gave birth in the 2 years preceding the survey and received antenatal care, reporting that they received counselling on HIV during antenatal care 9.8 HIV counselling during antenatal care Percentage of women age 15-49 years who gave birth in the 2 years preceding the survey and received antenatal care, reporting that they received counselling on HIV during antenatal care

25 Percent of women who: Number of women who gave birth in two years preceding the survey Received antenatal care from a health professional for last pregnancy Were provided information about HIV prevention during ANC visit * Were tested for HIV at ANC visit Received results of HIV test at ANC visit ** RegionEast 85,953,74,02,8572 North 73,437,16,43,7973 South 85,532,77,65,3669 West 92,753,421,820,7164 AreaRural 79,337,34,62,71894 Urban 88,455,517,614,4483 Age15-19 85,835,76,65,3229 20-24 80,843,49,36,0497 25-29 80,042,16,84,9756 30-34 81,845,18,96,9362 35-49 80,636,64,93,1534 Education***None 79,036,94,83,11921 Primary 87,047,210,56,8231 Secondary + 94,070,324,721,3218 wealth index quintilesPoorest 71,428,31,4,8481 Second 80,533,94,22,7546 Middle 79,938,95,93,6530 Fourth 85,551,39,96,4506 Richest 92,159,519,316,2314 Religion of Household Head**** Christian 83,243,412,69,4428 Muslim 80,740,56,04,21945 Total 81,141,07,25,12377 Table HA.7: HIV testing and counseling coverage during antenatal care Percentage of women aged 15-49 years who gave birth in the two years preceding the survey who were offered HIV testing and counseling with their antenatal care, Country X, Year Y


27 Sexual Behavior Indicator Table HA.8: Sexual behavior that increases the risk of HIV infection Percentage of never-married young women age 15-24 years who have never had sex, percentage of young women age 15-24 years who have had sex before age 15, and percentage of young women age 15-24 years who had sex with a man 10 or more years older during the last 12 months, Country, Year Percentage of never-married women age 15-24 years who have never had sex 1 Number of never-married women age 15- 24 years Percentage of women age 15- 24 years who had sex before age 15 2 Number of women age 15-24 years Percentage of women age 15-24 years who had sex in the last 12 months with a man 10 or more years older 3 Number of women age 15-24 years who had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey 9.12 Age-mixing among sexual partners Percentage of women age 15- 24 years who had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey with a partner who was 10 or more years older than they were 9.12 Age-mixing among sexual partners Percentage of women age 15- 24 years who had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey with a partner who was 10 or more years older than they were 9.10 Young women who have never had sex Percentage of never married women age 15- 24 years who have never had sex 9.10 Young women who have never had sex Percentage of never married women age 15- 24 years who have never had sex 9.11 Sex before age 15 among young women Percentage of women age 15- 24 years who have had sexual intercourse before age 15 9.11 Sex before age 15 among young women Percentage of women age 15- 24 years who have had sexual intercourse before age 15

28 Percentage of women aged 15-19 who had sex before age 15 * Number of women aged 15-19 years Percentage of women aged 20-24 who had sex before age 18 Number of women aged 20-24 years Percentage who had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey with a man 10 or more years older ** Number of women who had sex in the 12 months preceding the survey RegionEast 16,326568,529339,9404 North 30,742174,943345,4570 South 29,727474,027140,2389 West 14,014658,617217,6230 AreaRural 29,770975,679746,61051 Urban 16,239760,237223,3542 Age15-19 24,81105.033,1633 20-24.070,7116942,4961 EducationNone 32,755574,680447,91010 Primary 21,024580,115335,5237 Secondary + 13,929748,320614,3342 Non-standard curriculum (*)8 5 4 wealth index quintilesPoorest 29,617777,121448,7261 Second 33,518078,222545,1287 Middle 33,319073,023443,4299 Fourth 21,624872,023540,4349 Richest 14,531155,726122,7399 Religion of Household Head Christian 23,823869,526533,5341 Muslim 25,286570,990240,11249 Other/Missing (*) 2 2 4 Total 24,8110570,7116938,71594 Table HA.8: Sexual behaviour that increases risk of HIV infection Percentage of young women aged 15-19 years who had sex before age 15, percentage of young women aged 20-24 who had sex before age 18 and percentage of young women aged 15-24 who had sex with a man 10 or more years older, Country X, Year Y

29 Sexual Behavior Indicator Table HA.9: Sex with multiple partners Percentage of women age 15-49 years who ever had sex, percentage who had sex in the last 12 months, percentage who have had sex with more than one partner in the last 12 months and among those who had sex with multiple partners, the percentage who used a condom at last sex, Country, Year Percentage of women who: Percent of women age 15-49 years who had more than one sexual partner in the last 12 months, who also reported that a condom was used the last time they had sex 2 Number of women age 15-49 years who had more than one sexual partner in the last 12 months Ever had sex Had sex in the last 12 months Had sex with more than one partner in last 12 months 1 Number of women age 15-49 years 9.14 Condom use during sex with multiple partners Percentage of women age 15-49 years who report having had more than one sexual partner in the 12 months preceding the survey who also reported that a condom was used the last time they had sex 9.14 Condom use during sex with multiple partners Percentage of women age 15-49 years who report having had more than one sexual partner in the 12 months preceding the survey who also reported that a condom was used the last time they had sex 9.13 Sex with multiple partners Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey 9.13 Sex with multiple partners Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey

30 Sexual Behavior Indicator Table HA.11: Sex with non-regular partners Percentage of women age 15-24 years who ever had sex, percentage who had sex in the last 12 months, percentage who have had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months and among those who had sex with a non-marital, non- cohabiting partner, the percentage who used a condom the last time they had sex with such a partner, Country, Year Percentage of women 15-24 who: Number of women age 15-24 years Percentage who had sex with a non-marital, non- cohabiting partner in the last 12 months 1 Number of women age 15-24 years who had sex in the last 12 months Percentage of women age 15-24 years who had sex with a non- marital, non-cohabiting partner in the last 12 months, who also reported that a condom was used the last time they had sex with such a partner 2 Number of women age 15-24 years who had sex in last 12 months with a non-marital, non- cohabiting partner Ever had sex Had sex in the last 12 months 9.16 Condom use with non-regular partners MDG 6.2 Percentage of women age 15-24 years reporting the use of a condom during sexual intercourse with their last non-marital, non-cohabiting sex partner in the 12 months preceding the survey 9.16 Condom use with non-regular partners MDG 6.2 Percentage of women age 15-24 years reporting the use of a condom during sexual intercourse with their last non-marital, non-cohabiting sex partner in the 12 months preceding the survey 9.15 Sex with non-regular partners Percentage of sexually active women age 15-24 years who have had sex with a non- marital, non-cohabitating partner in the 12 months preceding the survey 9.15 Sex with non-regular partners Percentage of sexually active women age 15-24 years who have had sex with a non- marital, non-cohabitating partner in the 12 months preceding the survey

31 Ever had sex Had sex in the last 12 months Had sex with more than one partner in the last 12 months Number of women aged 15- 24 Percent who had sex with non- marital, non- cohabiting partner * Number of women aged 15-24 years who had sex in last 12 months Percent who used a condom at last sex with a non- marital, non- cohabiting partner ** Number of women aged 15-24 years who had sex in last 12 months with a non- marital, non- cohabiting partner RegionEast 76,972,53,955838,540411,2156 North 77,166,83,085435,557020,8203 South 82,571,33,254541,138918,1160 West 78,172,54,831872,123030,6166 AreaRural 79,569,82,7150631,2105116,4328 Urban 76,770,65,176865,754224,0356 Age15-19 63,257,33,4110555,263320,4349 20-24 93,082,23,6116934,896120,4335 EducationNone 84,474,33,1135927,3101016,3275 Primary 67,559,53,539849,323713,7117 Secondary + 72,067,94,850484,634227,1289 Non-standard curriculum (*) 13(*)4 2 wealth index quintiles Poorest 77,566,81,839031,826113,583 Second 81,270,82,340527,528717,679 Middle 80,370,33,742533,329916,2100 Fourth 80,272,44,248342,434915,3148 Richest 74,669,64,857268,939927,5275 Religion of Household Head Christian 75,067,74,150355,434127,0189 Muslim 79,570,73,4176739,6124917,9494 Other/Missing (*) 4 4 1 Total 78,570,13,5227542,9159420,4684 Table HA.9: Condom use at last high-risk sex Percentage of young women aged 15-24 who had high risk sex in the previous year and who used a condom at last high risk sex, Country X, Year Y

32 Orphanhood Indicator Table HA.12: Children's living arrangements and orphanhood Percent distribution of children age 0-17 years according to living arrangements, percentage of children age 0-17 years in households not living with a biological parent and percentage of children who have one or both parents dead, Country, Year Living with both parents Living with neither parent Living with mother only Living with father only Impos sible to determ ineTotal Not living with a biologica l parent 1 One or both parents dead 2 Number of children age 0-17 years Only father alive Only mother alive Both are alive Both are dead Father alive Father dead Mother alive Mother dead 9.17 Children’s living arrangements Percentage of children age 0-17 years not living with a biological parent 9.17 Children’s living arrangements Percentage of children age 0-17 years not living with a biological parent 9.18 Prevalence of children with at least one parent dead Percentage of children age 0-17 years with one or both parents dead 9.18 Prevalence of children with at least one parent dead Percentage of children age 0-17 years with one or both parents dead

33 Living with neither parent Living with mother only Living with father only Total Not living with a biologi cal parent [1] One or both parents dead [2] Number of children age 0- 17 years Living with both parents Only father alive Only mothe r alive Both are alive Both are dead Father alive Father dead Mothe r alive Mothe r dead Impos sible to deter mine Sex Male Female Region x x x x x x x AreaMunicipality VDC Age0-4 years 5-9 years 77.3.2 10-14 years 15-17 years Wealth index quintiles Poorest Second Middle Fourth 76.9.2 Richest Total Table HA.12: Children's living arrangements and orphanhood Percent distribution of children age 0-17 years according to living arrangements, percentage of children age 0-17 years in households not living with a biological parent and percentage of children who have one or both parents dead [1] MICS indicator 9.17; [2] MICS indicator 9.18

34 Orphanhood Indicator Table HA.13: School attendance of orphans and non-orphans School attendance of children age 10-14 years by orphanhood, Country, Year Percentage of children whose mother and father have died (orphans) Percentage of children of whom both parents are alive and child is living with at least one parent (non-orphans) Number of children age 10-14 years Percentage of children who are orphans and are attending school 1 Total number of orphan children age 10-14 years Percentage of children who are non- orphans and are attending school 2 Total number of non-orphan children age 10-14 years Orphans to non- orphans school attendance ratio 9.20 School attendance of non- orphans MDG 6.4 Percentage of children age 10-14 years, whose parents are alive, who are living with at least one parent, and who are attending school 9.20 School attendance of non- orphans MDG 6.4 Percentage of children age 10-14 years, whose parents are alive, who are living with at least one parent, and who are attending school 9.19 School attendance of orphans MDG 6.4 Percentage of children age 10-14 years who have lost both parents and are attending school 9.19 School attendance of orphans MDG 6.4 Percentage of children age 10-14 years who have lost both parents and are attending school

35 Percentage of children whose mother and father have died (orphans) Percentage of children of whom both parents are alive and child is living with at least one parent (non- orphans) Number of children age 10-14 years Percentage of children who are orphans and are attending school [1] Total number of orphan children age 10- 14 years Percentage of children who are non-orphans and are attending school [2] Total number of non- orphan children age 10- 14 years Orphans to non- orphans school attendan ce ratio SexMale.190.52141100.0296.519381.04 Female.289.5232674.3594.92081.78 AreaMunicipality.487.5440100.0297.33851.03 VDC.190.2402872.5595.53634.76 Total.289.9446880.2795.74019.84 Table HA.13: School attendance of orphans and non-orphans School attendance of children age 10-14 years by orphanhood

36 Some ideas for further analyses Association between use of ANC services and knowledge about HIV/AIDS Determinants of sexual behavior among adolescents Level of access to ANC services by pregnant women (PMTCT)

37 THANK YOU! 37

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