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Opticon JRA5: Smart Focal Planes Colin Cunningham UK ATC, Edinburgh 11th November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Opticon JRA5: Smart Focal Planes Colin Cunningham UK ATC, Edinburgh 11th November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opticon JRA5: Smart Focal Planes Colin Cunningham UK ATC, Edinburgh 11th November 2008

2 2 OPTICON Smart Focal Planes Consortium Partners: –UK ATC, Univs Durham & Cambridge (UK) –LAM, CRAL (France) –IAC (Spain) –TNO/TPD, ASTRON (Netherlands), –CSEM (Switzerland) –INAF-Padova (Italy) –Univ Bremen (Germany) –Reflex s r o (Czech Republic) –Anglo Australian Observatory (UK/Australia)

3 3 Objectives Evaluate, develop and prototype of technologies for Smart Focal Planes Build up and strengthen a network of expertise in Europe, and encourage mobility between partners Engage European Industry in the development of technologies which can be batch produced to enable future complex instruments to be built economically Enable these technologies to be developed to the stage where they can be considered for the next generation of telescopes

4 4 Survey of Smart Focal Plane technologies

5 5 Science Motivation: Multi IFU Spectroscopy Prominent Science Cases 1. First light – the highest-redshift galaxies 2. Physics of high- redshift galaxies Secondary Science Cases 1. Resolved Stellar populations 2. Initial Mass Function in stellar clusters

6 6 Multi-Slit Spectroscopy Multi-slit spectroscopy in the NIR provides an alternative, which may be better fitted to some science cases MOSFIRE on Keck > TMT instrument Image courtesy Ian McLean (UCLA)

7 7 Methodology Start with Instrument concepts to define technology requirements – SmartMOS & SmartMOMSI Develop and prototype technology Feed lessons back into iterations of instrument concepts Feed this into ELT instrument Design Studies and Phase A studies –Very successful > EAGLE, SMOS, OPTIMOS consortia

8 8 Phase B WP6: Prototype Technologies: Design: Build and test prototype devices and subsystems. Complete WP7: Verify Technology: Design, build, and test laboratory test equipment, and evaluate the new technology prototype devices in test equipment. Demonstrate manufacturability of chosen technology. Complete WP8: Feasibility studies: Continue studies of feasibility of technologies with medium to long-term availability and potential high performance Yes – MOEMS devices & Micro robots

9 Technology Highlights since Corfu Meeting

10 10 TipTilt Focus cryogenic unit NOVA-ASTRON: Johan Pragt & Lars Venema Aimed at focal plane alignment at temp. down to 70K Based on Industrial (low-cost) piezo motor

11 11 Piezo characterisation at low temperature Several motors tested Piezo material characterised till 77K (dielectric strenght, voltage - expansion) Piezoleg of piezomotor tested till 100K –Modified electronics –Motor speed and force at low temperatures equals room temperature

12 12 Design of prototype Mechanical design Mechanical calculations Specifications based on Xshooter nIR detector Moving mass 1 kg Speed: 0.5 mm/sec Focus (along z axis) total stroke: ± 0.6 mm, res.:2.5 µm Tip/Tilt stroke: ± 1.2 mrad, resolution: 0.1 mrad Self braking system Earth quake resistant to 4 g without damage First natural frequency > 60 Hz All gravity directions Environment: 293 K, 105 K vacuum, 77 K vacuum

13 13 Working prototype Low-cost Industrial piezo motor, modified and tested for cryogenic use Design of a small TipTiltFocus unit for Hawaii 2RG detector, suitable as building block for optical components Build of a full working unit Publication and demonstrated working unit at SPIE Marseille 2008

14 14 Micromirror Array: Frederic Zamkotsian, LAM with IMT & Université de Neuchatel Array micromirrors Freely configurable Millisecond response time Fully functional at 100K Flatness < 50nm PTV micromirror array 5x5 mirrors Size: 100x200 µm

15 15 Double-Stopping Operation Concept stopper electrodes spacer flexure mirrorframe Wilfried Noell, IMT

16 16 actuation V > 85V Double-Stopping Operation Concept

17 17 1 st point of contact  new pivot point actuation V > 85V Double-Stopping Operation Concept

18 18 2 nd point of contact 1 st point of contact  new pivot point Double-Stopping Operation Concept actuation V > 85V

19 19 2 nd point of contact 1 st point of contact  new pivot point holding V < 80V Mirror is fixed in place within 1 arcmin Double-Stopping Operation Concept

20 20 Tilt accuracy < 1 arcmin  Long slit mode Multi-Object Spectroscopy: bench demonstration  Large field illumination (2 rows ON, the others OFF) Two objects in the FOV Right object selected Left object selected  Object selection F. Zamkotsian, LAM Programmable slits in Europe (2/3)

21 21  Specific cryo test chamber developed, compatible with the interferometric bench  Vacuum 10 -6 mbar, Temperature, below 100K 92K - 0V92K - 90V 300 K: 35 nm PtV 92 K: 50 nm PtV Programmable slits in Europe (3/3) F. Zamkotsian, LAM Gold coated micro- mirrors

22 22 Programmable Mirror Arrays: future Application in E-ELT OPTIMOS & ESA EUCLID dark energy mission –If TRL can be enhanced Developments under way: –Feasibility of large arrays: 20,000 mirrors; early 2009 –Demonstration of addressing all mirrors in large arrays: early 2009 –Operation of these arrays: late 2009

23 23 Beam positioning for Multi IFU Spectroscopy: EAGLE VLT  ELT KMOS  EAGLE Arms  ??

24 24 42 channels each with a deformable mirror & 6 plane mirrors output to 3D spectrometer EAGLE Target Acquisition System


26 26 SolutionsPick-and-place or wireless robot OptionsRobotic arm, Mitsubishi RH-12SH535, or - Custom designed robotic arm - Custom Star picker - Snake arm, OC Robotics - Wireless robots, UKATC in-house project Problems for EAGLENot enough space due to back-focal distance issue Mitsubishi RH-12SH535. Gripper reach - 278 to 850mm Repeatability - +/-25  m Star picker Gripper reach - 450Ømm Repeatability - +/-2  m Placement of POMs and Intermediate Field Mirrors (IFMs)

27 27 Wireless robots Range – TBC Accuracy – 3 to 10  m expected Conclusions – More investigation to find ‘of the shelf’ robot to include consultation with manufacturers for specific gripper design requirements - But space restrictions for EAGLE may restrict use of commercial robots Further investigation into wireless solution as the technology develops – PhD project started Snake Arm Robotics Gripper reach – design dependant Repeatability - 5  m difficult but consultation required Placement of POMs and IFMs

28 Micro Autonomous Positioning System (MAPS) Hermine Schnetler (UK ATC) & William Taylor (Univ Edinburgh PhD student)

29 29 Tank POM Models

30 30 Starbugs Work well! All orientations Cryogenic Non-planar ‘focal plane’ But EAGLE does not have these requirements, as SmartMOMSI for OWL did!

31 31 Why develop MAPS? Is there another way? Yes - a pick and place module –(STARPICKER) But… MAPS would give us: Lower configuration times. Potentially very small POM-footprint. Associated sub systems would require less space. At the moment the technical readiness of the whole system is low but the readiness of the component systems is higher

32 32 Requirements: x-y drive Accuracy: ±10 μ m Speed: 10mms -1 Ability to rotate about z axis Possible drive mechanism: Micro brushless d.c. motors. High speeds, but high power? Piezoelectric actuators used to form inch worm. High precision and low power, but low speed? We have completed a Master’s project thesis from Heriot Watt Robotics department, analysing drive options & friction/torque trade-offs May need to separate the problem: use x-y drive and then a piezoelectric rotator stage for angular alignment. Driving Mechanism

33 33 Telemetry and control Are the robots and their mirrors where we want them to be? –Focal plane will be imaged. Form a closed-loop positioning system. –Use LEDs to identify position and distinguish robots. –Tests have shown satisfactory precision can easily be achieved. Interface with the robot via a Zigbee wireless link. –Only send commands to robots.

34 34 Build a proof of concept prototype utilising existing technologies. Building a simple chassis to hold motors circuitry and a simple battery. PIC microcontroller with pre-programmed patterns. Set up telemetry system using LEDs and camera as before. Show how accurate can the x-y drive be with standard dc motors Aim to complete this year with rapid prototyping & subcontract electronics Phase 1 in OPTICON

35 35 PIC Controller & motors

36 36 Active Beam Steering Mirror: Astigmatism compensation F. Madec, E. Hugot, E. Prieto, M. Ferrari, P. Vola, J.-L. Gimenez, J.-G. Cuby, LAM

37 37 Active BSM - Concept Specific profiles Central fixed clamp Four active points Diameter200mm Curvature radii1800 ± 50mm Surface quality /4 RMS Surface quality on 10mm zone /10 RMS MaterialStainless steel Astigmatism compensation Focus compensation

38 38 Active BSM Demonstration at SPIE 2008 - Marseille © CNRS Photothèque / PERRIN Emmanuel

39 39 Active BSM – WF analysis Astigmatism 200µm PTV Focus 5µm PTV Residual aberrations due to the partial polishing –Spherical aberration –Astigmatism Final polishing in progress Astigmatism variation from 200µm PTV in one direction to 200µm PTV in the other direction

40 40 OPTICON SFP achievements 2 ELT Instruments in E-ELT Phase A studies based on our Smart Focal Plane Technologies MOSFIRE instrument for Keck using European Slit mechanism from CSEM Potential application for MOEMS mirrors in ESA Euclid Dark Energy Mission Working prototypes: –Starpicker –Starbugs –Phase 1 MAPS Robot soon! –Deformable Beam Steering Mirrors –MOEMS mirrors –Replicated image slicers Reports on enabling technologies: actuators, positions sensing, slit mechanisms, internal metrology

41 41 Last Board Meeting: Planned work to completion WP 3.2 Cryomechanisms –Tip-Tilt Focal Plane ASTRON WP 5.0 Management and Systems Engineering – UK ATC / IAC WP 6.2 Pick-off Prototype – Gripper Cold Tests – CSEM/UK ATC WP 6.2 Pick-off Prototype – Star-Picker Cold Tests –UK ATC WP 6.3 Beam manipulator prototype - active optics – LAM WP 6.4 MOEMS mirror array prototype – LAM/CSEM WP6.5 Integration of Star-Picker and Cryo-Mirrors in Smart Focal Plane Demonstrator New: WP6.6 Evaluation of cooled and cryogenic mirrors for SFP based NIR & MIR instruments with AO built-in - Coordinated by TNO-TPD, Delft, Partners: Astron, Leiden, UK ATC (& Paisley Univ)

42 42 Achievements & changes in last year WP 3.2 Cryomechanisms –Tip-Tilt Focal Plane ASTRON - Complete WP 5.0 Management and Systems Engineering – UK ATC / IAC - Ongoing WP 6.2 Pick-off Prototype – Gripper Cold Tests – CSEM/UK ATC – Gripper broken during tests: not worth repair due to EAGLE requirements changing WP 6.2 Pick-off Prototype – Star-Picker Cold Tests –UK ATC – not worth proceeding due to EAGLE requirements changing WP 6.3 Beam manipulator prototype - active optics – LAM - Complete WP 6.4 MOEMS mirror array prototype – LAM/CSEM - Complete WP6.5 Integration of Star-Picker and Cryo-Mirrors in Smart Focal Plane Demonstrator -not worth proceeding due to EAGLE requirements changing New WP: Evaluation of cooled and cryogenic mirrors for SFP based NIR & MIR instruments with AO built-in – TNO + others – delayed, but report expected by end of 2008 New WP: Micro robotic pick-off mirrors: UK ATC – Good progress

43 43 Overall Objectives Met? Evaluate, develop and prototype of technologies for Smart Focal Planes - YES Build up and strengthen a network of expertise in Europe, and encourage mobility between partners – YES Engage European Industry in the development of technologies which can be batch produced to enable future complex instruments to be built economically – Partial – image slicers Enable these technologies to be developed to the stage where they can be considered for the next generation of telescopes - YES

44 44 Cost Summary Spend to end 2008 (EU only) –Budget: €1,968,000 –Total Spend: €1,867,137 –Very little left for final year: €100,863 Budget for 2009 –UK ATC Micro robots and Commercial Robots study €70k –ASTRON Piezo Focal Plane Mechanism Completion €30k We expect to spend these amounts

45 45 Smart Instrument Technologies Proposal for FP7: Summary Smart Focal Plane Technology developments are now being carried forward into ELT instrument Phase A programme for EAGLE and possibly OPTIMOS Proposal for FP7 addresses 2 further questions: –How to build lower mass, active instruments to meet flexure requirements of wide-field or high resolution cryogenic instruments? Note that mass/volume constraints for EAGLE & HARMONI result in density 30% for current instruments –Are there science and operational gains from expanding the Smart Focal Plane concept into a Smart Instrument Suite where several different instruments a fed from a wide field pick off system, and if so what technologies need development?

46 46 Objectives in FP7 Provide instrument builders with a suite of building blocks that will enable a paradigm shift in the way the ground-based astronomical community builds optical and infrared instruments. Smart technologies and devices will be developed so that European astronomical instrument builders can meet the demands made by the science community for –wider fields-of-view, –higher spectral and spatial resolutions, –wider bandwidths and –simultaneous spectroscopy of multiple objects while fitting within demanding size-footprints, mass budgets and engineering tolerances.

47 47 E-ELT Instrument Platform 9 focal stations –2 gravity invariant –1 Coudé How will we deal with the other 6? And outside Europe: all the GMT focal stations?

48 48 Example of closed loop compensation: X-shooter for VLT Requirements: –Stability of 0.08 asec (goal 0.04) Challenge –3 arm UVB/Vis/NIR (300-2400 nm) spectrograph at Cass

49 49 Solution: Active Flexure Compensation 2 tip-tilt piezo mirrors align 3 slits using pinhole illuminators Correct after slew or every hour Rasmussen et al, SPIE 2008

50 50 Reducing size and mass will help reduce flexure How? –Lightweight and stiff structural materials –Ultra lightweight metal optics ASTRON example –Integrated Optics devices Astrophotonics –More compact optical designs

51 51 Reduce flexure with more compact instruments New instrument optics? Flexure Extreme aspheres can produce more compact instruments Less flexure as linear dimensions are less - goes as L 2

52 52 Smart Technologies Toolkit Active Focal Planes – motor or piezo drives Active Structures Active mirrors Built-in metrology Highly Aspheric Mirrors New materials and corresponding characterisation data Integrated Modelling Tools Micro spectrometers – see Jeremy Allington-Smith Astrophotonics

53 53 Plan Develop a novel instrument architecture –drive the requirements of these Smart Instrument building blocks and then use this to model operational and observing efficiency in the context of a practical instrument Develop Smart Instrument Technologies –active mirrors, –micro-actuation –metrology devices. In addition, the drive for wider fields-of-view pushes us towards large and heavy instruments, exacerbating the flexure problems, so we will develop –smart structures and –highly aspheric mirrors to enable more compact and lighter instruments.

54 54 Work package 5.1: Technical Management and System Analysis A Smart Instrument architecture concept will be developed based on an existing telescope such as the VLT instrument suite –Concept drawn up through a joint team workshop, then developed by the lead team at the UK ATC The instrument concept will be evaluated against existing instruments to assess the improvements in terms of performance, mass, volume and cost This concept will then be used to determine the requirements for the technology to be developed

55 55 Work package 5.2: Optical Components with Extreme Aspheric Surfaces LAM will develop the concept of a highly compact optical design that makes use of extreme aspheric surface optical components –Develop a plug-in design tool that can be used in conjunction with existing optical analysis software such as Zemax to design, optimise and analyse the performance of extreme aspheric surface optical components. –Develop and evaluate the manufacturing processes (including stress polishing) required to manufacture these extreme aspheric optical surfaces –Design and manufacture an optical component demonstrator with extreme aspheric surfaces (in the context of an astronomical instrument for wide field spectroscopy) –Devise methods to differentiate between low and mid/high order deformations, e.g. combining passive low/mid order deformations and high order active deformations –Laboratory characterisation of the extreme surface optical component. –Define the optical requirements of the demonstrator’s extreme surface optical components

56 56 Work package 5.3: Smart Micro Actuation Devices and Cryogenic Structures Investigate the combination of piezo actuators, miniature motors and miniature optical devices to produce a number of SIT building blocks that can be used in, for example: a moderate speed, low density wavefront compensator to correct for instrument deformation, and thus actively control the stiffness of a structure over a large dynamic range. These devices can also be used to position optical components accurately to replace heavy and large structures with dynamic equivalents. Evaluation and test of actuation, encoding, measurement and control devices at cryogenic temperatures, down to 20K Evaluate optical and dimensional metrology systems used in the growing application of Smart Structures in the aerospace, defence and civil engineering industries –optical sensors (including CCD/CMOS cameras and interferometers) –strain gauges (including fibre devices) –inclinometers. Investigate the application of cryogenically cooled extension sensing actuators to maintain open loop nanometre position accuracy for instrumentation applications Investigation of bonding of piezo-devices to Zerodur and silicon carbide using silicate bonding.

57 57 Cost

58 58 Key Outcomes Smart Instrument Architecture(T0+6) Smart Technology Device Specifications(T0+12) Zemax plug-in software module for extreme aspheric surfaces (T0+12) Extreme aspheric mirror demonstrator analysis and design report, including a description of the manufacturing processes (T0+24) Prototype active focal plane system building block(T0+24) Extreme aspheric mirror prototype demonstrator(T0+36) Piezo array bonded to optical structures(T0+36) Cryogenic smart structures design and manufacturing report (T0+40)

59 59 How Smart Instrument Technologies will make an impact Will provide engineering solutions to the problems of mass, size and stability to which Jeremy Allington- Smith alluded by: –New design tools for compact aspherics –New devices for active control of surfaces and optical components within instruments –Providing medium-term solutions to these problems, which may ultimately be solved by photonic instruments

60 Additional Slides

61 61 Dissemination of results: publications Proc. SPIE 5382 (2004) Smart focal plane technologies for ELT instruments Colin R. Cunningham, Suzanne K. Ramsay-Howat, Francisco Garzon, Ian R. Parry, Eric Prieto, David J. Robertson, and Frederic Zamkotsian Proc. SPIE 5904 (2005) Progress on smart focal plane technologies for extremely large telescopes Colin Cunningham, Eli Atad, Jeremy Bailey, Fabio Bortoletto, Francisco Garzon, Peter Hastings, Roger Haynes, Callum Norrie, Ian Parry, Eric Prieto, Suzanne R.Howat, Juergen Schmoll, Lorenzo Zago, and Frederic Zamkotsian Proc. SPIE 6273 (2006 ) A scalable pick-off technology for multi-object instruments Peter Hastings; Suzanne Ramsay Howat; Peter Spanoudakis; Raymond van den Brink; Callum Norrie; David Clarke; K. Laidlaw; S. McLay; Johan Pragt; Hermine Schnetler; L. Zago SMART-MOS: a NIR imager-MOS for the ELT Francisco Garzón; Eli Atad-Ettedgui; Peter Hammersley; David Henry; Callum Norrie; Pablo Redondo; Frederic Zamkotsian New beam steering mirror concept and metrology system for multi-IFU Fabrice Madec; Eric Prieto; Pierre-Eric Blanc; Emmanuel Hugot; Sébastien Vivès; Marc Ferrari; Jean-Gabriel Cuby Deployable payloads with Starbug Andrew McGrath; Roger Haynes It's alive! Performance and control of prototype Starbug actuators Roger Haynes; Andrew McGrath; Jurek Brzeski; David Correll; Gabriella Frost; Peter Gillingham; Stan Miziarski; Rolf Muller; Scott Smedley Micro-mirror array for multi-object spectroscopy Frederic Zamkotsian; Severin Waldis; Wilfried Noell; Kacem ElHadi; Patrick Lanzoni; Nico de Rooij Proc. SPIE 6466 (2007) Uniform tilt-angle micromirror array for multi-object spectroscopy Severin Waldis; Pierre-Andre Clerc; Frederic Zamkotsian; Michael Zickar; Wilfried Noell; Nico de Rooij Proc SPIE 2008 EAGLE: an MOAO fed multi-IFU in the NIR on the E-ELT Jean-Gabriel Cuby, Simon Morris et al Jean-Gabriel CubySimon Morris CIMTECH 2008

62 62 Configurable slit-mask unit of the multi-object spectrometer for infra-red exploration for the Keck telescope: integration and tests Peter Spanoudakis, Laurent Giriens, Simon Henein, Leszek Lisowski, Aidan O'Hare, Emmanuel Onillon, Philippe Schwab, and Patrick Theurillat Peter SpanoudakisLaurent GiriensSimon HeneinLeszek LisowskiAidan O'Hare Emmanuel OnillonPhilippe SchwabPatrick Theurillat Smart instrument technologies to meet extreme instrument stability requirements Colin Cunningham, Peter Hastings, Florian Kerber, David Montgomery, Lars Venema, and Pascal Vola Colin CunninghamPeter HastingsFlorian KerberDavid MontgomeryLars Venema Pascal Vo Micromirror array for multiobject spectroscopy in ground-based and space telescopes Severin Waldis, Frederic Zamkotsian, Patrick Lanzoni, Wilfried Noell, and Nico de Rooij Severin WaldisFrederic ZamkotsianPatrick LanzoniWilfried NoellNico de Rooij Piezo-driven adjustment of a cryogenic detector Johan H. Pragt, Raymond van den Brink, Gabby Kroes, Niels Tromp, and Jean-Baptiste OchsPiezo-driven adjustment of a cryogenic detector Johan H. PragtRaymond van den BrinkGabby KroesNiels TrompJean-Baptiste Ochs CIMTEC 2008 (invited) Paper 7018-94, F. Madec & al, SPIE 2008 Paper 7018-173 Hugot & al, SPIE2008

63 63 Light & stiff Structural Materials Optical bench or box and reflective optics can be made from one material –Aluminium –SiC –CSiC –New alloys – aluminium/beryllium ? But they need low-thermal conductivity structural supports at cryogenic temperatures –Composites CFRP G10 glass fibre –Plastics Vespel Tensioned Kevlar Results in differential contraction issues Yesterday we saw an idea from Oliver Saw at JPL for a zero CTE truss using an actuator and range gating (sub nanometre) sensor combination UK ATC: SCUBA-2

64 64 Image Slicers daughter mother mandrel Invented by Ira Bowen in 1938, but only now coming into use as optical fabrication techniques make it possible Now possible to replicate using electroforming For visible light: Sub 10nm rms surfaces needed – still only possible with glass slicers Economic study shows cross-over at about 30 slicers

65 65

66 66 Detailed Project Plan(T0+2) Smart Instrument Architecture(T0+6) Smart Technology Device Specifications (T0+12) Zemax plug-in software module for extreme aspheric surfaces - analysis and design report (T0+12) Zemax plug-in software module for extreme aspheric surfaces (T0+12) Extreme aspheric mirror demonstrator analysis and design report, including a description of the manufacturing processes (T0+24) Extreme aspheric mirror prototype demonstrator (T0+36) Extreme aspheric mirror demonstrator Test Report (T0+40) Piezo and Metrology evaluation report (T0+18) Prototype active focal plane system building block (T0+24) Piezo array bonded to optical structures (T0+36) Rotation unit with extreme dynamic range (T0+36) Cryogenic smart structures design and manufacturing report (T0+40) MILESTONES

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