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Par Mariam MAHFOUZ
Planning Part I A - Introduction to the RSM method
B - Techniques of the RSM method C - Terminology D - A review of the method of least squares Part II A - Procedure to determine optimum conditions – Steps of the RSM method B – Illustration of the method against an example
Part I
A – Introduction to the RSM method
The experimenter frequently faces the task of exploring the relationship between some response y and a number of predictor variables x = (x1, x2, … , xk)’. Various degrees of knowledge or ignorance may exist about the nature of such relationships. Most exploratory-type investigations are set up with a twofold purpose: To determine and quantify the relationship between the values of one or more measurable response variable(s) and the sittings of a group of experimental factors presumed to affect the response(s) and To find the sittings of experimental factors that produce the best value or best set of values of the response (s).
Example The following is an example of seeking an optimal value of the response in drug manufacturing. Combinations of two drugs, each known to reduce blood pressure in humans, are to be studied. A series of clinical trials involving 100 high blood pressure patients is set up, and each patient is given some predetermined combination of the two drugs. The purpose of administering the different combinations of the drugs to the individuals is to find the specific combination that results the greatest reduction in the patient’s blood pressure reading within some specified interval of time.
B - Techniques of the Response surface methodology (RSM)
Setting up a series of experiments (designing a set of experiments) that will yield adequate and reliable measurements of the response of interest, Determining a mathematical model that best fits the data collected from the design chosen in (1), by conducting appropriate tests of hypotheses concerning the model’s parameters, and Determining the optimal settings of the experimental factors that produce the optimum (maximum, minimum or close to a specific value) value of the response.
C – Terminology Factors Response The response function
The polynomial representation of a response surface The predicted response function The response surface Contour representation of a response surface The operability region and the experimental region
Factors Factors are processing conditions or input variables whose values or settings can be controlled by experimenter. Factors in a regression analysis can be qualitative or quantitative. The specific factors whose levels are to be studied in detail in this course are those that are quantitative in nature, and their levels are assumed to be fixed or controlled by the experimenter. Factors and their levels will be denoted by X1, X2,…,Xk respectively.
Response The response variable is the measured quantity whose value is assumed to be affected by changing the levels of the factors. The true value of the response is denoted by . However, because experimental error is present in all experiments involving measurements, the response value that is actually observed measured for any particular combination of the factor levels differs from . This difference from the true value is written as Y = + , where Y represents the observed value of the response and denotes experimental error.
Factors or input variables Response or output variable
Response function When we say that the value of the true response depends upon the levels X1, X2,…,Xk of k quantitative factors, we are saying that there exists some function of theses levels, = (X1, X2,…,Xk). The function is called the true response function (unknown), and is assumed to be a continuous , smooth function of the Xi.
The polynomial representation of a response surface
Let us consider the response function = (X1) for a 1313single factor. If is a continuous, smooth function, then it is possible to represent it locally to any required degree of approximation with a Taylor series expansion about some arbitrary point X1,0: where are respectively, the first, second, … derivatives of (X1) with respect to X1 .
The expansion (1) reduces to a polynomial of the form:
where the coefficients 0, 1, 11 … are parameters which depend on X1,0 and the derivatives of (X1) at X1,0. First order model with one factor: Second order model with one factor: The second order model with two factors is in the form (equation 1): And so on …
Predicted response function
The structural form of is usually unknown and therefore an approximating form is sought using a polynomial or some other type of empirical model equation. The steps, taken in obtaining the approximating model, are as follows: First, an assumed form of model equation in the k input variables is proposed. Then, associated with the proposed model, some number of combinations of the levels X1, X2, …, Xk of the k factors are selected for use as the design. At each factor level combination chosen, one or more observations are collected.
The observations are used to obtain estimates of the parameters in the proposed model as well as to obtain an estimate of the experimental error variance. Tests are then performed on the magnitudes of the coefficient estimates as well as on the model form itself, and, if the model is considered to be satisfactory, it can be used as a prediction equation. Let us assume the true response function is represented by equation 1. Estimates of the parameters 0, 1, … are obtained using the method of least squares. If these estimates, denoted by b0, b1, … respectively, are used instead of the unknown parameters 0, 1, …, we obtain the prediction equation: where , called “Y hat”, denotes the predicted response value for given values of X1 and X2. .
The response surface With k factors, the response surface is a subset of (k+1)-dimensional Euclidean space, and have as equation: where xi, i=1, …, k, are called coded variables.
Contour representation of a response surface
A technique used to help visualize the shape of a three-dimensional response surface (case of two factors), is to plot the contours of the response surface. In a contour plot, lines or curves of constant response values are drawn on a graph or plane whose coordinate axes represent the coded levels x1 and x2 of the factors. The lines (or curves) are known as contours of the surface. Each contour represents a specific value for the height of the surface (i.e., a specific value of ) above the plane defined for combinations of the levels of the factors.
Geometrically, each contour is a projection onto the x1x2 plane of a cross-section of the response surface made by a plane, parallel to the x1x2 plane, cutting through the surface.
The plotting of different surface height values enables one to focus attention on the levels of the factors at which the changes occur in the surface shape. Contour plotting is not limited to three dimensional surfaces. The geometrical representation for two and three factors enables the general situation for k > 3 factors to be more readily understood, although they cannot be visualized geometrically.
Operability and experimental regions
Let us call the region in the factor space in which the experiments can actually be performed the operability region O. For some applications the experimenter may wish to explore the whole region O, but this is usually rare. Instead, a particular group of experiments is set up to explore only a limited region of interest, R, which is entirely contained within the operability region O. The region is called experimental region.
In most experimental programs, the design points are positioned inside or on the boundary of the region R. Typically R is defined as, a cubical region, or as a spherical region.
D – A review of the method of least squares
The polynomial representation of a response surface D – A review of the method of least squares Let us assume provisionally that N observations of the response are expressible by means of the first-order model in k variables: Yu denotes the observed response for the uth trial, Xui represents the level of factor i at the uth trial, 0 and i are unknown parameters, u represents the random error in Yu and N is the number of observations (experiences).
Assumptions made about the errors are:
Random errors u have zero mean and common variance 2. For tests of significance (T- and F_statistics), and confidence interval estimation procedures, an additional assumption must be satisfied: Random errors u are normally distributed.
Parameter estimates and properties
The method of least squares selects as estimates for the unknown parameters in Eq. (1), those values, b0, b1,…, bk respectively, which minimize the quantity: Over N observations, the first-order model in Eq. (1) can be expressed, in matrix notation, as: Y=X + , where:
The parameter estimates b0, b1,…, bk which minimize R(0, 1, …, k) are the solutions to the (k+1) normal equations, which can be expressed, in matrix notation, as: X’ X b = X’ Y, where X’ is the transpose of the matrix X, and b=(b0, b1,…, bk)’. The matrix X is assumed to be of full column rank. Then: b=(X’X)-1 X’ Y, where (X’X)-1 is the inverse of X’ X. If the used model is correct, b is an unbiased estimator of . The variance-covariance matrix of the vector of estimates, b, is: Var(b) = 2(X’ X)-1.
It is easy to show that the least squares estimator, b, produces minimum variance estimates of the elements of in the class of all linear unbiased estimators of . As stated by the Gauss-Markov theorem, b is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of .
Predicted response values
Let denote a 1x p vector whose elements correspond to the elements of a row of the matrix X (p>k). The expression for the predicted value of the response, at point in the experimental region is: Hereafter we shall use the notation to denote the predicted value of Y at the point A measure of the precision of the prediction, defined as the variance of , is expressed as:
Estimation of 2 is called the uth residual.
Let , u=1, …,N=number of experiments. is called the uth residual. For the general case where the fitted model contains p parameters, the total number of observations is N (N>p) and the matrix X is supposed of full column rank, the estimate, s2 of 2, is computed from: SSE is the sum of squared residuals. The divisor N-p is the degrees of freedom of the estimator s2. When the true model is given by Y=X+, then s2 is an unbiased estimator of 2.
The Analysis of variance table
The entries in the ANOVA table represent measures of information concerning the separate sources of variation in the data. The total variation in a set of data is called the total sum of square (SST): where is the mean of Y. The total sum of squares can be partitioned into two parts: The sum of squares dues to regression, SSR (or sum of squares explained by the fitted model) and the sum of squares unaccounted for by the fitted model, SSE (or the sum of squares of the residuals). and
Note that: SST = SSR + SSE
If the fitted model contains p parameters, then the number of degrees of freedom associated with SSR is p-1, and this associated with SSE, is N-p. Short-cut formulas for SST, SSR, and SSE are possible using matrix notation. Letting 1’ be a 1xN vector of ones, we have: Note that: SST = SSR + SSE
The usual test of the significance of the fitted regression equation is a test of the null hypothesis: H0: “all values of i (excluding 0) are zero”. The alternative hypothesis is Ha: “at least one value of i (excluding 0) is not zero”. Assuming normality of the errors, the test of H0 involves first calculating the value of the F-statistic where is called the mean square regression, and is called the mean square residual.
If the null hypothesis is true, the F-statistic follows an F-distribution with (p-1) and (N-p) degrees of freedom in the numerator and in the denominator, respectively. The second step of the test of H0 is to compare the value of F to the table value, F,p-1,N-p, which is the upper 100 percent point of the F-distribution with (p-1) and (N-p) degrees of freedom, respectively. If the observed value of F exceeds F,p-1,N-p, then the null hypothesis is rejected at the level of significance
An accompanying statistic to the F-statistic is the coefficient of determination:
The value of R2 is a measure of the proportion of total variation of the values of Yu about the mean explained by the fitted model. A related statistic, called the adjusted R2 statistic, is: or
Degrees of freedom (df) Due to regression (fitted model)
ANOVA table Source of variation Degrees of freedom (df) Sum of square (SS) Mean square (MS) F-statistic Due to regression (fitted model) p - 1 SSR MSR = SSR / (p-1) F= MSR / MSE Residual (error) N – p SSE MSE = SSE / (N-p) Total (variations) N – 1 SST
Tests of hypotheses concerning the individual parameters in the model
In general, tests of hypotheses concerning parameters in the proposed model are performed by comparing the parameter estimates in the fitted model to their respective estimated standard errors. Let us denote the least squares estimate of i by bi and the estimated standard error of bi by est.s.e.(bi). Then a test of the null hypothesis H0: i=0, is performed by calculating the value of the test statistic: and comparing the value of t against a table value, t, from the student-table.
The choice of the table value, t, depends on the alternative hypothesis, Ha, the level of significance, , and the degrees of freedom for t. If the alternative hypothesis is Ha: i ≠ 0, the test is called a two-sided test, and the value of t is taken from the column corresponding to t/2 in the table. If, on the other hand, the alternative hypothesis is Ha: i>0 or Ha: i<0, the test is a one sided test, and the value of t is taken from the column t in the table. The degrees of freedom for t are the degrees of freedom of s2 used in est.s.e.(bi). or
Testing lack of fit of the fitted model using replicated observations
In general, to say the fitted model is inadequate or is lacking in fit is to imply the proposed model does not contain a sufficient number of terms. This inadequacy of the model is due to either or both of the following causes: Factors (other than those in the proposed model) that are omitted from the proposed model but which affect the response, and or, The omission of higher-order terms involving the factors in the proposed model which are needed to adequately explain the behavior of the response.
Since in most modeling situations it is far easier from a design and analysis standpoint to upgrade (add terms to) the model in the factors already considered than to introduce new factors to the program, we shall assume also, upon detecting inadequacy of the fitted model, that the inadequacy is due to the omission of higher-order terms in the fitted model, case (2).
The test of adequacy (or zero lack of fit) of the fitted model requires two conditions be met regarding the collection (design) of the data values: The number of distinct design points, n, must exceed the number of terms in the fitted model. If the fitted model contains p terms, then n > p. An estimate of the experimental error variance that does not depend on the form of the fitted model is required. This can be achieved by collecting at least two replicate observations at one or more of the design points and calculating the variation among the replicates at each point.
In addition, we shall assume the random errors are normal and independently distributed with a common variance 2. When conditions (1) and (2) are met, the residual sum of squares, SSE, can be partitioned into two sources of variation: the variation among the replicates at those design points where replicates are collected, and the variation arising from the lack of fit of the fitted model.
The sum of squares due to the replicate observations is called the sum of squares for pure error (abbreviated, SSPE) and once calculated, it is then subtracted from the residual sum of squares to produce the sum of squares due to lack of fit (SSLOF).
To illustrate the partitioning of the residual sum of squares, let us first give a formula for calculating the pure error sum of squares. Denote the uth observation at the lth design point by Yul, where u=1,2,…,rl 1, l=1,2,…,n. Define to be the average of the rl observations at the lth design point. Then the sum of squares for pure error is calculated using: The degrees of freedom associated with SSPE is where N is the total number of observations.
The sum of squares due to lack of fit is found by subtraction: SSLOF = SSE - SSPE .
The degrees of freedom associated with obtained by subtraction is (N-p)-(N-n) = n-p. An expanded analysis-of-variance table that displays the partitioning of the residual sum of squares is the following one:
Source Df SS MS F-statistic Due to regression p - 1 SSR SSR / (p-1) Residual N-p SSE SSE / (N-p) Lack of fit n-p SSLOF MSLOF = SSLOF / (n-p) MSLOF / MSPE Pure error N-n SSPE MSPE = SSPE / (N-n) Total (variations) N-1 SST
The test of the null hypothesis of adequacy of fit (or lack of fit is zero) involves calculating the value of the F-ratio: and comparing the value of F with a table value of the Fisher distribution. Lack of fit can be detected, at the level of significance, if the value of F exceeds the table value, where the latter quantity is the upper 100 percentage point of the central F-distribution.
The use of the coded variables in the fitted model
The use of coded variables in place of the input variables facilitates the construction of experimental design. Coding removes the units of measurement of the input variables and as such distances measured along the axes of the coded variables in k-dimensional space are standardized (or defined in the same metric). Another advantages to using coded variables rather than the original input variables, when fitting polynomial models, are: computational ease and increased accuracy in estimating the model coefficients, and enhanced interpretability of the coefficient estimates in the model.
Part II
A - Procedure to determine optimum conditions steps of the method
This method permits find the settings of the input variables which produce the most desirable response values. These response values may be the maximum yield or the highest level of quality coming off the production line. Similarly, we may seek the variables settings that minimize the cost of marking the product. In any case, the set of values of the input variables which result in the most desirable response values is called the set of optimum conditions.
Steps of the method The strategy in developing an empirical model through a sequential program of experimentation is as follows: The simplest polynomial model is fitted (a first-order model) to a set of data collected at the points of a first-order design. If extra points are included from which data are collected and an estimate of the error variance is available, the model is tested for adequacy of fit. If the fitted first-order model is adequate, the information provided by the fitted model is used to locate areas in the experimental region, or outside the experimental region, but within the boundaries of the operability region, where more desirable values of the response are suspected to be.
3. In the new region, the cycle is repeated in that the first-order model is fitted and testing for adequacy of fit. If nonlinearity in the surface shape is detected through the test for lack of fit of the first-order model, the model is upgraded by adding cross-product terms and / or pure quadratic terms to it. The first-order design is likewise augmented with points to support the fitting of the upgraded model.
4. If curvature of the surface is detected and a fitted second-order model is found to be appropriate, the second-order model is used to map or describe the shape of the surface, through a contour plot, in the experimental region. If the optimal or most desirable response values are found to be within the boundaries of the experimental region, then locating the best values as well as the settings of the input variables that produce the best response values in the next order of business.
5. Finally, in the region where the most desirable response values are suspected to be found, additional experiments are performed to verify that this is so. Once the location of the most desirable response values is determined, the shape of the response surface in the immediate neighborhood of the optimum is described.
B- Illustration of the method against an example
For simplicity of presentation we shall assume there is only one response variable to be studied although in practice there can be several response variables that are under investigation simultaneously.
Experience In a particular chemical reaction setting, the temperature, X1 , and the length of time, X2 , of the reaction are known to affect the reaction rate and thus the percent yield. An experimenter, interested in determining if an increase in the percent yield is possible, decides to perform a set of experiments by varying the reaction temperature and reaction time while holding all other factors fixed.
The initial set of experiments consists of looking at two levels of temperature (70° and 90°) and two levels of time (30 sec and 90 sec). The response of interest is the percent yield, which is recorded in terms of the amount of residual material burned off during the reaction resulting in a measure of the purity of the end product. The process currently operates in a range of percent purity between 55 % and 75 %, but il is felt that a higher percent yield is possible.
Design 1 – Fitting first order model
For the initial set of experiments, the two-variable model to be fitted is: Each of the four temperature-time settings, 70°-30 sec, 70°-90 sec, 90°-30 sec, 90°-90 sec, is replicated twice and the percent yield recorded for each of the eight trials. The measured yield values associated with each temperature-time combination are listed in the following table:
x1 and x2 are the coded variables which are defined as:
Original variables Coded variables Percent yield Temperature X1 (C°) Time X2 (sec.) x1 x2 Y 70 30 -1 49.8 48.1 90 1 57.3 52.3 65.7 69.4 73.1 77.8 x1 and x2 are the coded variables which are defined as:
Representation of the first design
The remaining term, , represents random error in the yield values.
First-order model Expressed in terms of the coded variables, the observed percent yield values are modeled as: The remaining term, , represents random error in the yield values. The eight observed percent yield values, when expressed as function of the levels of the coded variables, in matrix notation, are: Y = X +
Matrix form =
Estimations The estimates of the coefficients in the first-order model are found by solving the normal equations: The estimates are: The fitted first-order model in the coded variables is:
ANOVA table – design 1 Source Degrees of freedom d.f. Sum of squares
SS Mean square F Model 2 63.71 Residual 5 6.7873 Lack of fit 1 2.1013 0.264 Pure error 4 7.9588
Test of adequacy To perform a test on the adequacy of the fitted model, the errors in the observed percent yield values are assumed to be distributed normally with mean zero and variance and variance 2. The value of the lack of fit test statistic is F = Since this value not exceed the table value F1;4;0.05 = 7.71, we do not have sufficient evidence to doubt the adequacy of the fitted model. In the next steep the fitted model is tested to see if it explains a significant amount of the variation in the observed percent yield values.
Global test of parameters
This test is equivalent to testing the null hypothesis, or that both temperature and time have zero or no effect on percent yield. The test is highly significant since the corresponding value of the test statistic is F = > F2;5;0.01 =13.27. Hence, one or both of the parameters, 1 and 2 , are non zero.
Individual tests of parameters
At this point in the model development, tests are performed on the magnitudes of the separate effects of temperature and time on percent yield to see if both terms b1x1 and b2x2, are needed in the fitted model. To do that the Student-test is used. For the test of: we have And for we have Each of the null hypotheses is rejected at the = 0.05 level of significance owing to the calculated values, 3.73 and 10.65, being greater in absolute value than the tabled value, T5;0.025 =2.571.
We infer, therefore, that both temperature and time have an effect on percent yield.
Furthermore, since both b1 and b2 are positive, the effects are positive. Thus, by raising either the temperature or time of reaction, this produced a significant increase in percent yield.
Second stage of the sequential program
At this point in the analysis and in view of the objective of the experiment, which is to find the temperature and time settings that maximize the percent yield, the experimenter quite naturally might ask, “If additional experiments can be performed, at what settings of temperature and time should the additional experiments be run?” To answer this question, we enter the second stage of our sequential program of experimentation.
Contour plots The fitted model:
can now be used to map values of the estimated response surface over the experimental region. This response surface is a hyper-plane; their contour plots are lines in the experimental region. The contour lines are drawn by connecting two points (coordinate settings of x1 and x2) in the experimental region that produce the same value of
In the figure above are shown the contour lines of the estimated planar surface for percent yield corresponding to values of = 55, 60, 65 and 70 %.
The direction of tilt of the estimated percent yield planar surface is indicated by the direction of the arrow which is drawn perpendicular to the surface contour lines. The arrow points upward and to the right indicating that higher values of the response are expected by increasing the values of x1 and x2 each above +1. This action corresponds to increasing the temperature of the reaction above 90°C and increasing the time of reaction above 90 sec. These recommendations comprise the beginning steps in a series of single experiments to be performed along the path of steepest ascent up the surface.
Performing experiments along the path of steepest ascent
The steepest ascent procedure consists of performing a sequence of experiments along the path of maximum increase in response. (Reminder: the direction is dependent on the scale of the coded variables). The procedure begins by approximating the response surface using an equation of a hyper-plane. The information provided by the estimated hyper-plane is used to determine a direction toward which one may expect to observe increasing values of the response. As one moves up the surface of increasing response values and approaches a region where curvature in the surface is present, the increase in the response values will eventually level off at the highest point of the surface in the particular direction. If one continues in this direction and the surface height decreases, a new set of experiments is performed and again the first-order model is fitted. A new direction toward increasing values of the response is determined from which another sequence of experiments along the path toward increasing values is performed. This sequence of trials continues until it becomes evident that little or no additional increase in response can be achieved from the method.
Description of the method of steepest ascent
To describe the method of steepest ascent mathematically, we begin by assuming the true response surface can be approximated locally with an equation of a hyper-plane Data are collected from the points of a first-order design and the data are used to calculate the coefficient estimates to obtain the fitted first-order model
subject to the constraint
The next step is to move away from the center of the design, a distance of r units, say, in the direction of the maximum increase in the response. By choosing the center of the design in the coded variable to be denoted by O(0, 0, …, 0), then movement from the center r units away is equivalent to find the values of which maximize subject to the constraint Maximization of the response function is performed by using Lagrange multipliers. Let where is the Lagrange multiplier.
To maximize subject to the above-mentioned constraint, first we set equal to zero the partial derivatives i=1,…,k and Setting the partial derivatives equal to zero produces: i =1,…,k, and The solutions are the values of xi satisfying or i = 1,…,k, where the value of is yet to be determined. Thus the proposed next value of xi is directly proportional to the value of bi.
Let us the change in Xi be noted by i , and the change in xi be noted by i. The coded variables is obtained by these formulas where (respectively si) is the mean (respectively the standard deviation) of the two levels of Xi . Thus , then or
Let us illustrate the procedure with the first-order model:
that was fitted early to the percent yield values in our example. To the change in X2, 2=45 sec. corresponds the change in x2, 2=45/30=1.5 units. In the relation , we can substitute i to xi: , thus and 1 = 0.526, so 1=0.526*10=5.3°C .
The first point on the path of steepest ascent, therefore, is located at the coordinates (x1, x2)=(0.53, 1.5), which corresponds to the settings in the original variables of (X1, X2) = (85.3, 105). Additional experiments are now performed along the path of steepest ascent at points corresponding to the increments of distances 1.5 i, 2 i, 3 i, and 4 i (i=1,2). The table below lists the coordinates of these points and the corresponding observed percent yield values.
Observed percent yield
Points along the path of steepest ascent and observed percent yield values at the points Temperature X1 (°C) Time X2 (sec.) Observed percent yield Base 80.0 60 i 5.3 45 Base + i 85.3 105 74.3 Base i 87.95 127.5 78.6 Base + 2 I 90.6 150 83.2 Base + 3 i 95.9 195 84.7 Base + 4 i 101.2 240 80.1
The observed percent yield values increase to a value of 84
The observed percent yield values increase to a value of 84.7 % at the setting in X1 and X2 of 95.9 °C and 195 sec, respectively, and then the value drop to 80.1 % at X1 = °C and X2 = 240 sec. Our thinking at this moment is that either the temperature of °C is too high or the length of time of 240 sec is too long and therefore additional experimentation along the path at higher values of X1 and X2 would not be useful. The decision is made to conduct a second group of experiments and again fit a first-order model. The table below list the points of the design two with two replicate yield values were collected at each of the four factorial combinations along with a second replicated observation at the center point.
Design two: For this design the coded variables are defined as:
Sequence of experimental trials performed in moving to a region of high percent yield values Design two: For this design the coded variables are defined as: x1 x2 X1 X2 % yield -1 85.9 165 82.9; 81.4 +1 105.9 87.4; 89.5 225 74.6; 77.0 84.5; 83.1 95.9 195 84.7; 81.9
The corresponding analysis of variance is:
The fitted model corresponding to the group of experiments of design two is: The corresponding analysis of variance is: Source d.f. SS MS F Model 2 81.372 42.34 Residual 7 13.455 1.922 Lack of fit 2.345 1.173 0.53 Pure error 5 11.110 2.222 Total (variations) 9 176.2
The test for lack of fit of this model produced an F value of F = 0
The test for lack of fit of this model produced an F value of F = 0.53, which is not significant. The test of significance of the fitted model produced a highly significant F=42.34 value. Thus, the information obtained from this fitted model is used to obtain a new direction in which to perform additional experiments in seeking higher percent yield values. The table below lists the sequence of experimental trials that were performed in the direction two:
sequence of experimental trials that were performed in the direction two:
Steps x1 x2 X1 X2 % yield 1 Base + I +1 - 0.77 105.9 171.9 89.0 2 Base + 2 I +2 - 1.54 115.9 148.8 90.2 3 Base + 3 I +3 - 2.31 125.9 125.7 87.4 4 Base + 4 I +4 - 3.08 135.9 102.6 82.6
Retreat to center + 2 i and proceed in direction three
Steps x1 x2 X1 X2 % yield 5 Replicated 2 +2 - 1.54 115.9 148.8 91.0 6 +3 - 0.77 125.9 171.9 93.6 7 +4 135.9 195 96.2 8 +5 0.77 145.9 218.1 92.9
Set up design three using points of steps 6, 7, and 8 along with the following two points:
x1 x2 X1 X2 % yield 9 +3 0.77 125.9 218.1 91.7 10 +5 - 0.77 145.9 171.9 92.5 11 Replicated 7 +4 135.9 195 97.0 Center of design is (X1; X2)=(135.9; 195) Fitted model using percent yield values in steps 6 – 11: This model is considered not adequate.
Moore explanations The figure above shows the sequence of experiments performed by numbering the points which are listed as steps 1 – 11 in the least table, where steps 1 – 4 represent the experimental trials taken along the second direction of steepest ascent. Step 5 denotes a return to the point in step 2 and replicating the experiment to validate the previously high percent yield value. In fact, at step 6 the coded values of the temperature and time combinations are +1, +1, respectively, in a ¾ replicate of a factorial design consisting of the points at steps 1, 3, and 6, with the point at step 5 as center. Upon observing a higher percent yield at step 6 than at step 5, steps 7 and 8 represent additional experiments performed along a third direction defined by the line joining the points of steps 5 and 6. The choice of this third direction represents a deviation from the conventional steepest ascent (or descent) approach and was undertaken in an attempt to reduce the amount of work required in setting up a complete factorial experiment with center at point 5 and the subsequent fitting of another first-order model.
Design three was set up using the point at step 7 as its center
Design three was set up using the point at step 7 as its center. It includes steps 6 – 11. If we redefine the coded variables: and then the fitted first-order model is: The corresponding analysis of variance table is:
ANOVA table source d.f. SS MS F Model 2 0.5650 0.2825 0.04 Residual 3
7.3944 total 5 It is obvious from the ANOVA table that the least model does not explain a significant amount of the overall variation in the percent yield values, and it is necessary to fit a curved surface.
Fitting a second-order model
A second-order model in k variables is of the form: The number of terms in the model above is p=(k+1)(k+2)/2; for example, when k=2 then p=6. Let us return to the chemical reaction example of the previous section. To fit a second-order model (k=2), we must perform some additional experiments.
Central composite rotatable design
Suppose that four additional experiments are performed, one at each of the axial settings (x1,x2): These four design settings along with the four factorial settings: (-1,-1); (-1,1); (1,-1); (1,1) and center point comprise a central composite rotatable design. The percent yield values and the corresponding nine design settings are listed in the table below:
Central composite rotatable design
Percent yield values at the nine points of a central composite rotatable design
The fitted second-order model, in the coded variables, is:
The analysis is detailed in this table, using the RSREG procedure in the SAS software:
SAS output 1
Moore explanations The test for adequacy of fit of the fitted model produced an F value (= lack of fit mean square/pure error mean square) less than 1, which is clearly not significant. The pure quadratic coefficient estimates are each highly significant (p<0.001), which indicates that surface curvature is present in the observed percent yield values. With the fitted second-order model, we can predict percent yield values for values of x1 and x2 inside the region of experimentation. The table below show some predicted percent yield values and their variances:
SAS output 2
Response surface and the contour plot
Moore explanations The contours of the response surface, showing above, represent predicted yield values of 95.0 to 96.5 percent in steps of 0.5 percent. The contours are elliptical and centered at the point (x1; x2)=( ; ) or (X1; X2)=(135.85°C; sec). The coordinates of the centroid point are called the coordinates of the stationary point. From the contour plot we see that as one moves away from the stationary point, by increasing or decreasing the values of either temperature or time, the predicted percent yield (response) value decreases.
Determining the coordinates of the stationary point
A near stationary region is defined as a region where the surface slopes (or gradients along the variables axes) are small compared to the estimate of experimental error. The stationary point of a near stationary region is the point at which the slope of the response surface is zero when taken in all direction. The coordinates of the stationary point are calculated by differentiating the estimated response equation with respect to each xi, equating these derivatives to zero, and solving the resulting k equations simultaneously.
Remember that the fitted second-order model in k variables is:
To obtain the coordinates of the stationary point, let us write the above model using matrix notation, as:
where and
Some details The partial derivatives of with respect to x1, x2, …, xk are :
Moore details Setting each of the k derivatives equal to zero and solving for the values of the xi, we find that the coordinate of the stationary point are the values of the elements of the kx1 vector x0 given by: At the stationary point, the predicted response value, denoted by , is obtained by substituting x0 for x:
Return to our example The fitted second-order model was: so the stationary point is: In the original variables, temperature and time of the chemical reaction example, the setting at the stationary point are: temperature=135.85°C and time= sec. And the predicted percent yield at the stationary point is:
Moore details Note that the elements of the vector x0 do not tell us anything about the nature of the surface at the stationary point. This nature can be a minimum, a maximum or a mini_max point. For each of these cases, we are assuming that the stationary point is located inside the experimental region. When, on the other hand, the coordinates of the stationary point are outside the experimental region, then we might have encountered a rising ridge system or a falling ridge system, or possibly a stationary ridge.
Nest Step The next step is to turn our attention to expressing the response system in canonical form so as to be able to describe in greater detail the nature of the response system in the neighborhood of the stationary point.
The canonical Equation of a Second-Order Response System
The first step in developing the canonical equation for a k-variable system is to translate the origine of the system from the center of the design to the stationary point, that is, to move from (x1,x2,…,xk)=(0,0,…,0) to x0. This is done by defining the intermediate variables (z1,z2,…,zk)=(x1-x10,x2-x20,…,xk-xk0) or z=x-x0. Then the second-order response equation is expressed in terms of the values of zi as:
This transformation is a rotation of the zi axes to form the wi axes.
Now, to obtain the canonical form of the predicted response equation, let us define a set of variables w1,w2,…,wk such that W’=(w1,w2,…,wk) is given by where M is a kxk orthogonal matrix whose columns are eigenvectors of the matrix B. The matrix M has the effect of diagonalyzing B, that is, where 1,2,…,k are the corresponding eigenvalues of B. The axes associated with the variables w1,w2,…,wk are called the principal axes of the response system. This transformation is a rotation of the zi axes to form the wi axes.
It is easy to see that if 1,2,…,k are:
So we obtain the canonical equation: The eigenvalues i are real-valued (since the matrix B is a real-valued, symmetric matrix) and represent the coefficients of the terms in the canonical equation. It is easy to see that if 1,2,…,k are: 1) All negative, then at x0 the surface is a maximum. 2) All positive, then at x0 the surface is a minimum. 3) Of mixed signs, that is, some are positive and the others are negative, then x0 is a saddle point of the fitted surface. The canonical equation for the percent yield surface is:
Moore details The magnitude of the individual values of the i tell how quickly the surface height changes along the Wi axes as one moves away from x0. Today there are computer software packages available that perform the steps of locating the coordinates of the stationary point, predict the response at the stationary point, and compute the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors.
For example, the solution for optimum response generated from PROC RSREG of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) for the chemical reaction data, is in following table:
Contours and optimal direction New series of experiments
Recapitulate Process to optimize Contours and optimal direction Input and output variables Experiments in the Optimal direction Experimental and Operational regions Locate a new Experimental region Series of experiments New series of experiments Yes Fitting First-order model Fitting First-order model Model Adequate ? Model Adequate ? Yes Fitting a Second-order model No No
Bibliography André KHURI and John CORNELL: “Response Surfaces – Designs and Analyses” , Dekker, Inc., ASQC Quality Press, New York. Irwin GUTTMAN: “Linear Models: An Introduction”, John Wiley & Sons, New York. George BOX, William HUNTER & J. Stuart HUNTER: “Statistics for experimenters: An Introduction to Design, Data Analysis, and Model Building” , John Wiley & Sons, New York. George BOX & Norman DRAPPER: “Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces” , John Wiley & Sons, New York.
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